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Everything posted by EaglePrince

  1. Hey, I just meant to let you know that pantherone template of the forum is not being displayed properly. It's same on several different browsers by which I tried to visit the forum, including on my phone. Here's the screenshot.
  2. First you click on Private Messages above, and then you'll see a Send Message link. When you lick on it, you will have to type the exact username of the person you want to send the message to. You can find both of their profiles in the tread for which I gave you the link above.
  3. You should be able to send them personal messages on this forum, and if you have some luck - they will receive an email notification. That is, if they haven't disabled these email notifications, but I doubt that. :)
  4. Check this tread. http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/topic/581-stronghold-europe-stronghold-the-medieval-england/ There you may find a way to contact Lord Stronghold, who is creator or Stronghold Medieval England, and CyberCorpse who is creator of the Russian mod Stronghold Europe.
  5. Good news is that I have sent the latest version of my seminar to professors. I still want to add some more stuff into that text, but it appears that I am going to be able to join this one. :) No promises, but I would really hate it to miss this one. By the way, how should we do it? As an economic scenario, or war scenario, or or free play, or it doesn't matter? Either way, that could be an interesting map to play. :)
  6. Yes, it is much more clear to me now. :)
  7. Interesting, I will certainly try that. :) I didn't know that GPU can compensate a weaker CPU like that. Thanks for advice. :) EDIT: So, that would be the exact point of buying those most expansive high end GPU's? I mean, even if the CPU is slightly older (still, better than mine, I assume), buying a GPU like that gives way better experience? I mean, those GPU's should be able to run demanding games with high performance, even if CPU is not so powerful? Of course, I still assume that it cannot replace RAM, and of course - CPU has to meet at least minimal system requirements.
  8. Sure, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. ;) And regarding the mac version of Stronghold Legends, I think that it doesn't exist - at least not officially, but I'm not sure. I know there are mac versions of some Stronghold games, but not about this one. On the other hand, there could be some other way to play this game on mac, I have seem some stuff like that on internet, but I don't know anything about it. I don't know even if that is safe, if one would have good performance, nor if it is actually possible.
  9. I am not an expert when it comes to Stronghold Legends, but did you try to play multiplayer with GameRanger? How did you play multiplayer games by now, and how did you try to play it now? Also, do you have Steam version of the game, or a retail (non-Steam) version? As far as I know, you should be able to play it with GameRanger. :) Plus, if you have a Steam version which I haven't tried yet - Firefly said that they are going to make multiplayer easier with the release of Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition.
  10. Well, at this moment we only play strategy games. My mothers plays The Sims 3 which ran well on the older GPU too, and my brother mostly plays European Truck Simulator 2. My guess is that he will be able to play American Truck Simulator as well when he comes home - he's in Germany right now. At least I expect it to run decently. Yeah, we could say it is a low end GPU by the definition for nowadays standards, but I can see the difference, and luckily for me - it's not that there were games I wasn't able to play, it was that I had some games that didn't have quite good performance. With this one performance is much better. Crusader 2 is the newest game I'm going to play with it, and it perhaps even more optimized than Stronghold 3 (with difference that in Crusader 2 you can have more AI opponents, which can make Crusader 2 lag). And yeah, there were options to get a used GPU for same money, but I prefer to have a warranty and to be able to replace it in case the GPU turns out to be incompatible with other components. Also, it would be too much to give like 200 euro for a GPU (average salary in Serbia is about 400 euro). Regarding "just up the resolution", you mean to make a smaller resolution such as 1024x768 (in SH3 and SHC2 it's set on something about 1300x800, something like that)? That's what I have already done. :) Yeah, and I hope I will be able to make a gaming event some time soon, and to have that experience with you guys. :D I could also try making some gameplay video. Back when I got the Crusader 2 licence, I got it to make the gameplay video, and those which I made were lower quality. This would be my way to repay to the good guy Firefly who gave me the game when I wasn't able to buy it. :)
