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Everything posted by EaglePrince

  1. No problem. :D Although I am glad that we have similar opinions about this matter, I would be much happier if it was different. Although I may too pedant when it comes to relying on researches, I do feel that many Arabs simply don't like Europeans, white people, and Christians in general, and that they often look at themselves as the noble ones compared to us. What many of them wish actually is not to adopt in European countries, but they in fact hope that they will eventually conquer Europe demographically. Normally that wouldn't make a problem - when it comes to some other ethnic groups, but if they became majority they might try to push their values which mean no good. I'd say that even now we have a problem, since Europeans promote tolerance, while they promote their ways, so it's not even balanced. If Europeans promoted their ways, including Christianity, instead, then there might be some balance. Right now we are more like "pagan" Greeks or Romans who didn't actually force their beliefs, and they didn't consider it a shame if somebody left that religion for Christianity. While in Christianity kids were thought they must not abandon their religion, and so Christianity became the official religion of Roman Empire. Of course, it's not just that, but that's one of the factors. It is really on of the factors why Ottomans didn't manage to turn Balkan nations into Islam. They say turning into Islam used to be more efficient in Bosnia because they used to be Bogumils (it is a sect, so to say, of Christianity, I think that our friend Crusader have written an article about them) which we're thought differently, and they didn't consider it so bad to convert to another religion. In other words, you could say they used to be more liberal. :)
  2. I agree, Mathew, that it's very likely that your correct about the reason why they wouldn't report something like that, but I'm just pointing out that the research seems to be incomplete, and as such it may be misleading. I mean, you're definitely right to some extent, the only question would be how many of them wouldn't report it because of that. Ehm, you're speaking to mathematician, we tend to be stubborn, as we like even those obvious stuff to be proven. :D On the other hand, I see no holes in information given by Charles. It is quite interesting, and I believe that we can have a good explanation for that. One would be that less Muslims you have in your country, harder they are connected in your country, they simply care about their works, and they adopt into your society better (well, yeah, because in this case they have to). On the other hand, when there are so many of them, they may tend to stick together rather than hanging with other people, thus they don't integrate well into society. There may be another explanation as well. Those countries that have less Muslims may have actually done a better selection of people who they want to accept. As we all know, France used to be very popular for immigrants because of their welfare program, and as a result of that - French attracted to much people who were simply going there for money, to use this welfare program, but not actually to work there. Once again, as I used to say it before. I don't get those European governments. Whoever opens a history book, they will notice that settling your land with another nation can later result not in just terrorist attacks, but in bloody wars. Check out how Austrians used to settle their bordering regions with Serbs (among others). As a result of that, Serbia wanted to claim this territory in which Hungarians used to live, and after WWI Hungary lost Vojvodina to Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (which will later be named Kingdom of Yugoslavia). Then Hungary tried to get back this territory during WWII, but as we know - they failed, Yugoslavia and its allies won the war. There were many bloodshed, but that didn't stop inevitable, plus - there were so many German families driven away from here after WWII. That's how Austria-Hungary lost its territories. They took too much people into their empire, they didn't assimilate them successfully, and it was their doom. Similar to Kosovo and Metohija which used to be Serbian land, and later Albanians took it - first by becoming majority with their high birth rate, and then finished what they started in bloodshed. Desperate measures were taken to keep it under control, and that resulted in bombing in 1999. I hope European countries won't think they are immune to this. These things happen to a country and to a nation when they are weakened, not when they are in power. Diversity is not a strength when one part of the society is against others.
  3. Yes, Charles, that's why I wrote this. Maybe it wasn't clear enough. For obvious reason, of course. Of course that news portal from Serbia would have a lot of articles about floods in Serbia, and few mentions about floods in Germany for example. That's normal, and those who read news regularly won't miss either. But it's not only about making money. They intentionally avoid publishing news about rape victims by immigrants, or even articles such as the one Mathew just mentioned. Still, this research may be incomplete, thus leading to a wrong conclusion. In my country we rarely report, and mostly because we're used to the fact that police often doesn't care, and if we reported something - we'd expect nothing to happen. So if someone from my placed moved to the UK, it is very likely that they too wouldn't report things like this fearing that this would be in vain, and even further - put them in danger. For example, there used to be cases that ambulance wouldn't come because they were called by a mobile phone. What the hell, why does it matter that they were called by a mobile, it's about saving ones life... Another example from here. When I want to report something, they would ask me from my personal information. How do I know that I won't have any problems because of that... What the hell, I'm telling them that somebody is doing crime, and as if they don't want to deal with that, they ask me for my information - my name, address, date of birth... As if I was the one who was doing crime... So, for that research to be complete, they would at least have to ask them whether they would report their neighbor for playing loud music for example.
