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Everything posted by EaglePrince

  1. This is bad, because AI lords wouldn't build the same castles after each restart, so not all of us would fight under same conditions. Also, you didn't say what settings should we choose - give them 8,000 gold, or..? Maybe it would be better to pick a Crusader Trail mission, but even then you don't know if the player wasn't using any other types of troops. Still, regarding my last statement, I do not expect from anyone from here to do something dishonorable like that.
  2. Thanks Charles for that info, I just tried it, and it works great! All hail Gaben! :D By the way, I spoke to Charles a minute ago, he also told me that Steam overlay doesn't work in multiplayer unless the player has Steam version of the game. Still, this is very useful for multiplayer games. I am thinking about installing Steam version on my PC now, though the only thing which could stop me from that is if I may not be able to use AI manager with the Steam version.
  3. This has become even more interested, I'm subscribing to this topic, and I shall wait for the answer. :D
  4. You and your ally did a good job there. By the way, he (or she) picked interesting name in the game, and something tells me it's not Little Finger, but some other Finger, since you blurred it. :P
  5. That's interesting, I thought knowing Latin could help you in learning Russian (or any other Slavic language). I mean, the languages are far from similar, but what is really interesting to me - grammars of the two languages have a lot of that in common.
  6. Well, yeah, we also have similar rules, and it would be really a mess for someone who tries to learn it. We have seven cases of nous, and it works similar as in Latin language. I suppose in many cases it is easy to learn, but we have rules about changing voices while changing a noun through cases. Sometimes we skip some letters, and sometimes we change some voices, such as when D switches to T. Even I make a mistake now and then, and my girlfriend corrects me. :D But if you want to learn such a language, you can easily learn it enough so we could understand you, and so you could understand us as well, while by the time you would learn it better. I'd say that compared to our languages, English is a paradise - like it was invented to be learned easily. :)
  7. I hope that it won't come to that, as whatever people thought, not allowing kids to learn in their native language would be against their civil right (or however you call it). Here where I live there are many schools in which minorities learn in their native languages.
  8. Well, yeah, I agree it would be bad to split any country, and so it applies in this case with Wales and UK. Regarding Welsh language, maybe Welsh being independent could change that. Actually, that could be changed anyway - with education. I think you should be proud of your language, you are one of the original Britons, and this is the language which was spoken before Saxons landed on Britain. One could say "it's history, it means nothing", but it is a lot - you are "the true descendants of King Arthur", not those who speak English as their native language. You are what is left of Celts! I could keep numbering reasons why people in your country should proudly speak their language, but I guess I could stop here. I'm sad that it's the current state in your country. I hope it will get better. For some reason people nowadays appreciate what is modern and "what is cool", but in my opinion it is mostly a matter of educations.
  9. I hope not, but I could just say that I believe that once people have their occupation (their work), and when they can live well, they will not care about religion. If you go around destroying countries, you can only expect from them to fight you back the only way they can, and that would not be the way you would prefer. Look at all those countries in Near East - they were better with their dictators then it is now. Those were countries of educated and well living people, just look at Libya. Now there is chaos, and what is more - this is effecting Europe as well.
  10. That would be great, I will make a gaming event as soon as I find some time for that, and that could be in less than a week, or during the next week.
  11. I don't think that is a problem. In fact, you could make it like this to make it more interesting: the two players have two cities next to each other. City of player 1 declares war to a city of player 2. Then both of players can lose their cities, and in case of stalemate none of them loses their cities. This would make it somewhat more realistic as well. Indeed, if you attack, and the opponent cripples your troops in the battlefield, there's nothing to stop the attacked player to march into counter attack and take what over some of the attacker cities. Only in our case that could be only one city from which the attack was launched. In our interpretations we could say that the attacked one cannot easily go further, because other cities are garrisoned.
