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Lord Vetka

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Everything posted by Lord Vetka

  1. I like the idea as well, I'm not really into multiplayer, but I'm in for making the map and castle. Thinking about maybe have a map that the castle is rebuilt harder for each event, how about if I make one map with a basic castle,(map 1), then when the player has completed the map, they move on to the next map, same map and castle as the first one, but a slightly upgraded castle,(map 2), then they would move onto the next upgraded map, could be 5 maps or more or less maps. The castle can be made in layers, new layers added for each level. To have to add the troops into the map in the editor for each player would be a pain, to setup the player so they could buy what they want for a certain amount of gold would work better, it would not be hard to setup the map for it, the players position can have every thing they need to buy what ever types of armies they can for say 20,000 gold, the amount of gold could be increased for each new level. The map could be made as a multiplayer map, then one person, probably Nigel could be the defending Lord, and each player would have to go against a live player in the castle. I see a lot of good ideas for further contests and challenges, this is a siege that topic, so maybe we could stay on the subject at hand for now, a new thread can be made for contest ideas. Glad to see people liking more contests!
  2. A new year is upon us, the last one was a good year for the site, a bunch of good people came along and helped to build the site up, we saw Crusader 2 come out, that seamed to bring more life to the site, great going guys! All the best for 2015, Many more exciting projects to come along, we have only started to get some interesting projects going even saw a few contests along the way, hopefully we have a few more. The downloads have seen a large amount of new maps for all of the games, some real good ideas with good skills to go along, the new years looks pretty good!
  3. I tried to log in and got sorry we are not accepting logs in at this time. Could be doing maintenance, I just tried to log into the Caesar 3 section and got the same results, looks like HeavenGames is down for now.
  4. Just doing some detailing on the maps, I made them for my own play, so I need to fix them up a bit before I send them to you guys and post them. I doubt if you will see to much economy in the peace map Chris, you have a tight spot and a few villages to use and I have enough bandits to stop you from using your Lord to remove the camp. If you want to test your economy, try the map "Sea to Sky" you know the map, you made a link for it to the article on playing a skirmish with no Lord. EaglePrince, if you prefer I could send you a war scenario for SH1, or 2 or 3 scenarios, I have a 3 series continuing story called "Boris the Thief" along with a few more scenarios, even a place your own keep map, I guess I should post some of them here, I forgot about those maps.
  5. That is so nice! Congratulations to every one! We have a good group of people here, Thank you for your contributions and being here!
  6. That's one of the things about modding files, it messes with files you don't even think of, like you said, it will mess with the trail. I doubt if you would have to have 8 of the same aiv, just the one would do, they supply you with 8 castles that does not mean there has to be 8, the game would wonder what a #9 castle is though:-), but only a #1 castle would force the AI to use that one. In multi play every one would have to have the same aiv files or the game will not like it, my guess! If you mod an aiv file and call it Richard 1 and only had that file in the folder for Richard and everyone else did the same thing it should be fine.
  7. I think I have a solution to this, I have 2 maps on my hard drive, a war scenario for EaglePrince and a peace scenario for Lord Chris, give me a few days to get them ready and you will have your prize! Thanks for playing!
  8. I just posted my new war scenario called "Chundra", "Chundra H" is the hard version. It's a small map with nothing small about the invasions, the normal map will make you work for the win, the hard version will allow a little less stone, no selling bread, and invaders will go to your mines, just enough to make it a hard map!
  9. All of the posts I've seen about custom AI castles is that they must replace the original AI castles in order to work, that's about all I know about the topic, I did make a few castles for Crusader and SH2, but like you I like to play the game the way it was meant to be played, and in as natural as I can, even though I don't build a castle for myself:-) I hope you got the answer you were looking for! Did you try and replace the castle but leave it with the same name, take Richard1.aiv out and replace it with the new file also named Richard1.aiv?
  10. Well, I forgot all about this, I guess I owe you guys a map. You want it in SH2, I could make one or send over a peace map I made a while ago, would that do?
  11. That's great work EaglePrince, the shorter the walk the faster the production, how did you insert the new gates? The thing about multiplayer that I see is that the games on each PC have to be the same, mod one and all fail, so to play multi you would have to make sure every one has the same setup, not hard to do just have to swap AI castles with the default ones for each player.
  12. I have kind of been following the thread, the one thing I have seen you guys not mention is the fact that the game does not like different versions, you guys talked about Gameranger not caring, but the game does. Probably has nothing to do with it but a suggestion anyway. When you start SH2 it should ask if you want to upgrade if you are not upgraded to 1.4.1, all players should be at the same version.
  13. It should work in multiplay, but you have to put the modded file into the game and remove the other files first. You can use the castle AIV editor to mod the castle, but just adding 2 gates might not work, you have to build every thing in the editor in sequence, if you just add the gates then they will be placed last if at all. It would be best to make a new castle, you could copy the old one and add in the gates at the right time in sequence, it can be done! There are quite a few people who have made custom castles and posted them at HG, you could try some of them and see if you get what you want.
