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Everything posted by bradley0095

  1. only if letchy lord didn't get caught up in the attack you could of survived like 5-10 min longer
  2. better effort that time but I still won
  3. will be once us 3 here il set it up
  4. im ready just waiting for letchy he be on soon
  5. me and letchy be up for a game tomorrow
  6. good game 2v1 but I manage to hold off and win :P
  7. ok just waiting to get a reply from letchy on Skype il start hosting again same as before I done some small changes to the map added a few wolvers was only small tinker at the moment Stronghold nations shnations
  8. just post here to discuss the event and would be helpful if anyone who would like to join the event post here so we know roughly how many will come and if we need to set up multiple lobbies Event : http://www.stronghold-nation.com/community/events
  9. I Added details about the events in the event page the time of the event will be decided closer to the event date
  10. il browse what maps I got from joining online games otherwise we can try that map again but with the outlaws in place
  11. if it just us 3 again I will put you 2 on a team but I wont hold back
  12. also if any one else wants to join post in here so I know to wait for ya before starting
  13. also just corrected the outlaw buildings
  14. few hours earlier maybe I can get a game going about 4ish as I going out at 7ish
  15. ok hosting game now game name will be stronghold nations password to join is shnations loading now
  16. ok going to host a game from 1 hour from now we going to test the new map while we at it and I got a friend that going to join for fun as he a kind of new he still learning
  17. well working on the map now it is indeed an 8 player map and will be interesting to say the least the map will be a 2v2v2v2
  18. thinking we should hold a stronghold 2 gaming event next sunday 23rd march and do one every few weeks or week or so. Basically if I get enough time il create a new map for the event and during the the week have it advertise on the website I don't know how many people will come though and only 8 people per lobby so if its popular we have to do more than one lobby and they will have a password so people who saw the event on website can join so along with the advertisement its will say what the hosting game name and password will be and time and any rules like you will be starting as freeman and there is a 15 in game year PT just an idea we can try which we can also try on stronghold legends as well after this event its a good way to get the community a bit more active
  19. il host a game at 6pm London time game name will be stronghold nations password to join is shnations also if any one else wanna join feel free to :P
  20. hey don't know if you still up for a game but later (it past midnight so like 15 odd hours later) il give ya a game 5-6pm uk time
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