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Lord Stronghold

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Everything posted by Lord Stronghold

  1. http://www.fileplanet.com/197995/190000/fileinfo/Stronghold-Crusader-:-Modding-Utilities Firefly has not buy a digital Lizenz for own Tools. The tools work with Windows 7.
  2. The tgx application is not a virus. This is from Firefly Studius, and in the Stronghold Crusader Mod Tools. I think, you have a problem with Windows 8.
  3. (Sorry a mistake. Scotland and not Sctoland. This is only a example.) For Stronghold & Stronghold Crusader. You can make own Briefing Backgrounds for your Scenario. I have made a help for you. With this is it so easy how in Age of Empires 2, to make a own Briefing background. You load easy a .zip file with 3 folders: - Gfx with 13 files. 12 files deleted the animation in the Scenario menu. The Background file is briefing_screen_background. - The folders gm has a fix for the left hand. - In Tools is this tgx tool, to convert you background in this file format. Now you can create your own backgrounds, but that's now four your scenario! You must write in the readme file, that the player will have to make a copy of the original file! The Briefing Background is in all Stronghold Scenarios. This trick is only for a single Scenario. ------- Download ------ Download the Files, the you must have, to make own Backgrounds. She are here as appendix or as Download: http://ww w.file-upload.net/download-103 35521/Own-Briefing-Background.zip.html Own Briefing Background.zip
  4. @ EaglePrince, in the english Community Teutonen Ritter. @ Lord_Chris, this was my First Regastration in the English Cummunety for a Download. My right name is Teutonen Ritter. Please delete the Tutorials, but i have not the rights to overwork this. The current Tutorial are here: http://stronghold.heavengames.com/cgi-bin/forum/display.cgi?action=ct&f=4,3965,,10 (I can not posted Links.) EDIT: Sorry for Double Post. @ Lord_Chris, yes you can posted this, and it is from Author Teutonen Ritter. I hope of a interesting discussion. :)
  5. Please Delete my first Posting. Thanks. Sorry fo my bad English! You like the LOTR Mod for Stronghold, but you can't make own Messages for your Szenario? No Problem, make own Scenarios with Messages and more. Time for fantasy in your mind. Own Messages in Stronghold. Step 1. What for a Message will you have for the Mission? Search in Stronghold folders the files that you must have. Example: I will a other messages as in the picture. I search in the Firefly Studios\Stronghold\binks with the Tool Bink Video this video. So and the result is: Stronghold\binks\ap_civil9.bik and Stronghold\fx\speech\ ap_civil_01.wav and not to forget: General_Message3.wav. Step 2. Make your own Bink Video with Rad Game Tools. A typical Stronghold Video have the Width 128 and the Height 128. Scaling your video of this mass. Make a new .wave file and then to the last step, the subtitle. Recommended is a video without Sound. Step 3. Open the mfg. file with a Hexeditor, because here are the subtitles. Give the subtitle text in this format in the ground of the file. Search the Text in hexadecimal. When you have the text, you must edit the Text in this Format whit the Hexeditor, and the text must have not more Letters, as in the original. A letter more as the original, and you cannot more view the Story from the Castles in game and not view the subtitles from the messages. Sorry, this is so. Step 4. Enjoy this resultat. Teutonen Ritter -------- Textmessages ----------- Own Textmessages Your can make own Text Messages in Szenarios. Here is this Tutorial, to make this feature. Step One. Load the Tool tsearch. Here is a Link: http:// homeofgamehacking.d e/showthread.php?tid=7 Step Two. Start Stronghold and make a Scenario with the Trigger (Jan. 1066 --> (Lose)). Open the Process from Stronghold with Tsearch, and search in the Process the Map date 1066. Than open Stronghold and make (Jan. 1066 --> (Lose)) to (Jan. 1077 --> (Lose)), and search this date as next in Tsearch. Your have a one score, and this is the effect. Step three. Open Stronghold.mlb with a hex editor and modify messages as in the last Tutorial. Enjoy it! ---------Videomessages as in Stronghold LOTR------ You can make Video Messages as in Stronghold LOTR, with this trick. Step One. Show in the LOTR mod the original Maps and what see your? She have the subtitles from the LOTR Movies from the beginn of the LOTR Maps. Comparisons the description now with the Original Stronghold Maps. Now use the Text Messages Trick and make a effect with the Original description from the Stronghold Map of your own Map. Step Two Now copy the Stronghold.mlb from the LOTR Mod folders in your Stronghold folder, and your have the LOTR Movie messages in your Map! With this trick can you export 11 own Video messages in your Map. Step Three. Now you see the in the right side the text adviser_xy. This must are the name from your .bik and .wav file. The text from the Subtitle edit you?re in the Stronghold.mlb with a hexeditor.
  6. Hello, I'm Teutonen Ritter from SH Heaven! Sorry fo my bad English! You like the LOTR Mod for Stronghold, but you can't make own Messages for your Szenario? No Problem, make own Scenarios with Messages and more. Time for fantasy in your mind. Own Messages in Stronghold. Step 1. What for a Message will you have for the Mission? Search in Stronghold folders the files that you must have. Example: I will a other messages as in the picture. I search in the Firefly Studios\Stronghold\binks with the Tool Bink Video this video. So and the result is: Stronghold\binks\ap_civil9.bik and Stronghold\fx\speech\ ap_civil_01.wav and not to forget: General_Message3.wav. Step 2. Make your own Bink Video with Rad Game Tools. A typical Stronghold Video have the Width 128 and the Height 128. Scaling your video of this mass. Make a new .wave file and then to the last step, the subtitle. Recommended is a video without Sound. Step 3. Open the mfg. file with a Hexeditor, because here are the subtitles. Give the subtitle text in this format in the ground of the file. Search the Text in hexadecimal. When you have the text, you must edit the Text in this Format whit the Hexeditor, and the text must have not more Letters, as in the original. A letter more as the original, and you cannot more view the Story from the Castles in game and not view the subtitles from the messages. Sorry, this is so. Step 4. Enjoy this resultat. Teutonen Ritter -------- Textmessages ----------- Own Textmessages Your can make own Text Messages in Szenarios. Here is this Tutorial, to make this feature. Step One. Load the Tool tsearch. Here is a Link: http:// homeofgamehacking. de/showthread. php?tid=7 Step Two. Start Stronghold and make a Scenario with the Trigger Jan. 1066 Lose. Open the Process from Stronghold with Tsearch, and search in the Process the Map date 1066. Than open Stronghold and make 1066 Lose to 1077, and search this as next in Tsearch. Your have a one score, and this is the effect. Step three. Open Stronghold.mlb with a hex editor and modify messages as in the last Tutorial. Enjoy it! ---------Videomessages as in Stronghold LOTR------ You can make Video Messages as in Stronghold LOTR, with this trick. Step One. Show in the LOTR mod the original Maps and what see your? She have the subtitles from the LOTR Movies from the beginn of the LOTR Maps. Comparisons this now with the Original Stronghold Maps. Now use the Text Messages Trick and make a effect with the Original description from the Stronghold Map of your own Map. Step Two Now copy the Stronghold.mlb from the LOTR Mod folders in your Stronghold folder, and your have the LOTR Movie messages in your Map! With this trick can you export 11 own Video messages in your Map. Step Three. Now you see the in the right side the text adviser_xy. This must are the name from your .bik and .wav file. The description from the Subtitle edit you?re in the Stronghold.mlb with a hexeditor.
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