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lord dredd

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About lord dredd

  • Rank
    Armed Peasant
  1. great news- the submission has been received- not the way i wanted,as i had to add chapter three to a free build crusader map.
  2. Hi, just submitted chapter four.as for chapter three it must have worked when i submitted it. As for problems with submitting maps i had a few errors over the years with strongholdheaven.games? when i joined in 2006 and occasional problems with other sites as i play many strategy games.
  3. sorry neither of those, i select the map for stronghold 1 .and I'm logged in. In fact i just tried again and got the same message in my original post
  4. Hi thanks for your reply. i tried to submit the map via the link you gave me and i wrote down the following message. Thankyou? i appreciate your reply hope this helps
  5. hi, I've been having trouble submitting a map.i keep getting? error message /page not found.
  6. Hello and Thankyou for your reply ,it is most appreciated.I will submit pt2 shortly.
  7. I submitted a map for stronghold 1 ,looked fot it here and i get an error not found message,any thoughts? the file is called 'the divided kingdom'. I tried to resubmit it using version one of the file,but then i get 'file already exists'.
  8. I'm new here,but i was a member of strongholdknights fansite and still a member of strongholdheavengames website you should go to the downloads section for SH1/Crusader and there are loads of files including a thread to alter the SHC -extreme trail. hope that helps .
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