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Everything posted by EaglePrince

  1. I would only say that this wasn't simply about letting in anyone, they actually banned travels for all, including those who already got their visa's. But, we don't know, maybe they have reasons to believe that those visa's were given without proper verification that those people are not dangerous in any way. So, yes, this step is very likely justified. But... Oh, and I don't know if there have been some terrorists from Iran, and there is no conflict there... But that doesn't mean there aren't any, maybe I'm uninformed. Can't agree more with you. Now when you say it, who knows, maybe they are at least partly a reason why radical Islam came to be as widespread as it is. But I agree, it is better not to interfere, at least if you don't have in plan what to do after the interference. And, Mathew, don't feel like that. We learn by the time. We constantly make mistakes, but what maters is that we notice those mistakes (if they are mistakes), and move on having that in mind, and take care not to do it again. And I agree with your points, especially that people shouldn't identify their viewpoints by parties.
  2. I don't know, the solution might be out there, I am sure that I'm not the only one thinking that the USA itself, or the USA with their allies, or with Russia too (why not?) would be able to crush ISIS in no time, but for some reason they don't want to (there are many theories why). But they appear not to want to do that because of some interests, thus the best solution stays out of the table. And of course, what you said Mathew doesn't have anything to do with racism, it is a fact they there are many potentially problematic people among them. Yes, this time it is really hard to tell who is bad and who the victim, they are all one people over there. Truth to be told, sometimes even those who appear to be the victims can be worse than their aggressor (who are aggressors in this particular case only because they are more powerful, otherwise the victim would be aggressor). And I hope they wouldn't let Trump mess up everything too much at least - if he was about to cause something like that with his decisions.
  3. Back to Trump, I am glad to hear that all those stories about Trump are actually overstatements, and it appears that still the only ones protesting against him are perhaps the same those people who protested immediately after his election. As about what he's doing, I completely agree that people shouldn't bash him for trying to protect his countries borders, and things like that. It is another issue if his wall would be a complete waste of money as an ineffective mean of stopping illegal immigrants. And same holds for bashing him for saying he will deport all illegal immigrants. Of course illegal immigrants should be deported, I think. On one hand, I can understand those people, as from my perspective the USA is indeed a country of opportunities (though I wouldn't go there to take some opportunities, I would go there to find a better payed job to have a better life), and if I was to go move there, I would go there legally. And if their system actually allows illegal immigrants to stay, then they are making fools of everybody who wants to do things by obeying the rules. I mean, why bash him for trying to enforce the rules that have been here for a long time. As about the decision to ban those travels, who knows. I understand it is every countries responsibility to take care about safety of its people. Only they could have made some exceptions, but again - I know very little about that. I still hope that they will not leave behind all those people who were loyal to them in recent past, and who collaborated with them, by completely forbidding them to travel to the USA. But I think we better don't go into that topic (the events from Middle East), there is not much point in discussing something we barely know something about. There are too many speculations, including to how ISIS came to power, but I guess that this topic has no place on this forum. After all, we are strongholders, not conspiracy theorists. :D
  4. Well, perhaps your right, Mathew, about Islam being violent, I cannot tell. I don't know that topic entirely. I can tell for sure that right now it has to evolve the same way as Christianity has evolved from burning people on sticks to what it is now - a truly peaceful religion which gives comfort to people and so on, without having some unjust demands. Maybe my impression is wrong, but I think that Islam actually was on that way, at least when it comes to Bosnia. But, sadly, conflicts change everything. They bring hate towards people one wouldn't hate, and it even affects religion. I don't know if you knew that in the wars in Yugoslavia we had priests from all three sides encouraging people to join the fight. Yes, Orthodox, Catholic, and Muslim. And what we can say about Arabs... Well, they have been in difficult situation for decades for now, so they are definitely not like this because of their religion, but because of all circumstances. What are all those circumstances, I don't really know. After this, I'm getting back to the topic, but now I must move. :) Like Schwarzenegger would say, I'll be back. :)