  14. Here is my old setup, my old PC is on the left, I kept it in case we wanted to play some lan games, my newest PC on the right, can you hear the fans screaming, I have the C2 editor running:-) The only Christmas present I will get this year is the pair of door speakers I bought for my car, I have a factory high end 7 speaker sound system in my car and its sounds bad with one door speaker not working, so I said I'm buying a pair of speakers for my present and installed them already, and it sounds great again:-)
  15. New info-If you have raised terrain and the camera is jumping up and down as you scroll around the map in game, you can fix it by opening the camera grid in the tool tab in the editor, then adjust the grid height and grid cling, adjust the height to close to the top of the highest mountain and adjust the cling to level the grid some what, play around until it's comfortable in the game. I have a new map called Chundra that I will be posting very soon, I had a tester check it out for me, and he suggested using slaves to disrupt the iron and stone mines, well that took a little while to figure out but I did manage to get the slaves to attack the mine areas. How I did that is to add a (separate) invasion marker at the stone deposits and the iron deposits, then added in the Harass markers to each spot plus a blue #3 marker flag, the marker flag makes no difference, but the other two are needed, now the slaves come in and attack the mines instead of going straight to the keep. Without the extra Harass flags they did go to the mines and attack, but with the Harass flags they worked a lot better.
  16. The screens look great, nice map, look forward to seeing it in the downloads. "I will participate with this map on the mapping competition. Maybe it will win ^^" I will have to give you some competition, I have a war scenario I have been working on for a few weeks now, it has a nice custom dock with the ship and a village compound and an enemy castle to take down, there will be lots to do on this map, I'm in the middle of scripting.
  17. Thanks, have fun, the triggers could stall your PC if you use more than one, my PC stopped when I used 4 of them. My PC is an older PC dual core 3400 so a little slow. You can see in the screens of the editor, the task bar has a icon that is all red, that shows how much my cpu is being used, at 80% it goes red, you see that at 100%, same in game, I'm out of resources:-(
  18. I just posted my new Free play map "Free Falls" It's a medium map with more than enough resources to build a fine castle, I put in some markers to trigger invasions to test your castle if you want to, in the North there are 4 markers each one has a hard invasion that repeat once in one day, in the south west corner you will find 2 sign posts that will trigger the same type of invasions, these will come from the southwest, trigger them by moving a soldier up to the marker, one at a time or a few at once or all at once, the invasions are invasive and could stall your computer if you trigger to many to start with, save first! Merry Christmas to all and have a great New Year! This is one trigger on the NW side.
  19. That's a good idea Nigel, our main goal is to get more members and that would help, and yes the quality of maps posted in the workshop will be poor and good maps will be few, we would like to be known as a quality site. I did post my "Jungle Fever" map there as a test to see what will happen, I have had one response and responded with "if you liked that map, come over to strongholdnation and check out more war scenarios" Lets see how that goes!
  20. You like my tribute to the lion den, I like to move little peaces around like a puzzle to make it look like something was actually there at one time, the map is a quick fun adventure in the jungle! Thanks. Oh and did you notice that is a water fall, it came with the new patch, a bit goofy but with a bit of imagination you can make it look OK.
  21. We are not sure how we want to go with the new workshop at Steam, any ideas, will it help our site if we post maps there or can we attract new members by posting a few good quality maps there and more better maps here.
  22. Maybe we could post a couple of good quality maps once in a while, and keep posting more and better maps here, people might come over for quality maps. This is off topic, a new thread should be started.
  23. That's right, a jungle map for Crusader 2, this is a small peace map, it does have some fighting but not enough to call it a war scenario, there are 2 places to get the necessary goods, the pitch is guarded by lions and the iron is guarded by Raiders, and to help things along, I've invited a few Man at Arms to come by for a visit once in a while. You have enough resources around to acquire enough Man at Arms for your own army, the lions need tending to and the raiders need to be evicted before you will get the iron for the armour, a simple goal for the win, 50 days to get 50 pitch and make 30 armour, please enjoy your stay! Jungle Fever is in the downloads economy section, please enjoy! Download: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/231-jungle-fever/
  24. Looks like an interesting map, I like water, the sea has a nice look to it, I have a new map that has an inlet and I sunk some deep troughs into it and put in a custom dock with the ship, I'm liking the editor more every day, my new "Jungle Fever" map has the new water fall in it, you have to play with it to make it look good but hey we have water falls. Keep up the good work on those maps.
  25. I'm not sure about that, I will wait and see what Lord Chris has to say. I did do a test post on a map I just made, maybe you will see it, "Jungle fever", I looked for it after posting it but, it's all new to me!
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