How can i read the encrypted code from the cfg file at Documents?
I want to change resolution higher than 1024x768 at the 1.1 non hd version
Personally i prefer the 1.41 version, but really every pro gamer on GameRanger play 1.1.....
I was able to fix the fullscreen by using Nvidia Control Panel, but i have no solution how to make higher resolution.
My preffered resolution is 1980x1080. But unfortunatly 1.1 version has only 800x600 and 1024x768
I need change the resolution without changing the gaming version
I'm not sure if im supposed to edit the cfg file or the exe file itself in the HxD Editor or Notepad++
I literally searching since moths now and even have asked Firely Studio once by Customer Support....
I desperatly need an solution for this, because i really passionately love this game.
The only Multiplayer i know is GameRanger, and GameSpy is already shut down since 2014...
I need to join all tournaments, because im an really strong player, as long as i can use my wished resolution.
At low resolution do i play like only 10% of my Powers, and thats really frustrating for me.