  12. There is also another point of view from poorer countries - that only advantages from EU have those rich countries. EU makes rules which have to be obeyed by produces (of whatever), and producers from richer countries have more resources to satisfy those rules. Villagers from poorer countries don't have money to buy some equipment which is expensive from them, plus they don't get any help from the state which hardly manages to help itself and its bureaucrats ("poor bureaucrats"). Of course, I don't say that it is true. Those who talk about this somehow avoid to tell how it comes that out villagers cannot compete with those from richer countries when we have cheaper workforce, while products of both of them are sold by almost the same price... I just pointed this example how there are so many of them convincing people how EU is "bad for you" in your country and in mine, but by opposite arguments. So we certainly have some demagoguery here, but people can bite it because they don't know all of the facts, they know what they were served... And still, I cannot say for sure whether EU is bad for us or not. One you surely noticed - I would really love to see European peoples united and acting together! I am sure you feel the same, the only question which remains is whether EU as it is today is exactly what we want or something else. From what it is supposed to be, we should only have benefits from it - working together, exchanging our goods without customs, ensuring that what is sold to us is of better quality, etc... Of course, there is a "danger" that one of the members could become poor at certain moment, and people from there could start leaving that country to other European countries. But even in that case - the reason why this country became poor may be because of EU, would that be fair to leave that people behind, like "we bough your resources, we sucked all your blood, now get lost"... So, there is that other purpose of EU - to unite countries together. Is that worth sacrificing... Keep in mind that if you don't offer them something, they may just turn to other great powers, such as China or Russia... What do Ukrainians fight for... Would that be what you want... Though I do not question UK's point when it comes protecting their borders.
  13. I have another suggestion. Why would one of the players have to win? :) Maybe we could make a rule like "if one doesn't manage to defeat his opponent in two hours, that is a stalemate". I am not too much familiar with Crusader 2 tactics, but isn't it possible for players to try to rush their opponents, or anything - just to stop him from turtleing? You could also fix this by putting some of the resources out of players territories, so no one could wall himself with his farms and quarries in a corner of a map. This way, the attacker could raid the farms from around the besieged player, and by the time the one who doesn't want to fight on the field would suffer a defeat. Don't you agree?
  14. Why do you mean sharia law?
  15. Yeah, I don't know much about graphic cards, but for some reason the memory isn't the only thing that matters. Fortunately to us, I can say that I am amazed by how Stronghold 3 and Crusader 2 work with my new GeForce GT 730, which was, I must admit, one of the four cheapest options I had, after I decided to buy a 2GB graphic card. I would love to try Stronghold 3 in multiplayer now, but I just can't manage to find some time. :( Oh, and those walls and buildings that can be oriented in any direction are awesome, and the way how destroying walls work, it's just great, too bad Firefly abandoned that idea. Hopefully, they did it only to accomplish better optimization of Crusader 2. Truth to be told, I was one of those people here, and on several other forums which were saying "come on, we don't care about 3D and all that, just give us a 2D game with units collision" though I still think it would be awesome if we had that. That would make field battles way more interesting - especially considering that since Stronghold 2 fighting your enemies outside your castle is really really important part of the game.
  16. Exactly, I also think we should close this discussions, or perhaps even delete it. We shouldn't discuss on politics. I realize you didn't have politics in mind, but that's where it's going. Also, considering that each of us know too little about this matter, this is almost like discussion about which religion is better. This is only a matter of opinion, right now none of us knows what is for the best. Still, I have to point out that no harm has been done here because of this discussion, but that is mostly because we know each other for a long time, and we respect each other. If by any chance there were more people in this conversation, it could have got out of hand.
