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Everything posted by Lord_Chris

  1. Hi @nox7, welcome to the site! Yes, I've noticed before about the header of the file..... it contains basic things such as the map type, i.e. Kingmaker and a few of the more basic settings and configuration of the map. In regards to the Program Files directory the game struggles reading maps from there because it's considered a protected directory in Windows. Which is why you need admin privileges to do things there. That's why the game struggles there. As @Crusader1307 pointed out, we'd love to have some of your tutorials on the site :) If you want you can PM them to me and I'll get them up there for you. Also if you like you could upload your bug-free version to our downloads section.... I'm sure many of our members would enjoy that being there. Finally, in relation to hard-coded limits, I'm not sure there's much that can be done on that front I'm afraid. Although you may be able to accomplish some of it as you sound more experienced in this field than myself. I've come to find that most of the configurable info (appears) to be hard-coded in the exe file. Have a good Christmas :)
  2. Effective immediately, heavy consequences will now come with any spam or unrelated, unwarranted post made on this forum. After a recent small influx of accounts purely for the purpose of promoting spam, the Moderation team has agreed the following rules which will take instant effect. On a temporary basis, all posts and topics made by new members must be manually approved by Moderators New members may only make a single post per 5 minutes The promotion threshold to regular permissions has been doubled to 10 approved posts Additional powers are to be available to Moderators to quickly and automatically permanently ban spammers, post their data to StopForumSpam and easily remove their posts and topics in one action New detection is to be setup to detect and automatically block suspected smurfing and inform the Moderation team of all related information The Moderation team has also agreed to a change of policy on spammers and spam accounts. In the instance a new user appears to have registered their account solely for the purposes of spamming or general annoyance, their account will be permanently deleted and their IP address blocked. Should a second offence somehow occur, a formal complaint will be made to the user's ISP on behalf of the site. In the event of a user already registered attempting to spam, a posting ban will be placed upon their account for each spam post which is made. For example: 1 post : 7 day ban 2 posts : 14 day ban 3 posts : 21 day ban 4 posts : 28 day ban 5 posts : 35 day ban 6 posts : 42 day ban 7 posts : 49 day ban 8 posts : 56 day ban 9 posts : 63 day ban 10 posts : 70 day ban Yes, these are accurate and very, very real. It should be common sense what is acceptable and what isn't, but unfortunately a small minority has pushed well beyond the limits of what is acceptable. We will continue to keep this situation under review and additional powers will be granted to Moderators if necessary to deal with any further incidents which may occur. Further updates will be provided in this thread in due course. This isn't open for discussion so this topic will simply be closed. However, if you have any questions you may PM them to me. Any topics or posts made about this new policy will also be closed and removed. It simply is not open for discussion.
  3. You can change the uni files in Stronghold 2 so that you (or another unit in the game) can be represented by any character or lord. We have a tutorial on that here. As far as being able to take control of other lords, unfortunately it's only available on an "in the box" basis with what's already there. We can't add anything different. Likewise on the hex code stuff, Stronghold 2 is structured differently to Stronghold Crusader, and it's not possible to do that in Stronghold 2. @Tokamaps has a thread where he briefly described the colour changing process, although not much came of it. You can find that here. Be warned, though, way back on Stronghold Knights one of the Firefly developers warned that it would mess the whole game up changing the colours. You need to take into account multiplayer, the siege mode .etc. when changing and it's a massively complex operation. I actually looked into this myself several years ago but I couldn't get anywhere due to the massive amount of hard-coding of the colours and shades .etc. You need extremely good knowledge of C++ and programming in general to be able to interpret it, let alone pull it off. I suspect a lot of it is compiled (i.e. non-readable) and therefore non-changeable, too. Firefly would have to release the source code for you to edit it, which I don't see happening any time soon. On what you mentioned about the Stronghold 2 Steam edition, I don't have that version of the game, but I know @Mathew Steel does. He wrote an article on the changes here which you may wish to read, including many of the bugs introduced in that version of the game. It sounds like this could well be one of them.
