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Lord Vetka

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Everything posted by Lord Vetka

  1. Congratulations Mathew, your map has been uploaded and ready for downloading! I see you did make some of the changes I suggested, it should work a little better now, a good map worth downloading for a few hours of fun! Lord Vetka
  2. How does it work when you play teams against teams do people support or do their own thing? Chris Mathew and I played an SH2 game, those two started to fight each other after we all got to Duke and I was left on my own, after waiting for a while I decided to attack Mathew with a small force, but I should have supported him and attacked Chris as he is the better player, the game probably would have been more fun. I must say that I do enjoy making scenario maps the best though, but online is fun, a bit more stress than I like but still fun!
  3. I have not played online very much, but lately we have had a few games, on SH2 we play against each other, but on Crusader and Extreme we play against the AIs and support each other to the win, I like to play with supporting each other against the AIs. What is your preference when playing online games?
  4. Sounds like a great game, Saladin can be a good ally, and against the Wazirs and caliphs, way to go! I had Saladin as an an Ally with the Caliph in the North with me in between them and 3 Wazirs and 2 Nizars on the new map I made, I gave the AIs 4000 gold and me 2000 gold, I won the game and Saladin took out one of the Wazirs on his own, then to see, I played the same way but set to lots of troops and gold, gave the AI 20000 and me 7000, I was out in about 10 minutes, but I watched for a while and Saladin was taking it to the enemy along with the Caliph, but after a little while the Caliph fell and Saladin was soon to follow. Getting the right starting gold is important for the type of game you want to play, 3 against 5 strong AIs and you give them 20000 gold and you have a major fight on your hands, give them 4000 gold and it's to easy! Glad to see you guys had a fun game!
  5. No sorry I can't do that, I'm already taking time from my work that I have to get done, another hour means almost 3 hours from now before I could get outside and work.
  6. I just sent the map to Mathew, I'm looking forward to a great battle today!
  7. I do believe I will be able to play today, it will have to be an Extreme game though, I have not reinstalled Crusader 1.2 yet, sorry. I have been making some changes to the Anderton map if that would suit you we could try that same arrangement with the new version. I just sent it to EaglePrince I could send it to you if you like.
  8. To bad about the stalling and getting booted out, it was going to be a good game, I will be looking into a solution. With all of the things going on I wasn't thinking about my Horsearchers, I should have run them over and took the range units out of the Caliphs towers and get a few Ballistas there to knock his Ballistas out, then it would be OK. I will try and be ready for this game, but...don't hold your breath. I like the way we played with supporting rolls, this is the second time we tried it, a few adjustments and it could be quite fun, then Mathew you would not feel the need for a more challenging roll, but I do like the idea of all of us working together to attack the AI castles.
  9. I'm not sure if I will be able to play, I would like to make sure my pc is properly setup for it. I still have to reinstall Crusader 1.2 non HD. I would be more than happy to make a map for you guys, if you were to take Anderton and Burveek and give me what you like in both maps and what you would like in a new map, maybe I could make something favorable to most players. I still want to make a map in 1.2 then move it into Extreme without the outposts and the power bar, just need some time, Fall is in the air! I had no problem with the spot I was in, it was hard but OK, you had that spot the last time we played, it was a little easier because the AI had a lot less gold to start with, the spot you had was hard as well, Mathew tucked in between us was good he even sent some troops over to help me when it got a little difficult, to bad about the loss of connection.
  10. Yes it was a battle, the Caliph to the east of me could reach the right side of my castle, you had the same problem the first time we played this map EaglePrince, it makes the right side of your castle a bit useless, my Horsearchers did save the day though and I had some support from you guys as well, it was looking good until I got bumped from the game, glad to see you guys managed to remove the enemy lords for the win, congratulations. Mathew you were worried you would not do to well, you did fine, how did you like the game? I hope we have better luck next time!
  11. Yes it was a good fight, I have no idea of why my connection failed, I have adsl and a new modem, I will have to check the settings I guess. funny that it only fails with more than 2 players, I have no problem with SH2.
  12. This is Eagles thread, so we should see what he has to say. He might be waiting for us on Gameranger, I'm going there now.