  17. Chris, you still talk as if England owns everything which belongs to UK. Also, you keep talking like one has completely no benefits of EU, which is not true. Whether there are more benefits than disadvantages, I don't know, I still believe that you don't know all the facts. You are all influenced by your media, and you know what you "need" to know. It's the same with me, and it's same everywhere. The only thing I can say for sure is that someone does have some benefits from UK leaving EU, but that doesn't mean UK has benefits of that too. Similar to Scotland, you keep watching them like they are infants who couldn't handle on their own. There are about 5mil Scots if I am not mistaken, and about 55mil Englishmen, so even if England has 11 as much resources as Scotland does, it's hard for me to believe that Scotland doesn't have enough to survive. You also mentioned law - why would they have to invent everything right now on their own, they can simply keep having the laws from UK, and later just change some of them if they will. Regarding studies, isn't there a possibility for some of the best students to get scholarship? In Serbia on each program there is a number of places which are funded bu the country, and if it is about 30 places, and 50 of them applies, those 30 betters ones would be able to pay tuition fee. Also, if 25 of them apply, some still may not get this privilege, as there are some minimum conditions which have to be satisfied. I would also like to add that you cannot compare Scotland to Turkey or Macedonia.
  18. Well, as I don't have time to read how UK works, I will just assume that certain amount money from taxes goes to UK, and then UK decides how much to give to each of the countries. This way Scotland gets a certain amount of money, which they decide to invest in educations. It seems that, if educations in England isn't free, then it is because English government wanted it like that. Maybe Chris will correct me, but Chris, don't spend too much of your time in that. :) Now, when it comes to Scotland for example, they would most certainly get into EU if they want to almost instantly. They are already a member of EU, so they don't have to adopt much - like it is the case with Serbia. I know it can p**s people off when "their money" is being sent away to somebody else, and then later those other guys decide how much "to give them". And yes, I agree that I know nothing. :D But I would only add this - during 2000's (which are the years that I remember better, during 90's I was a kid), there was a lot of discussions what should be done, and what would not. Younger people (who frequently consider themselves to be the smarter ones for some reason) were following what politicians were talking more, while the elders (like my grandfather) used to be more cautious saying "this isn't going to be good", and those elders turned out to be right. Of course, some basic stuff were noticed by the younger as well, but still - those younger people were supporting these stuff which turned out to be bad for us. Yes, we all know how to use logic, but by using wrong facts one can prove anything without making a logical mistake, and there's the problem - there's too much of that which we do not know, even if everything was transparent! We don't have the time to read all those stuff on hundreds and thousands of pages on daily basis - we have other priorities, and that is how to live for another day.
  19. OK, so Scotland gets a lot of money from UK, but from how you said it, it's like the money isn't from UK but from England. You have four states (or however you call them), and each of them gets something from UK, while it also gives a lot to UK. The same way is with England - England gives to UK, and it gets something back, while it decides on it own how to spend the money. It's not that you give some charity to Scotland, UK just gives them something back. Sure, at some moments it can be that they get more than they give, and at another moment it can be different - it's the way it is when several states are united. I don't know if I wrote it here, Chris, I wanted, but I think I deleted that... Local politicians are always like "they take away our money, give us back our money", while they actually want to do what they want to do - without being control, and all that for their own wallets, not so much for being patriots. As someone who live where Yugoslavia used to be, I can only say - screw those politicians, don't let yourself be influenced by them! Same applies to Scotland, same applies to UK. Now you have six banana republics - Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia, and each of us is irrelevant, and we are being treated accordingly. Believe it or not, it does matter how your country is treated - it does effect the quality of your living. In case of UK, England has most of population, but still, the other countries have their own resources, which you will lose if they separate. Similar to the other three, a country with population of 5 million is irrelevant compared to being a part of a 65 million people country.
  20. This seems like an interesting contest, and right now I am have even better idea. We could make a map with cities instead of territories (or it could be territories with their cities), with all roads that we allow to be traveled by armies. Then, we could "imagine" a huge world with all those territories, but this world being too huge would not be able to be covered by the largest map size in the game. For this reason we would make a certain number of maps, and those maps together would be covering our world. Then, we split these cities among each other, and we start fighting! We would play it as Risiko for example. In each step, one player can attack another, and conquer a territory. For this reason it may be interesting to have some prebuild castles on those maps - but only with basic stuff and weak defenses (no workshops or economy buildings, unless few of them - just to make it look better), unless it is a capitol city maybe. Also, we can make this world symmetrical, so there wouldn't be too much maps to make. Maybe this could be an interesting suggestion to Firefly - it would be great if we could copy/paste the entire peaces of landscape. This would be great for stuff like this, though we could do it even without that as well. What do you say? This could be done in any Stronghold game!