  11. Wasn't it about Stronghold Crusader 1 or 2 in the past week?
  12. I really hope I will manage to make a castle for this one. :)
  13. It's Nvidia GeForce GT 730. :) It's one of the cheapest at this moment with 2GB of memory, but it works pretty well with those games that are the most important to me and others in the family. Actually, it runs smoothly any game any of us likes to play. :) First a friend of mine borrowed me his GPU, and I was stunned how fast it loaded a Stronghold 3 game, and how the game ran on it - especially as I thought I would have to buy a new CPU to have performance like that. Unfortunately I had some compatibility issues with the GPU he borrowed me, and then I decided to spend some money to buy a new at least as good GPU myself. :D I should say - I did have some issues with the old one, but the old one still works. Only the cooler doesn't do the job so well, and I would have to open the case and to clean it and "oil" it. It wouldn't be too hard for me to do that now and then, but like I said - when I saw what I could get, I knew what had to be done. :D
  14. Yeah, that's what I meant. :D Well I don't know, but I still think that I should improve my English more. :D I'm glad to see you coming by from time to time. :) Maybe we will get rid of those obligations some day, and be able even to play at least few good multiplayer games. ;) What is also good for me - I have a new GPU, and I am finally able to play Stronghold 3 and Crusader 2 smoothly. Now the time is the only issue, but at least I can see others from my family happily playing their games. :)
  15. Same here, pretty busy, but all well. :) Glad to hear it's better at you (sorry if this sounds stupid in English, but you get what I mean :) ).
  16. Hehe, I haven't found some time to have a look at the map, but I really doubted that his map could turn out not to be great. :D Not a chance - even if he used the mouse with his foot! :D
  17. It's a good thing you shared this with us. That's great to hear. Only I wasn't following things about Stronghold Legends Steam Edition. Is it out yet, and they they say what exactly are they going to bring with this update. Now what you said here concerns me a little, as we were hoping to have AI lords in multiplayer games, and Stronghold Legends already has this option, ad that could imply that Firefly is not going to bring AI lords in multiplayer to Stronghold 2. I hope it's not going to be only about some achievements, or something like that. Still looking forward to it. :)
  18. Not much time to read everything, but only to jump in. Sorry if I miss the point. :) Charles, did you ask your question because of this? And are you able to play games at GameRanger even though you get this message? If yes, I'd say to you to ignore the problem, I've been trying a lot of stuff with my router, and nothing helped - I folder some "step by step" tutorials how to do it, but GameRanger keeps saying this message. Also, it gives this message only when there are more computers connected on that network (on that router). True, if there weren't this message I could join a game more quickly, but it still doesn't stop me from playing, and I think that it actually causes no lag. :)
  19. I agree with you, Chris, plus you would have to buy it on Steam along with other games from the Stronghold Collection (which is 20 euro for SH1, SHC, SH2 and SHL). That's great to hear, Nigel! :)
  20. There was another video by them as well. I haven't watched it, but in this video it seems that they confirmed there will be Stronghold 2 Steam Edition as well, but it will come late this year, or some time later. I hope they will add at least of the features we were asking for. :)
  21. Good new, everyone! Firefly has announced today that they will release Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition. I hope Stronghold 2: Steam Edition is the next thing from Firefly, and if that is going to be the case, I'm going to be like shut up and take my money. :)
  22. This is going to be a lovely challenge, I hope we will try some if these maps in multiplayer as well, that would be awesome. I'm only not sure about those bridges, I hope that those bridges don't have to be the only way from one lord to another. Otherwise, AI lords would be destroying them as far as I know.
  23. Thanks, Chris, I will try it now. Also, regarding the topic I created and which you regarded as a spam (with full right of course)... I am sorry about that, I though I also wrote you to delete it, but it appears that I did not. I was sure that I did that, but I don't see that in my messages there, so I don't know... I apologize for that. I hope you know that I wouldn't post spam messages intentionally.
  24. Hi! Whenever I try to post a message at Stronghold Nation forum I get a server error. This is the exact message I get: In addition to that, i was able to create a new tread, and to reply to that same tread, if whenever I tried to reply to any other tread, I got the error message. For example, I should be able to reply in this tread, but I've been unable to post a reply in history tread since yesterday.
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