  5. Thanks for your explanation. That sounds really bad to me that people actually have completely no power over what is their president doing. But I don't know, there are of course other arguments why it shouldn't be as I would imagine it more logical. Still, I would like that add that this ban is only about six countries I think, and not about Muslims. Actually, even Christians from Syria are not allowed to enter the USA. But regarding the stereotypes, I would say that none of the major religions is violent. It is only about how people use it. Christianity, Islam, etc. are not about violence, but about love (for start). Only these are being manipulated from time to time by people who want to justify their causes, and who want to push others into a conflict. Still, sadly, it is the fact that Islam is being used right now by many groups, not just ISIS to manipulate Muslim people to join their cause. It goes that far that even priests try to manipulate people in mosques. I don't know what would be the best thing to do, but if a community in a country wants their religion freedoms, they shouldn't obey some rules, and if they don't, then their religion organization should be banned maybe because of incompetence to keep mosques safe for children. Of course, easier said than done... But I can't understand it comes that somebody accepts some people, and then they make their districts where even police refrain to go. That can't end well, we had that at Kosovo before 1999., and the entire war broke out after an attempt of police to arrest a criminal (or criminals) who was hiding with civilians. I am not religions, but I think that I can say that above without having somebody offended, because I too am partly "Muslim". I said "Muslim", and not simply Muslim, because - like I said, I am not religious, and I don't consider myself as a Muslim actually. Plus, my mother is Catholic, and I really dislike when I hear some people saying "you are what your father is". Maybe it was like that two centuries ago, but from what I have learned in history - it wasn't the case even then. I celebrate Christmas and Easter, even though I haven't been baptized. But regarding God - it may or may not exist, who knows, I think that we actually know nothing about that matter. Well, that's why it is called faith. :) I mean, yes, Islam is religion of peace by its definition, but if I was a Muslim parent, I don't know if I would send my child to mosque for the reasons above. Also, the safest things for them may be to have completely no connection to that religion at all. So, I understand why would Trump ban travels to the USA for citizens of some countries, I even think that EU should try harder not to let people enter its territories illegally, and that EU should take more care about people who come, and those who just wonder around not seeking for a job and not learning the language should be deported more quickly. But his decisions look to me like my governments decisions - to solve an issue with a solution which does too much damage. This wouldn't seem to me so wrong if they only said "Sorry, no asylum here for you, guys", but if I got this correctly, even if somebody worked in Microsoft, but they are from Iraq, they wouldn't be able to come back to the USA where they have a job. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but I think that people who work their asses for money don't have time for some cr*p like having something with ISIS, and that those people who can be dangerous are those who stay unemployed, or at least - don't have full time job. Again, my post isn't against any religious group, what I wrote above is about religious institutions, and my opinion that one specific religious institution doesn't do enough to prevent their members from doing bad things. Still, sorry, I didn't mean to start the discussion about whether Trumps decisions are good or bad, but when it comes to my main question - I believe that Tom has given me the answer. :)
  6. Hey, guys. I think this is the first political topic started by me, but there is the first time for everything. :) In the presidental elections in the US Donald Trump won, and now we are seeing more and more news about Trumps moves which many people don't approve. I have even read how some Californians want to secede from the USA. I think that is far from truth, but all this has led me to the question I have put into the title. Why talking about seceding, when people should be able to demand another election, on which hopefully another president would be elected. Do Americans have that right, or they actually need to wait for another four years until the next elections? Here in Serbia we had so many elections in last few years, that the people is sick of elections. :D (Though in our case it was for political reasons, not because people was asking for it because of some such important matters.) And if Americans do have that right, is anybody talking about that? I am starting this topic after numerous of new decisions by Trumps office, with the one about the travel ban being the latest one. As far as I understood it, he even wanted to deport those who have already got permission to stay, live and work in the USA. He has banned all travel from Iraq for example, and he wanted to deport them too, while some of those people have earned that right by being loyal to Americans, and in fact - many of them we're loyal to Americans knowing they would later be allowed to stay in the USA. Still, I do accept that I certainly don't know all of the facts, and I don't know the background of everything. I know little from the news, and speaking about that - in theory that could imply that I actually know nothing for sure. As I was writing before, we can read something from the newspapers, have our opinions about it, while the facts may be a lot different from what we were told.
