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Lord Stronghold

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Lord Stronghold last won the day on April 5 2015

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  1. Rename the Mod! Medieval England was a stupid compromise solution, so I'm glad when the Mod can use the orginal Name. The Stronghold Europe Mod have a amazing developing story. -- First delevoper: Stronghold Russian Community -- Second delevoper: German "Strategie Zone" Stronghold Community -- Thirdly delevoper: Stronghold Nation Community :D Stronghold: Lord of the Rings is the first international Stronghold mod. What is your roadmap for the Europe mod? My greatest problem as Lead Designer from the German Community was the design from the Campaign. I'm a big perfectionist and and it was very time consuming to make a Campaign. Now, i think with a Campaign is the mod finished. Questions from me: - Have you fixed the birch lagging Problem? - How is the wolves Animation? - How have you cut the Arabian Ai Lords? - European Trail, how can you set the Ai of the Map? And how you edit the Campaign Map graphic? Greetings Lord L?wenherz
  2. Keep up the good Work. :) Nice to see, that "my" Mod is not dead. When you need help, write me. I have made the Mod with 15 Years and i must say, it is my best work. 80 % from the original Stronghold Europe Mod i have made new. :cool:
  3. Thanks for the EMail, Eagle Prince. :) # savage101 Sorry, i can't make a own war trail. That is hard coded by the Game, so that you can make own Maps for the Traill, but not placed own AI Characters of the Map.
  4. In the Stronghold.mbl (mbl = message library) are new messages and a own Briefing for the Map. So that is a little "Map - Mod" like Stronghold Lotr.
  5. Here is a early Version. Death of the Sultan Murad Have fun with the Map. Sorry that this is in German. My English is good enough for a good Translation. Make a Copy from the Stronghold.mlb. Then copy the files in your Stronghold Folder. That's it. Download Stronghold.zip
  6. Yes, that is Prestina. But the Players Castle of on the big hill. The Map is in Work.
  7. No Problem, Eagle Prince! That is nor Work for me. I have fun with the Editor. :) The Suggestion from you, are helpful and brings me new Ideas, that make the Map better. Here is the Minimap.
  8. Thanks for your Suggestion. Ok, i make another Castle, with Novo Brdo of a Volcano. The Map 300 x 300. I make she to 400 x 400 and add a small Stone Castle.
  9. Lazar Hrebeljanovi? Tsar of Serba VS Murads I Here are Pictars from the Mission: Pri?tina, the Castle that you must defend against the Osman. The Battle of Kosovo was a great moment for the Serbian History. It was a Battle for the rule of Balkan, because the Byzantine Empires has fallen. In my Szenario attacks Sultan "Murad I" a littel Castle. Your have a small Trupp and no Knights, and the Crusaders from the Pope are the slight hope to survive the Osmanian Attacks. But by Nikopol the Crusaders are impacted. The courage from the man are only that, what you have. Defend your Castle!
  10. I work on a new Invasion Mission that called "Battle of Amselfeld". That is a historical Mission with own Videos and Sounds, and will be hard. You play Serbia and fight against the Ottoman Empire. I hope, you will have a good Game with this Scenario.
  11. This Forum is from Firefly Studios. She have posted that in a Article of the Firefly Facebook Site. https://www.facebook.com/fireflystudios/?ref=nf This Tools work for me, but not the ff_mlib_converter.exe.
  12. Hey Eagle Prince, ---> My Question. Firefly Studios Answer: -------------------------------- When you will make a own Campaign, you can send me a PN. My English is bad, but i have a lot of Tips for you. You can edit the text Files with a Hex Editor. :)
  13. Here are Screenshots from the Mod. I will upload weekly Pictures, so is it not so lang on wait of the next Version. Enjoy it. Teutonen Ritter
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