  4. Quite interesting facts! I see you've done your homework. :) Yes, I tend to be open, but still... But it is not that I say you can disregard ethnicities. I just wanted to say that what defines us the most is how we were raised. And, of course, those two are not mutually independent factors. Regarding your link, yes, you are correct, most of the victims of ISIS, etc. are indeed Muslim. But... Even if Islam is indeed a religion of peace (which I believe it is, I think all major religions in the world are religions of peace, though they have been misused in many occasions throughout history), it does have some huge issues. Islam is being used to recruit people to join ISIS, etc., and it is not just that they misuse the religion, but it is done in mosques. Because of that, you accept more Muslims into your country, you become more vulnerable.
  5. Yes, it seems to me that our opinions are very similar, when it comes to this topic. I would also note one more thing. In Serbia, like in any other country, we have Gypsies. And they are generally less educated, have lower incomes, etc., but they don't live in some certain cities, etc. There are many of them who live in my hometown, many of them went to my elementary school, I think they weren't discriminized, at least not for the fact that they were Gypsy kids, and yet - few of them move on with their education. Fewer of them attend high schools, and not to mention universities. That's why I think it's not simply about the town they live in, but about their families. They simply don't value education. And that appears to be a hardly ending cycle: their parents don't value education, they don't value education, their kids won't value education, etc... I believe it is similar with your immigrants in the UK. Serbia is a small country, and yet there are many differences between those of us who come from different regions. On my faculty I even noticed how students from certain regions are more prone to cheating, and not feeling any shame for that. We should accept that people from some other countries are simply different, but we also have to note that there are always exceptions. And that is not about what somebody is, it is about how they were raised. Take my example. My father is a Bosniak. That's a Slavic people, much similar to Croats and Serbs, but this are the key differences: Croats are Catholic, Serbs are Orthodox, and Bosniaks are Muslim. And yet, I don't feel like a Muslim. My mother is Catholic, and I grew up in an Orthodox country, and in a region where one can find many different nations which settled here thanks to Austrian Empire. So I wasn't raised as a Muslim, nor as a Catholic, but in fact neither of those two things matter to me. I was raised to be aware that there are many different religions in the world (and nobody can tell "whose religion is right"), many different nations, and that it is not right to judge an individual because of their ethnicity. I feel like a man from Vojvodina (northern Serbian province), like a citizen of Novi Sad, and a citizen of Serbia. And I am more like any Serb from Vojvodina than like some Bosniak from Bosnia. Same like many Serbs who settled in Canada or the USA whose kids barely speak Serbian. But although you shouldn't ban a race from entering, you should make those checkups more strict for them, if they showed themselves to be more problematic. That's the best way for you to protect your own people from crime committed by immigrants (to say the least). I would love to be able to go the UK without a visa, or to the USA without a visa, but I respect your countries decision that you want to make sure that I am a "fine person" before giving me a permission to enter. The sad part is that you would allow us to enter your country only if we are employed, and perhaps you may even ask what are my incomes, but that is your way to protect yourself. In fact, with all these tragic events I sometimes feel frustrated that your governments don't do more to protect their people. Americans appear to do a good job with that, but Western European countries have failed by now. I hope situation will improve. And about the culture. Yes! I think it is hypocritical how many immigrants claim to want to move to Europe because of democracy and tolerance, and because of oppression in their countries, and yet - they bring that same oppression with them in form of niqab, or hijab, etc. By this I mean oppression over women. If they are truly fleeing from something, they should leave that behind, embrace European culture, and people of Europe would accept them. It is your country, it is you who set the rules. Maybe it is unfair to some individuals if they get kicked for not adopting, but it would also be unfair towards your children to keep those who come, and who want to force their oppressive ways into the country they came to.