  7. Well, we had some winters with -20C, so even though it's still below zero, we're handling it quite well. Like I believe I said before, last few winters were with very little snow, so I'm really enjoying this one. Well, it's easy for me since I don't depend of it. Thanks, to both of you. I only miss the blue sky. :)
  8. Here I come with few more photos. :) This one is from my university campus. And this one is from Limanski park. Nothing historical to see here, this is newer part of the city, every building one could see here was build after World War II, that is - during SFR Yugoslavia. Still pretty cold, as you can see, though this picture was taken on Monday six days ago. (On the third picture below you can see a white building with marble facade. The building belongs to Petroleum Industry of Serbia, their headquarters are there. The building of it was started in 1989., and it was finished in 1998. Some call it Karingtonka, for Carrington from Dynasty series (who was rich, of course :) ), because the building seemed unnecessarily expensive to many citizens.) And one shot from the downtown. This one was taken in Zmaj Jovina ulica (Jovan Jovano? Zmaj street), which is the main street in the pedestrian zone. Jovan Jovanovi? Zmaj (1833.-1904.) was a poet, he is famous for his poets written for children, almost everybody in Serbia has grown up with his poets. He's the guy on the monument which can see in front of the red building, in the middle of the picture. One more fact about him: zmaj means a dragon in Serbian, and it is not part of his name actually. When got famous for the satiric Journal called "Zmaj" which he started, everybody called him "Jovan Jovanovi? Zmaj". Thar's why the street is called "Zmaj Jovina ulica", as street of Zmaj Jova, and Jova is a nickname for Jovan. The red building is Bishops Palace (of bishop of Ba?ka, northwest region of Serbia, north of Danube and west of Tisa river). This building was finished in 1901., after the older one was destroyed in bombing of Novi Sad in 1949. by Hungarians. (Which happened because Hungarians wanted independence from Austria, while Serbians were on Austria's side. Later Hungarians and Austrians made a compromise by making Austro-Hungarian Empire.) Further you can see the Saint George's Cathedral. We all call it Saborna crkva (which I hope is best translated as 'Cathedral Church'). The Church was finished in 1905. after the older one was destroyed in 1849.
  9. Thanks, Tom. :) And thanks for what you said about the photos. I know that your areas are also beautiful. Plus, I would say they are even more beautiful, but we like to see something different now and then. Like I was saying before, I would love if people here cared more about keeping the city beautiful. During 20th century they didn't care enough about keeping the old look of the city, and they don't care enough about that even today. Also, keep in mind that I am giving my best to avoid those uglier stuff. :P Oh, and my apologies to Crusader, I've been busy, and I haven't read all of his newer articles yet, but I shall do that tomorrow. :)
  10. Ah, thanks! :) I remember you said you lived in Germany for a while. :) Yes, it is similar climate here as in Germany, though in northern Germany it tends to be colder, and winters can be really harsh compared to our winters here - colder and with more snow. Plus, by the time winters here generally become less cold.
  11. Just wanted to share few more photos. These are from the center of my city, Novi Sad. I took those shots mostly because of the decorations. I had not noticed until that evening that they put a decoration in shape of a dove bearing an olive branch - which is from the crest of the city. What you can see above is The Name of Mary Church, which is located at the main square, and we call it The Cathedral, although it's not actually a cathedral. As you may see, it got warmer, but it lasted only for few days and snow has been back. On Thursday I took few more photos near Danube. :)
  12. Go to the Downloads section. http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/ Go to the subsection you want, and download the maps you want. Those will be in .zip archives, so you will have to unpack them. Then you should each map file (which have .s2m extension) copy into Documents\Stronghold 2\Maps folder. Start the game and enjoy the maps. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.
