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Cortez last won the day on April 25 2021

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  1. It's not really starting goods. Stronghold 2 has the option to cap or take resources. Like when you have the feast preparation for the last peace campaign mission and the game makes sure you don't have what you might collected during the previous missions. Or you can make a script that takes away 1000 gold once you've collected it. Does Legends have that option?
  2. I have a multi mission Legends map and recently I seem to root out a number of annoyances, but I see no option to cap or take away resources. Am I just blind or there's no such option in Legends?
  3. Bears are the only other killable animals and they're the mission objective, so they don't respawn.
  4. Okay, I've run some tests and it's pretty bizarre. Apparently, removing the wolves stops the respawn. Replacing them is not. However, this is not a simple wolf multiplying (like when they keep popping up near each other). They're popping up from thin air as if they'd respawn on the place they were put during map creation. EDIT: I used the wolf spawn rate trigger and set it off. This made the wolves spawn faster than my archers were killing them. I don't think this is normal. I also try using wolf invasion which while prevents uncontrolled respawns doesn't listen to the "set wolves to defensive" command and after reaching their scripted point, move against my estate, no matter what.
  5. Bear Necessities is a vastly underutilized map in my opinion. Fairly easy, only 1 mission and a bunch of estates that you don't need. Because of that, I toyed with the idea of tweaking it into a richer peace map (though I think I have to unlock my modded version too). However, the map keeps spamming wolves for some reason and I don't even see a trigger that would be responsible for it. Any idea of the cause? Is it hard coded into it?
  6. Hi. The issue occurred in 1.4.1 with every attempt. I've tried setting a siege point, not setting a particular target point or setting it outside of the fortification. The enemy only start properly moving toward the castle if the catapults manage to breach the wall. If the catapults are taken out prior to that, the army either keep standing around or start moving in small groups to get slaughtered.
  7. I actually modded my campaigns to be a little harder, especially the mission 8 where you basically just need to build your forces without any interference. I reinforced Lord Beaufort's castle (it was just a small estate originally) and made him and Hugo Blanc periodically send invasions until they're taken out.
  8. I decided to finish my peace map that I left stalling for a while and I'm having trouble with a final invasion. An army is supposed to assault your wooden fortification but they either stand around indefinitely no matter what I do or they attack in small groups, leaving some of them standing at the invasion point. Apparently, they don't like the closed castle as whenever the siege equipments break the wall, they all start moving. But I don't get why don't they just start assaulting the wooden walls as their weapons can destroy it.
  9. Chris, I said earlier: as soon as I removed a fragment of the moat, they began moving toward my castle. EaglePrince, yeah but he has like 6-8 knights, the rest of his troops are outlaws and others digging units. So, knights aren't his main troops.
  10. Oh, I see now. It's pretty complex and sadly only appears to works on a custom, non-kingmaker map. Seems easier to change the teamcolour file with the teamcrest.
  11. It was a simple kingmaker map. At first, he seemed to try filling the moat, but then, he just stopped. He built some trebuchets which just stood without assembling them and as soon as I removed a fragment of the moat, they began moving toward my castle.
  12. I'm not much of a moat guy, I mainly set up a border against the AI, but since laddermen bugged me for a long time, I decided to make their life harder by surrounding myself with moat. However, when I finished it, Barclay's siege forces paused and he didn't send more against me. At first, he had a high number of outlaws at home which tried to march then changed their minds and went back. When I tested him again, he literally held dozens of siege weapons at home (it made the game laggy to look at his castle) and he patrolled with ballistae and catapults. The rest of the AI had no real problem, they tried to fill the moat during a siege. Anyone else encountered this phenomena?
  13. Thank you. It is kinda disappointing, it's hard to play without properly overseeing the battlefield. Don't understand the persistent colors either (although crest makes it work like the weapon), Stronghold Legend has a very simple color switch, I don't know why was it so hard for Firefly to include to SH2.
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