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About Lurker

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    Macedonia, Skopje

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  1. Hello So i'm Lurker but i used to go by the name DjReplica or Prosecutor Lurker. I reside in Macedonia, in the capital of Skopje. 21 years old and last year in university, computer science are my studies and my expertise field is computer security. To be honest about it, i wasn't a big stronghold player, never played any of the isometric games as age of empires and red alert took that pleasure than stronghold. I only tried stronghold legends and used to play it for 4-5 months by myself, tried stronghold 2 very reccently and absolutely loved it, enough that i'm planning to try stronghold crusader 2(Don't worry i've tried stronghold 3 and really hated it, so i'm not interested at all in that game). Other than that i'm a competitive player in lot of rts games, the strongest i've been and yet i'm are in red alert 3, command & conquer 3 kane's wrath, age of empires 2, age of mythology, red alert 2, starcraft 2, and starcrat 1. Currently experimenting with empire earth 1 and 2 and stronghold as of now to see how multiplay and competitive is hanging. Other games i've tried and had some online experience were company of heroes 1 and 2, wargame(all 3 wargames), ruse, worlds of conflict, gray goo and act of aggression.?
  2. Hello, just registered to ask if there is existence for this? https://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/file/8-sh2-map-unlocker/ but for Legends.
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