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Everything posted by EaglePrince

  1. I know this is off topic, but that map really looks great! Is it a Firefly's map, or a user made one? It looks like really enjoyable to play - even if you get defeated in the end. :p
  2. Great to hear that. Today we'll have it for great gameplay, and another time we will have the final version with landscape and with great gameplay. :)
  3. I'm not sure if I understood your message correctly. I'm not sure if you are going to make a four player Colosseum map or not.:-) But yeah, if it's going to be only Nigel and me, then we wouldn't need a four player map right now. Unless you would like to join us as well! And of course, from what I've seen, even your "quick maps" look great.:-)
  4. I guess we got too excited that we forgot that you haven't made the four player Colosseum map yet. :)
  5. I'm OK with 14:00 GMT (which would be 15:00 by Central European Timezone).
  6. Interesting, so you had the first Colosseum multiplayer game! :) Glad to hear you had some great time - I also hope we will be able to play this in four, or something like that. :)
  7. Now need for that, you can press P on your keyboard to unpause the game, and then the game starts without stockpile being placed.
  8. I agree with Chris! And once again, what you did now is great, I am pretty sure that something like this has no one done before.
  9. That is great to hear! Those buildings could be put in some corners, and you could make them look like small villages in forest or something like that. Regarding siege equipment, I believe that we share the opinion that this type of map is better without them. You could make some small fortifications if it is possible to train laddermen, and then they would be the only unit which could help us in conquering a castle estate.
  10. Wow, this is great! I usually don't like Colosseum type of maps, but this is great. Would that be possible to make a large map like this? I fear it is not, but even it is not the case - it works great, and I believe it could work well with up to four players. Plus, you made it with awesome landscape! Maybe some more stuff could be done, such as being able to produce weapons in villages or something like that. I believe that on this type of map in the end we will all turn to mercenary units mostly. Of course, I would love to play games like this even this way, it seams awesome!
  11. Well, now I saw your time, you made it in 1226, so our times are pretty similar, you did great too. :) Another thing I used, and it seems that you did not, are war dogs. They were really efficient against crossbowmen which would be way harder to kill otherwise. Only, as far as I remember, after war dogs are used the player needs to kill the dogs on their own as they would go on attacking villagers. At least that's how I think it works in skirmish games if I am not mistaken? In this scenario they worked differently - after the attackers are killed they come back into their cages, and there they stay until the next attack. This way they seem way more useful. Did you know about this?
  12. This sounds like really interesting challenge, I'd love to give it a try. Now I feel sorry I didn't bring a laptop with me with Stronghold Crusader installed on it. Still, I'm coming back from Greece on Friday, and on Saturday I should be home, and have some time to give it a try. It would be better if I could stay here some time longer, but what the heck, I should be able to answer on this challenge, so I've got that going for me. :-)
  13. I agree, it should be putting the "/" together with the rest of the link within url tag. I just meant to let you know - in case you could implement some kind of forwarding. (I don't imply you should do it, but we could expect that issue like this appears somewhere else too.) I have similar issue with Outlook mail client for Windows 10. Regarding Outlook, I will write a feedback to Microsoft about that, this app it's still being developed, so it might be fixed.
  14. For example, if you simply copy and paste a link for a map submitted to Stronghold Nation at Stronghold Heaven forum (that is without using the url bbcode tags), and if you later click on the posted link there, the visitor would get error 404 - the same one as you could see if you click on the link above without "/" symbol. Obviously it's not just me, It happened to PCdania at Stronghold Heaven as well in a tread for off topic stuff. Only I fixed the link yesterday. It was in this tread. http://stronghold.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/forum/display.cgi?action=ct&f=5,3944,,10 Btw, it happens in different browsers like Edge, Firefox, Chrome...
  15. Hi, I have seen before that I have some issues with Stronghold Nation links, but I wasn't sure was it about SHN or about the browser or email client. Now I figured out what was the issue. When you give us a link like this: www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/367-a-kings-game/ sometimes it loads the link without "/" at the end (like this: www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/367-a-kings-game ). When the page loads without the "/" symbol, error 404 shows up. I still don't know if this is something that needs to be solved at Stronghold Nation, but I'm just letting you know. :)
  16. Unfortunately, I have been too busy this week, I haven't managed to make anything, and I still have t finish something, so I won't be able to submit any entry. :( On the good side, I passed my ninth exam this week (of twelve).
  17. It is going to be an interesting kingmaker map. I'm not sure though how would it work in multiplayer, as there are four castle estates, and several of them are bordering. Still, we could make it if we all agree not to build castle structures too close an enemy borders. Then it would be interesting in multiplayer as well. :)
  18. Thanks, Chris! :) And, yes, Nigel, it would have been more interesting if you were taking part as well, but yes, hopefully there will be many other interesting missions such as this one. Chris, I hope you could give us a mission to defeat William (or Williams) using only archers, swordsmen, and laddermen. :) William should be with fixed castle made by myself and by Doomsword, and it could be another combination, such as pikemen instead of swordsmen, etc...
  19. It looks really nice. Can we see the minimap before it's approved? We could play it during next week if others are going to be able to. :)
  20. I almost forgot to submit my victory. :P I won it few days ago. I hope there will be others who also tried to win this one, it was pretty interesting indeed! I hope to see some other changes like this - you could do similar in Stronghold 2 as well! Only I would suggest for this to be done a little bit differently - you could provide us a save file, and we would just load it, restart it, and we would all go through same issues. I mean, in general, it does matter which strongholds AI lords build. :) Only in this particular case it was almost the same, and of course - even if you make an invasion scenario, it's not the same after each restart - for example, invading armies could once attack from north at some moment, and after a restart it may attack in that same particular moment from south. This doesn't make anything harder, only less predictable. EaglePrince 1.sav
  21. Well, yeah, I forgot about that - you can see number of trained troops, number of troops killed by your enemy, and number of players troops in the moment when the last enemy is dead, so you would be able to notice if there was a group of units which was used and disbanded at some point.
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