  21. Haha, it needs a clean install. :D
  22. Unfortunately I haven't found a solution to this issue. The one who have us the more (the one who owns the YouTube channel) said that he doesn't have this issue, and that his enemies do build siege camps, but I don't know enough details. Maybe I could give a try with Steam version of the game stoner time later...
  23. While I agree with you, I believe you may be too worried right now. What happens to the pound is not so much a danger, it's a short term thing which was expected. I mean, right now people in world are worried about what will happen to pound, and they are trying to get rid of it (in case UK falls apart), so the value of pound drops. At least that's how I see it, and it is a short term thing. Regarding lies, we in Serbia are experienced with lies. ;) They lie to you as soon as they open their mouth. :D Even now you don't know the facts. The thing is that someone wanted you to leave EU, he put some money in it, and that's all. F*ck democracy, it's only about those who have money to sponsor professional liars aka politicians. I don't have another system to offer though, but you know what I mean... And even if it was about people deciding, how the hell would they know what is the best! Nobody has enough time to read all those tiny letters, etc... About controlling your border - no, you (the British) are not wrong! What is the purpose of the border, if anyone can enter however they want? Fine, you want to help those people who flee from war, but this is not the right way. EU doesn't defend their borders, and that's what p****d the people off. Surely you can understand that. EU has made a huge mistake, and they they payed the price for it. Even Tramp isn't entirely wrong, when he says he would send away all ILLEGAL migrants, there's nothing wrong in that. Consider that you may be the one affected by media right now. I'm just saying that as an observer. You have build a well functioning system, and in order to keep it working so well, you must not let everyone in. Look at the example of my city, and the province in which I live. Until 1950's, and especially until 1990's a lot of people came here, and now they have influence in controlling the city. Many of them don't care about the legacy, they care about nothing, they destroy some of our oldest buildings in order to build some glassy c**p, they destroy old houses which were under cities protections on order to do whatever... They have destroyed an Armenian church in the center of the city in order to make a boulevard. I mean, WTF! When you accept someone, be aware of the fact that they will come with their mentality, and if they are in larger numbers, they will be able to change what you are - to destroy what you love, because you cannot give someone permission to live and work in UK, but not to give him the voting right. If he doesn't get the right, his kids will have it, and if they don't get it - that would be discrimination. I realize that this what I said in the previous paragraph will sound to you that I share opinions of Donald Trump, but I am not. I am also accepting people who are from different countries, and I actually like meeting such people. You must understand that the truth is somewhere in between (or maybe not even there), and the reality is that you are very likely not to be able to pick the best choice. Even if there was an honest politician, the other ones would destroy him like piranhas. Also, I hope that you do realize that this may not be a definite thing. Now after this they need to negotiate about UK leaving EU, and who knows what will happen, what would be offered to UK, etc... Maybe in the end you do stay in EU. Maybe this makes Europe to change in the way which is preferred by the people! And don't think that you are not sticking with your allies if you're not in EU. Your traditional allies are still with you, and you're with them, and you're not obligated to open your borders to any people who were accepted in some other country. You have that right.
  24. You may try to see at Stronghold Heaven those AI castles made by Doomsword. I also made several corrections to Williams castles. Like this it is way more exciting to play.
  25. Hello, Kian. How exactly does AI act? Does he send any troops upon your castle? In my case AI lords do attack me, but they don't besiege my castle. They don't build siege camps, so they just keep sending their troops in small groups which I destroy too much easily. Also, they don't send laddermen, but they do send catapults, though with no affect - like this they are too much easy to destroy. Is this what you meant, or they just sit around in their castle doing nothing?
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