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  1. alord

    Unit limit

    I don't remember what version I was playing in stronghold 2 but what happened is that the computer invasion failed to attack my castle (they just stood still) in my custom map so I stopped playing because of this. I tried to figure it out what was wrong (in editor) and probably had patches but didn't get the invasions to work. Now I created test map with moat and everything and the computer attacked it well. So maybe what happened with my map was rare occasion.? It's just bit silly though that the invading army fires it's own troops that are walking on the wall with catapults :D?But other than that it seems to work now.. I read from somewhere that they are going to release stronghold 2 on steam. Maybe then we get more patches for that as well. And now I'm quitting stronghold 1 because of the unit limit =|
  2. alord

    Unit limit

    I play it because it's an awesome game.. stronghold 2 & 3 are good too but I like the way they did the first one. Also I have encountered some bugs in the stronghold 2 that ruined my game. The one however works well.?
  3. alord

    Unit limit

    @Lord_Chris Thanks for taking time to look in to this. Any word from the firefly yet?
  4. alord

    Unit limit

    1.5k sounds right considering it includes peasants. I was thinking in my freebuild that it wasn't exactly 1k.
  5. alord

    Unit limit

    Did another test with freebuild (With official map "Grasslands"). Same thing, I have over 1k of troops and no invasion soldiers spawn when I try to start one by pressing F1. They spawned just fine when I had less soldiers.
  6. alord

    Unit limit

    I created the invasion map in the in game editor.
  7. alord

    Unit limit

    When I first had the problem that invasion did not spawn all units I took the savegame and converted that to .map and placed it in map folder so I could load it in the editor. I did this just so I could add new invasions to it but I realized at some point that there was the unit limit so no invasion would work anymore with the map, that had too many soldiers defending the castle.
  8. alord

    Unit limit

    Actually I'm not sure about that because I discovered while playing my custom invasion mission that the troop limit is your_soldiers + peasants + enemy_soldiers. So if you have 800 defenders in your castle and there should be invasion of 500 units, only 200 enemy actually spawns at invasion. This is why it's so disappointing.
  9. alord

    Unit limit

    @Mathew Steel sorry about the abbreviation. @EaglePrince I have steam version, v1.4
  10. alord

    Unit limit

    Hi in stronghold 1 HD there seems to be 1k unit limit. can this be changed? thx!
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