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LORD_VALROY last won the day on January 19 2022

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  1. No. Only latest version. Release a new version 4.4.0 More information at gmb-mod.tilda.ws (Link verified by?@Mathew Steel)
  2. G.M.B. mod. Big mod for Stronghold Crusader! Installation: In the game folder System requirements: OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Disk space: 410 MB Games Version: 1.3 HD The rest is the same as that of the game Mod version: 4.3.1 List of changes introduced by a modification and all patches of the original game: - 16 computer opponents with improved fortresses - Ability to change the level of the launcher through the AI computer opponents. - Added 140 new maps - Changed the videos and the church wedding. - Changed all the wallpapers of the game. - Changed the intro video games. - Changed some of the music in the game. - Changed the model of the church and the chapel. (can be disabled in the launcher) - Changed the model of the Crusader Lord (off by default, can be included in the launcher) - Added ability to change the color of the player through the launcher from red to blue (as the builder of the castle and the mission does not change) - Added a special program to start and configure the modification by the user - When you start the game the player will be different each time the screen saver startup (if you do not disable this feature in the settings) - The player can through the launcher to switch to music before starting the game with modified the original. Similarly, an introductory video roll. - Added label version of the mod in the main menu - Added a shortcut to launch mod - Added an installer for easy installation mode - Added two new faces in the game (refer to the individual settings in the game options) - Changed part of the icons in the main menu of the game - In launcher added ****ysis of the achievements of "Hall of Fame" (basic statistics) - Ability to fix black screen through launcher at launch HD versions of the game - The ability to fix bugs with the game characters through the game launcher - Ability to change the game cursors - Can be installed on the original game Stronghold Crusader Patch 1.3 HD (1.3HD, 1.30.0003HD). - The mod is based on version 1.30.0004 HD itself update your game version 1.3 HD before this (1.30.0004) version screenshots: http://gmb-mod.ucoz.ru/gmb_mod/Skrin/marshal.png[/img] http://gmb-mod.ucoz.ru/gmb_mod/skrin40/rat2.jpg[/img] http://gmb-mod.ucoz.ru/gmb_mod/skrin40/menu3.jpg[/img] http://gmb-mod.ucoz.ru/gmb_mod/skrin40/maps.jpg[/img] Author mod: LORD_VALROY Download latest link: yadi.sk/d/J1y8DxlisgdeS (copy link to your browser)
  3. :knight: G.M.B. mod. Big mod for Stronghold Crusader! This mod makes a large number of useful changes to the game Stronghold Crusader. Installation: In the game folder System requirements: OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 Disk space: 430 MB If the problem with the modification to apply: valroy17@mail.ru List of changes introduced by a modification of the original game: - Added a special program to run and modify the settings on the user's discretion - Now you can check for updates at startup launcher - When starting the game the player will be different each time the boot screen saver (if you do not disable this feature in the settings) - Ability to download updates via the launcher mod - Ability to change the level of the launcher via AI computer opponents. - The player can switch through the launcher before starting the game music from the original modified . Similarly , an introductory video clip . - 16 computer opponents with improved castles - New videos weddings and church - New background screensaver game - New intro video game - Changed the logo part of the game - Changed some of the music in the game - Added a version of the mod label in the main menu - Added shortcut to launch fashion - Added installer for easy startup mode - Added two new avatar in the game (see the individual settings in the game options) - Added 120 new maps - Replaced part of the icons in the main menu of the game - Ability to fix black screen after running the game launcher HD version - Ability to fix bugs with the font in the game through the launcher game - Ability to change the game cursors - Ability to send bug reports directly from the launcher - Can be installed on the original game Stronghold Crusader version 1.3 HD or 1.30.0003 HD - Mod is based on version 1.30.0003 HD himself updata your game to this version screenshots: Author mod: LORD_VALROY Support: valroy17@mail.ru This mod is multilanguage! (Sorry for the mistakes. Translated with google translate) Download latest version: yadi.sk/d/al8gNCyCPADz4 (copy link to your browser)
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