  13. I think it will be more interesting if we include pictures from other places too, because that way we would have more pictures, and it is interesting to share pictures and impressions about places you have just visited. And, if we look at the bigger picture, then we would show not just where we live but where we were too, which is similar actually. Also, maybe from Chris's perspective Scotland wouldn't be where you're from because he knows you're from Wales and he's from England, while I would say "but you are from the UK". Also, from my perspective Prague isn't where I am from, while from Crusader1307 may say "but you are from Europe, it's only 800km away from your home". :) My main point was for us to share pictures made by ourselves, only I may not have expressed myself well enough in my first post. :) As for food, I didn't have the intention to upload photos of food, haha. :D Well, maybe if it is something really really interesting, but I have never taken a photo of food. :) Oh, as about uploading pictures, I would recommend Flickr, it works quite well, and I believe they also have Android and iOS apps which makes it easier to upload photos there. There is even a third party Windows 10 mobile app for Flickr. But it works great even on browser, it doesn't have so many adds like PhotoBucket. This is more like a social network for people who like sharing photos, everybody gets 1TB of storage for photos, and you can easily share pictures from there with the bbcode. Looking forward to see your images. Yeah, these areas are different, Vojvodina (the northern province of Serbia), where I live, is flat, we have saying that if one steps on a pumpkin they would see entire Vojvodina. :) Well, with the exception of Fru?ka Gora, that is one of the two our only mountains, and the main part of the fortress which you can see above was built on a rock which is part of Fru?ka Gora. This summer I learned that Fru?ka Gora got it's name for Franks who had settles the mounting during Middle Ages, because it is how Serbian people used to say Frankish mountain during Middle Ages. At that time border of Serbian kingdom used to be about 40-50km to the south of this mountain. Well, I may have learned that before, but in that case I had forgotten that. :) But even though Vojvodina is flat, it has some really interesting landscapes, some of which are not so much typical, and hopefully I will share some photos of it with you. :)
  14. Well, I do like to see various landscapes and places in various conditions. I actually quite often want to stop by, and take few shots of what I see, but I don't do it quite often. For example, while I'm traveling I wouldn't stop by to do something like that, because I feel like I would just p**s off the rest of the company by that. :) But perhaps I should be doing that, I do like that, and perhaps they would tolerate me. :D Another thing is that most people may find it strange when somebody wants to takes pictures of what they see often, but I guess that too is not enough reason not to take those pictures. So that's my plan! Although I don't travel so often, I would like to make some photos of interesting places in my city and in my country, and whenever I travel somewhere, so I would keep those pictures for myself, and to show you guys what are places that I find interesting around me, or - that in a way represent where I am from. I hope this is going to be really interesting to us. Just like I like to learn about other cultures and history of other nations, I believe I will love to see places where the rest of us are from - including USA, UK, Germany, Lithuania, etc., and hopefully the rest of you will feel the same way. Looking forward for those rains in California to stop and to see some shots from the west of the United States. :)
  15. Hey, guys! I have created this thread in intention for us to share our camera shots with each other. When you see something interesting, or if you simply want to show us something, this is the right place to do it. :) So, let me start with somewhat longer post. It's been pretty cold these days here in Serbia, in my city the lower temperature has been around -15C, while do upper temperature has been around -5C, though there were days with -20C. On Sunday I saw in a portal how there is ice on Danube at some places, which doesn't happen so often, mostly there could be only a little bit of ice, so I decided to have a short walk after my work, and see how it looks like. So this is what I saw. :) And it looked like quite a lot of ice. :) I continued my walk down the river, and when I reached the narrow part of it, I had what to see. I was amazed how entire river was covered by ice at this part. So, then I decided to walk some further, and even take few more shots. Few of them I got after going all way down from the quay, and I got right next to the icy river. Later I also went on top of the bridge to take few shots from there too. :) Later they sent some icebraker ship to brake this ice, so the ice wouldn't cause any problems. (Well, yeah, they didn't actually send an icebraker, they gifted them to a private company, and then the company ruined them, and this little pal which helped with the ice was another type of ship which wouldn't actually be capable of braking any thicker ice. So I hope we won't need any real icebraker. Hehe, fun facts about my country. :) ) So it is a good thing I got these shots, this cannot be seen so often in Novi Sad where I live, and when I was a kid I was only told by grandparents how at some points Danube used to freeze entirely, but by the time winter has become warmer than back then and with less snow. I shall keep these photos. :) As you can see, it was pretty cold on Monday, but there wasn't much snow. Well, that has changed today. :) Few more shots from my way to work. :) DO NOTE THAT IF YOU CLICK ON AN IMAGE, YOU WILL ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO VIEW OR DOWNLOAD THE IMAGE IN ORIGINAL SIZE.
