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Sir DavidSpy

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Sir DavidSpy last won the day on July 27 2020

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About Sir DavidSpy

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    WI, USA

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  1. I hope this kind of topical self promotion isn't against the rules but for the past few months I've been working on a high quality playthrough of the Stronghold HD Military Campaign on Very Hard difficulty for YouTube. I'm doing full English commentary for the entire playthrough which I'm hoping helps explain my strategy. As of this post I've made it about halfway through so if that's sounds like something you'd be interested in watching I'll include a link to the YouTube playlist below.
  2. It was strange that my 5s arrived on the same day Firefly announced this. I personally prefer Android but all the flagships are too big for my pockets so I ended up getting the previous gen iPhone 5s.
  3. While the rock paper scissor mechanic may not be very pronounced in the game it should be very possible to set up more of a 'siege that' in tactical battle format where both sides get set number of troops and whoever out-maneuvers the other would gain the upper hand and win.
  4. I'm keeping up for the most part with the moderate carders, those who just throw money at the game are quite a bit more advanced than I am but they are in the vast minority.
  5. About 15 days ago now I started anew in the newly opened USA3 with a renewed commitment to build up as fast as I could but without cards. After day eight of daily updates I moved to a 'week-in-review' format and hope to have the weekly video up later today. So far, feedback on the series has been very positive and I figured I'd share it here in the hopes that others will find it useful.
  6. This is what I'm seeing in every thread. Windows 10, latest version of Firefox. (Image displayed twice)
  7. Yeah, it's a shame the old site is so well hidden. It will really make it hard for new players with questions to find.
  8. I get the following error when attempting to view my profile. The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration, we've been unable to display the page you requested. We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused, use the link below to try again, alternatively you can return to the board index. Errno [ 8 ]: Undefined variable: panther_users in /home/path/to/profile.php on line 1833
  9. Modern integrated graphics should be sufficient for general purpose computer usage such as web browsing, watching videos, and maybe some light games. Celeron is pretty much the bottom of the bin when it comes to Intel processors though, shouldn't matter much for your listed use case though.
  10. If there is one upgrade for older hardware that you'll see a tangible improvement in performance after upgrading, it's chucking out your old HDD and installing a new Solid State Drive. Seriously, don't bother with CPU or RAM upgrades on an older rig, if you don't have a SSD yet though, get one. You'll be pleasantly surprised, I guarantee it, especially with the recent drops in price per GB.?
  11. I hope it's acceptable to post a relevant link here. Rather than forcing users to search for me I figured I'd just drop the link to my Steam profile and make it simple. :) http://steamcommunity.com/id/stateofdekay/
  12. I agree with the consensus to keep the comment system, I often find myself reading product reviews before buying anything online and this is similar, also, it makes it easier to solicit feedback on maps/scenarios.
  13. Just thought I'd let you know that aside from the already noted missing private messages I had no issues using the updated forum. Also my belated congratulations to Charles of Tours and Nigel on their promotions.
  14. Wow, it's been almost a month already! Well I've put together a four part series which discusses which researches are rank-appropriate and possible synergies between them. They are all posted to my Stronghold Kingdoms fan site but you are free to link to them here as well.? http://stronghold-kingdoms-strategy.com/research/
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