  6. I understand your views, but I still have to say that when a tragedy like that happens in Pakistan or in Nigeria which involves hundreds of people being killed, it is mentioned once or maybe twice in media, while when it happens in a European country, they speak about it for weeks. But it may not be about race, but about the place, who knows. Maybe it's simply a big deal for them because something happened, e.g. in London. But this is simply about how media work, not about people, I don't think we should judge people here. So, I think similarly as you - but I just claim that the issue is present, but at media, not at people. But regarding Christian lives being reported in media - one doesn't have to report that those people walking in Berlin or Manchester are Christians, that's just obvious. Regarding accepting certain races, or nationalities into your country, I don't that what you describe would be racist. If you notice that people from some countries are more likely to do crime, or terror attacks when their come into your land, then YOU HAVE TO NOTE THAT, and not fear that you will be labeled as a racist. We live in 21st century, we know what is statistics, it has been a thing for a while now, so we can investigate what we want, and we can have an idea what is going on. If I notice some races of dogs are more aggressive towards me than others, I have to note that. Same with people. We are simply not all the same. We have different mentalities, we have different habits, and hey - we are biologically different as well. Yes, we are pretty much similar, but why claim how we are the same when we are not. And like I was saying before - I believe that Europeans should be more pushing when it comes to promoting their culture, especially in their own countries. The best way to keep your people safe is to efficiently assimilate immigrants. Diversity may be strength, but it has also shown to be undoing of many empires. Look at Austria-Hungary. Their downfall came from not succeeding to assimilate their people. But here I'm not speaking about assimilation in a bad way, but more like it is the case in the USA. You are an American if you have the American citizenship, and national pride is being promoted there. "It is cool to be an American, and no matter if you are black or white, if you love our country you are one of us". I don't live in the USA, but that's how I got that. Someone correct me if I'm wrong?
  7. Well, one "solution" may be turning back, but I'm pretty sure that those same soldiers could crush them tomorrow if they wanted to. Of course, the best solution would have been not to interfere with other countries trying to solve their problems with terrorists (since 1999), but hey - they have oil, or those terrorists have pretty efficient lobby in the US, so... Well, I could write few more things here from my, until recently, third world country, but better not start with that... Let's just accept that's how it works now - the powerful ones fight in the yard of the poor so they wouldn't mess up their gardens.
  8. Hi. I don't know answers to your questions, but I am surprised that you cannot produce enough candles, etc. When you build candlers workshops don't forget to build some bee hives close to them as well. And perhaps you may want to observe if those workers are just sitting around from time to time, as that would mean they could be more productive if you built them more bee hives next to their workshops. Also, I have to outline that the idea of Stronghold 2 is for you to actually depend of your villages. When I am on my peek during a Stronghold 2 game I have far less economy in my castle, and more weapon producing workshops, church, jousting ground, traveling fair, monuments, inn, etc., while I get most of raw materials, food, fancy food, and other stuff such as ale, candles, etc. from my villages. Just don't forget that you can build in your villages whatever you want to boost your little empires production. And definitely don't forget that you can build as much carter posts as you need, and order them to send to your castle what you need. And one tip. At some point of game you may want to shut down your woodcutters in your villages, i.e. to put them to "Zzz", because wood is fairly cheap, and you don't need many of your carters to spend their valuable time sending these resources to your castle. I hope this was helpful. If you may want, we could try to play an online game once in a while. That way you could see how others manage their economies. :)
  9. Well, I can relate one my old Stronghold wish to this. Why do those conquered castles have to collapse... :( It would be awesome if we could, once we conquer a castle estate by defeating an AI lord, give this castle to one our governor. Then he would repair the castle, and build some troops to defend this estate, and to attack if I tell him to. So in fact, killing a lord wouldn't destroy the castle, but it would become a vassal castle instead. That could be easy to do in Skirmish games, but I have to admit - it could be tricky in a multiplayer game. Because how would an AI know how to run a castle built by human... In that case it may be easier for him to rebuild another castle from the ground. Another solution would be for human to deal with these castles on his own, but that may be too much work. I mean, even dealing with one castle while having fights with your enemies can be pretty tough. But a combination of these two could be achieved. Human can build castle structures, and AI would adopt them, use them, and repair them. Unfortunately this one could be misused by many players who wouldn't end up having a Maginot Line instead of few outposts as I indented... :) I am sure Firefly could exploit these ideas really well. I remembered this after you mentioning ruined keeps.