  16. Yes, thank to StrongholdNation stuff too, not just Firefly! :) Sorry, I meant that too but I didn't write that. :)
  17. I would like to congratulate to everyone, this has been really fun, and I can only be sad for not answering on more challenges which were very interesting. :) I would like to thank the good guy Firefly for supporting this contest, and for supporting their fans in general. Now, around these days Firefly said that they would bring us Stronghold 2 Steam Edition, and I hope so much they are going to give us ability to play multiplayer games with AI lords. :) Stronghold 2 is a great game for spending some time in relaxed games, and with multiplayer we would be able to spend that time with our friends fighting against Olaf, Hammer, Hawk, and other bad guys. Sorry for a little bit of off topic. Happy New Year, guys! :)
  18. Damn, Nigel, I'm sure you have a smartphone. :D You better pay us at least a brief visit, we'll feel as if you don't care about us if you don't do that. :D Just joking, of course, have a good time with your family, Nigel. :)
  19. Sadly, I won't be able to play join this competition, but I could suggest letting other people at Stronghold Heaven and Steam Discussion know about it. Holidays have started and people have more free time, so we could actually get some nice entries. :)
  20. I also got a free code for a mini campaign. :) You can join me in this thread with that if you want. If I see that nobody among us here wants to get the code, I will post it at Stronghold Heaven too. Oh, and I only hope that whoever was about to get the code, he would say that he got it, it would be dull to post a used code on Stronghold Heaven, but I think there's no way to check that other than attempting to claim the product code.
  21. Merry Christmas to you too, dear friend! I am sure I can say in the name of all of us that we hope you'll be coming by more often! :) Or perhaps we could even play few games during these holidays. Whatever suits us. :) I am very happy to see you, Vetka! In my country when your ears are hot, or when your cheek is hot (as if when you come inside from a cold weather), we say "somebody is talking about you". Well, we were mentioning you here, and I am sure that your cheeks were hot. :)
  22. Thank you, Nigel! Marry Christmas, and I wish all well to you too! In the meantime, Santa Claus has come a little bit early this year, and it's bringing some presents from England, and he sends regards from our dear friends Firefly Studios. :) http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/post/13290/#p13290 http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/post/13289/#p13289 He also sends regards from Humble Bundle and Codemasters! https://www.humblebundle.com/store/grid-free-game?hmb_campaign=grid_free_2016&hmb_source=bundle_page&hmb_medium=banner_cross# I realize this last part might be a little bit off topic, there may not be too many of us who would play GRID, but I do like to play it now and then to relax, and if there is somebody else here who also likes to play a racing game from time to time, this is a chance for us to have one game in common. :) NOTE: You have only seven hours to claim this present from Codemasters and Humble Bundle. Now, these are the presents from Santa Claus for us, adults, and later at night he will come back to bring his presents for kids too.
  23. Hey, guys! I have received an email from Firefly, they gave me a code for Research Pack, Premium Token and 200 Card Points as their newsletter subscriber, but I don't play Stronghold Kingdoms, so I decided to share it with one of you. This is the code: 4A95-C099-33A0-EF4F To claim this code, simply log into Stronghold Kingdoms and redeem your code under 'Account Details'. PS. If this is by any mean violating of any rules, moderators, please do remove the code and/or the entire post. In that case I apologize. By I think this is completely fine. :)
  24. Hey, guys! I have received an email from Firefly, they gave me a Steam product code for Freedom Fighters DLC mini-campaign as their newsletter subscriber, but I already have it, so I decided to share it with one of you. This is the code: 7WJXX-PCAFW-P57Y0 To claim this DLC in Steam client click on "+ ADD A GAME", and then chose "Activate a Product on Steam". PS. If this is by any mean violating of any rules, moderators, please do remove the code and/or the entire post. In that case I apologize. By I think this is completely fine. :) IMPORTANT NOTE: This is only a code for DLC, so if you don't have the base game, there may be no point in using this code. In that case, please leave it to somebody who doesn't have this Stronghold Crusader 2 DLC. ADDITION: If you get the code, please let us know in this thread that the code has been used.
  25. Well, the way I look at it - this is not the came you leave aside after each week of playing, but those are games that you always come back to! :D
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