  13. We are looking at an Extreme game today, I still have Crusader HD installed so we decided on Extreme, do you have Extreme? If you guys want to play I have more than enough for me to do, you guys go ahead if you want.
  14. I have played your map Mathew, there were a few problems, mission 5 did not have the win scripted so I had to quit and fix mission before retesting the map, I will find time to write a proper report and send it to your mail box.
  15. So, it's that time already. See you at Gameranger. Hi Nigel, there has been some fun, Lord Chris is the SHL player here, do you have Crusader, 1.1 or 1.2? or SH2? You can setup a game when you want, give a couple days notice and someone will be sure to join you, are you setup on Gameranger? There is another thread where we have given our Gameranger id's, you could add yours as well.
  16. I will make time to play tomorrow. The game we played yesterday was fun, a bit slow on my part, because you never needed anything, we setup a game where I was the Ally and I supported EaglePrince against 6 opponents, but they had no outposts and we never gave them enough gold, the game was to easy, still had fun though! If we are only 2 again, lets try giving the AI 20,000 gold, that should make things interesting.
  17. I have time now, only a shorter game hour hour and a half, I need to put the clear on in the heat of the sun, yes I'm working outside! See you on Gameranger Extreme!
  18. I could maybe be talked into a game with Extreme. Do you want to try something a little different? You pick the map and enemies, I will be your ally and support you all the way to victory, I won't join any of the fights, I will send you troops for defenses, but you will have to do the final act on your own, unless you want help with that. So I will be giving you gold and goods and weapons. But lets try and make it a short game.
  19. Today I will finish painting a car, I have a 1989 Sundance, Plymouth for you non car Europeans, it has 80,000 k's but the clear coat is burned off by the sun, so I am fixing the bad parts, hood roof trunk lid and some of the drivers side, I gave it a lite sanding with 400 wet, masked it all off and sprayed the red back on to it. Now I will give it another lite sanding with 1000 wet and spray the clear, the red did not cover completely and I did not have enough so I hope the clear will cover it like when the car is wet.
  20. I'm painting a car today and still have HD installed, so I will not be able to play! Chris maybe if you start a new thread we could help you to get Crusader working again, I saw that GOG has Crusader on sale, but it's HD, they might have 1.1, I bought SH1 from them for 4.99. You guys could play Extreme. Edit- I just noticed you said it stopped working after upgrading to 1.2, as far as I know you can only upgrade to 1.1, 1.2 is a separate game. I have both versions installed.
  21. So long as you put the bread in the granary for a great score, I don't care what you do with it! =) I hope you do well!
  22. Congratulations EaglePrince, always good to get those exams passed, now on to the next victory!
  23. Baker Man - Contest Map Welcome to the Baker Man contest, please enjoy! A simple map, make some bread, to start you have no gold, you do have a few troops to deal with the lions in the woods, and the woods are a few trees, but you can buy wood and weapons for more lions that will come in for a visit, enough farm land for some hops and enough wheat farms to get you a large amount of bread, you will need more than one granary, Fire! wood buildings and a desert, hmm, don't get burned! I play tested this map again, 3 times just before posting, the start was to hard so I made an adjustment and tested again and made over 1500 bread, I never used any of the extra tricks like good and bad things, I did leave room for much a higher score! Map made with version 1.1 Rules, you have 10 years game time. A valid entry must provide a start save and an end save. You can take your save a few months before your time runs out. October 1221 would be fine, I will run it to the end and give you the final score. No changing the map or scripting in any way. The contest will run from September 05 2014 until September 30 2014. Send your start and end save to "lordvetka@stronghold-nation.com" The prize for the high score will be- A Custom Title. The contest is open to players and staff members who want to enter, the staff member rule will be overruled for this contest, I Lord Vetka am putting this contest together for strongholdnations and will be the only judge. So Please Enter! By Lord Vetka
  24. Maybe the map info should be posted in both sections, in SH2 to announce the map and here to ask for play testers. I don't have a lot of time to test, if you want send it over and I will take a look at it for you. Send the map to "sirvetka- gmail-.com"
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