  10. I'll jump in just in case to avoid misunderstanding. If I am not mistaken, changing this file wouldn't effect an actual scenario, but entire game. So if one made a scenario like this, they would have their names of villages on their computer, but somebody else would have these names different. Similar to changing crests. You can change the crest you want to use, but only you will see it in multiplayer, and nobody else. If you want others to see these crests/see these village names, then sending only a map isn't enough. Sending the crests files/the text file would be necessary.
  11. You may want to check out this thread at Stronghold Heaven. It seems that this guy was looking into this matter too, and made some conclusions. So if I got it correctly, the game has its own names for estates, and it chooses randomly names for estates, and it is indeed impossible to rename an estate. This is definitely something that Firefly should bring to us. :)
  12. Hey, welcome to Stronghold Nation! :) Yes, that would be interesting indeed. Though I never tried renaming the names of estates. Ain't there some trick to do that, or something like that? Maybe Lord Chris knows. Or it is really impossible?
  13. I'm not sure about Lady Seren, if I remember correctly, she uses light cavalry, but not horse archers, while the Queen does use horse archers. But as I said, I'm not sure, I rarely pay attention to which AI lord uses which troops, mostly because most of them use more than few unit types. :)
  14. I think we can say for sure that no peace of source code is going to be revealed. But what you mentioned is used by some AI lords. For example, Hammer uses knights, and he does build trebuchets as well. They don't ride horses though. And I don't know if any of AI lords uses assassins. I know that there is at least on AI character who uses horseback archers. Maybe The Queen uses them if I am not mistaken. So it's basically as in Stronghold Crusader where each of the AI lords has its own typical troops which he uses. Speaking of sap shields, I'm not sad because they don't use them. They don't use them, fine, I don't use them neither. Maybe it would be more interesting if it was other way around, but it just bugs that these shields are not realistic enough. Mostly because no Stronghold game has unit collision. Still, in Stronghold 2 it may not be that case so much, but in Stronghold Crusader portable shields are so much overpowered, that it would have been better without them in my opinion. But there is a lot of room for improvements for AI lords, on that we all agree! They have to be smarter when attacking castles, and especially when defending their own estates.
  15. I have found my cartoon completely by accident, I was looking into some other cartoons. :D It's A Thousand and One... Americas. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Thousand_and_One..._Americas It's a Spanish cartoon was dubbed into many languages I see, such as English, Serbian, Hungarian, etc. You may have a look at it. Here is one episode in English. Here is an episode in Serbian as well. :) The cartoon is about America from the time before Columbus. :)
  16. I have this habit to solve an issue right after posting the question about it. :D I guess it like when the people who smoke light a cigarette while waiting for their bus. :D
  17. You're welcome! :) Still, maybe there is some solution. We can wait for others to say what they think or know about this matter. As for the version 1.3, which issues are you referring to? I don't think there are some issues particularly with this version, I suppose they are almost all related to some compatibility issues, or something like that. But I think there are cures for them, as people are able to play this game even on the newest version of Windows. Only that it does give us option to play in different resolutions (which we don't have to pick), but that very option doesn't work so smoothly in all resolutions. What is more, apparently not all of us have the same resolutions available on our machines. I have some resolutions available on my desktop PC, while I don't have many of those on my laptop. These resolutions weren't there in 1.1 or 1.2, so 1.3 didn't mess that up - that's what I meant. But when it comes to version 1.4, I doubt we're about to see something like that.
  18. Hi. Well, in normal speed, and when everything is perfect, this game runs at 40fps. When you change the speed from 40 to 60, then fps gets 60, and everything moves faster. That's just how changing game speed and fps work in this game. At least that's what I can tell from my experience. Now, when it comes to scrolling, I'm having similar issue - but only when I try to scroll. The game still runs 40fps, only when I scroll through the map, and doesn't move smoothly. It depends of your screen, or graphics, or whatever, I don't know, but I just made peace with it. That's why I play the game always in 1024x768 resolution. It gets stretched, but I'm used to that, now it's strange for me to play with original proportions. :) But there are some other resolutions which work well too. 1920x1080 for example, I think it runs great on my laptop, but that's too tiny.
