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About Azibeel

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    Cracow, Poland

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  1. As a stronghold series veteran, after playing it for a couple of hours...i have to say it's a...c**p. Idiotic AI of our soldiers, failed 3D, really, i expected something more, i'm not suprised that this game was in bundle...
  2. Thanks for the reply, it's really Nice to hear that one of the last RTS series is still alive :)
  3. Hello I am new player of Stronghold Crusader II, but i was one of top players (multiplayer) in first part of the game. I see the community is still alive, SHC 2 isn't a bad game, but developers leave it, a little bit. As SHC 2 is still popular in multiplayer part of the game, i have an idea to make maybe small, but strong community, playing and conquer in this game. What do you think about some little tournaments? Little competition? This site is a great opportunity, to not let this game die Anyone is thinking in the same way i think? Let's discuss about it !
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