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JuGGerNaunT last won the day on October 1 2019

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About JuGGerNaunT

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  1. AIVEditor was supposed to be an editor, but I didn't finished it. So right now it is just an AI castle viewer. I hope soon I will come back to it and finish it as an ingame editor. Unfortunately, there are no other mods that add something completely new in this game, so yes I had to it from scratch.
  2. Finally, I managed to finish my initial mod idea - replay plugin for SHCPlayer launcher. Replay plugin records and save every skirmish game you play as a replay file. It may be useful if you want to share you gameplay for other people, show your strategies and build order. Must-have for multiplayer players if you want to improve your skill, analyze mistakes you made during the match and learn your opponent's play style. Download link in the description of youtube video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJmvNKFXDyA
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