  19. Hi. When I start Crusader on my laptop, and when I set resolution to 1024x786, I get the two vertical black bars. When I set the resolution to 1920x1080, then it looks fine, but then everything is too tiny. I would like to be able to play the game on resolution 1024x768, but without those black bars. Can you tell how could I stretch the screen in the game? I hope there is a way to force that. I have this issue on a Windows 10 laptop, but have noticed this on a Windows 7 laptop as well. EDIT: I have figured it out. I needed to change the settings of my graphic card. In my particular case, I went to Control Panel, and into Intel HD Graphics, and there I changed the scaling settings. Instead of Maintain Display Scaling I chose Scale Full Screen. Problem solved. :)
  20. Will, making the game in better graphics would be awesome. It would be great to see an HD version of Stronghold 2. Unfortunately, I wouldn't expect to get something like that. Many older games got their HD version recently, but graphics has remained almost the same. That's why I wouldn't expect that for Stronghold 2 either. But that would be interesting to see. Still, I think that it would be the best if else could get more stuff that regard gameplay. For example, I would love to see a game such as Stronghold 2 with unit collision. That would effect field battles far more interesting, and castle sieges as well.
  21. Well, yes, this might be what they were speaking about, but luckily it wasn't actually about compatibility, but about one necessary option being disabled at Windows 10 by default. I don't know about Stronghold 2 and Stronghold Legends, but I will hopefully check that tomorrow. I'll be busy, but if I forget, please remind me to do it. :) Now it's late, but tomorrow when I come home I can try to install them, and see how they work.
  22. I agree, Stronghold 2 is the best Stronghold game for me too for certain types of game. When I just want to relax, fight against William a little, and so on. The game is really enjoyable. As to how hard is it to learn modding, that question may be for another thread, but anyway - I'm not sure. I have never tried to mod Stronghold 2 myself. When it comes to switching body models from game to game - that is question for somebody else, but I believe this would be more than that. You would need to put warewolves instead of another unit, and you would also have to edit their attributes to be as strong as in SHL. But that might require you to edit the exe file, and all that might not be that easy. Plus, if these units have some special abilities, then I think adding this unit to SHL as it is (together with its abilities) wouldn't be possible. And all this I'm saying in the best scenario possible - if all of this files are the same type in SHL as in SH2. But like I said, I know nothing about modding. Just like Jon Snow. :D I'm just a mere philosopher. :)
  23. I see. Well, it does seam correct that it should be easier to add these few units to Stronghold 2 than to add all those things to Stronghold 2. But like I said, somehow I feel that it would make more sense to add stuff to Stronghold Legends than to add those units to Stronghold 2, because adding supernatural units to Stronghold 2 might change the idea of the game. What you say indeed sounds interesting. Only that we, sadly, won't see that stuff, I think. We're still waiting for Stronghold 2 Steam Edition, if it is ever to be released, and even when it comes, it may only come with some no real improvements, but only with some Steam specific stuff such as those achievements, etc. But I hope it won't be the case with Stronghold 2, and that we're going to see some interesting stuff. For example, what I would love the most would be to be able to play multiplayer games against AI lords. I would love to play some relaxing online games like that.
  24. Hey, guys! First of all, this is not a question, this is a solution. I believe this will be useful for many people. I have installed Steam version of Stronghold Crusader on my new laptop which runs Windows 10. When I tried to start the game, it just wouldn't work. No error, no nothing. When I tried to run Stronghold Crusader from the Steam folder: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stronghold Crusader Extreme then I got the error code 0xc0000022. I tried with changing compatibility settings, and it didn't work. It wasn't about that. You need to enable Direct Play, because having it off is what's causing the issue. Go to Control Panel, then find Turn Windows features on or off, and under Legacy Components check DirectPlay, and then hit OK. Wait for a while for your PC to finish with everything, and the PC will need to reboot as well. It's all done in few minutes.
  25. What you're speaking here about would be fine if it was within the mod, but I must say that most people wouldn't like to see those supernatural units in Stronghold 2. In fact, that is why many haven't tried Stronghold Legends at all. Firefly really shouldn't make such a mutant game - Stronghold 2 with elements of Stronghold Legends. But if you were saying differently, such as: bringing more of the detailed castle management and other cool stuff from Stronghold 2 to Stronghold Legends, then I would say it's a good idea. I mean, warewolves and witches should stay in Stronghold Legends, and I think that they don't fit into any other Stronghold game. While on the other hand, if you feel that castle life in Stronghold Legends is oversimplified compared to Stronghold 2, then I could agree. But keep in mind that for many players Stronghold 2 actually the one which is overcomplicated, though we love it for those very same reasons. :) What is exactly what you like in Stronghold 2 and you miss in Stronghold Legends by the way? :)
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