  4. Hi @odisseus, As already brilliantly explained by and [user]Mathew steel], we have strict rules on approving files to crack down on any abuse. You may want to take a look at this pinned thread in Site Questions/Support, which explains some of the requirements for uploading a map. I also perhaps think we should update the official guidelines when attempting to submit your map to include some of that information collated in one place, so I will try to do that this weekend at some point. Other than this, welcome to the site, and thanks for getting involved! :)
  5. Hi @ImTheFrostbite, Apologies for not getting a reply to you on here. I actually thought I had replied several days ago but it seems I must have been sidetracked, most likely phone calls, and then forgot I had not replied. I've since subsequently had a few technical issues over the past few days. As far as I am aware, you can't make a trigger to take control over the physical lord of another player in the game unless the mechanics have already been added to the game, i.e. through a converted campaign map using the map unlocker. That setting you're referring to there with the enabled/disabled is probably the take AI castle option. This allows you to temporarily take over the castle of an AI player, but not the lord themselves. What problems are you having running the map unlocker? Also, you may want to take a read of this tutorial. While not strictly relating to your question, it may help to provide some more information into the whole process behind modifying campaign maps in Stronghold 2: https://www.stronghold-nation.com/article/283-adding-custom-messages-briefings
  6. Hi @Dze, welcome to StrongholdNation! Yes, this is possible. It's something that I've done before when I formatted my PC. First off, you need to head over to the C:\Users\\Documents\Stronghold Legends folder. In here you should find a folder called "Profiles", along with a very important file called profiles.dat. Inside this folder, you should find a sub-folder named as each of your Stronghold Legends Profiles which exist, or, if you have not specifically created a profile, there will be a single folder which exists entitled Default Profile. To restore a profile, you need to copy any existing profile folders into the "Profiles" folder, overwriting them if they already exist, and also replace the profiles.dat file. Both these steps are very important as without them you will be unable to load your game progress and will have to start from scratch. To backup a profile, I recommend taking a backup of the whole Stronghold Legends folder in my documents. This will also save all of your custom maps as well as your profiles, and, it will also save your graphics settings. In regards to your second question, unfortunately it is not possible to port your game to the Steam library. You can however run the disk game through the Steam Client, but it is not possible to upgrade to the Steam version from the disk version. The ability to get the new version for free was restricted only to those users who already had the Stronghold Collection on Steam.
  7. I love Total War too. My favourite by far is Medieval 2 Total War. I have all the expansion packs for that. Right now I'm playing the Britannia campaign. I think it's a huge pity Sega moved their games to be Steam Exclusive several years ago as it puts me off buying more.
  8. Since we've promoted @Mathew Steel to a full Moderator, he has quickly become a very enthusiastic part of the team! He is a very active Moderator who only has the interests of SHN at heart, and has moderated his sections of the site (and far and beyond too!) with considerable knowledge and expertise. We're therefore delighted to promote him to a more senior global moderator with immediate effect! Thank you Mathew, we know you will continue to play an amazing role on the site! :)
  9. Split thread and moved to Site Questions/Support. The Gaming Events forum is only for organising events.
  10. Unfortunately as Piracy is against the site rules we are unable to help you and ask that you do not bring this up again here. You have been warned about your conduct before numerous times in relation to piracy. As always, if you have any issues with the site rules feel free to shoot myself or another team member a PM.
  11. Each game is setup differently so it depends on which game you're using. I know it does apparently work for SH2, although I've never tried it myself. Networking isn't really my forte but I would suspect that you've incorrectly configured something, from what you've described there. It would help if you were more detailed in your explanation of what you've done. Also keep in mind that for years Stronghold 2 and other games used to rely on GameSpy for running online games and would work within the game itself. That has no longer been the case since 2016, where GameRanger have taken over in its place and you now much launch the game externally from GameRanger to play online. Depending on where you heard this information and the date of when it was posted could also be a factor as to why it may not be working.
  12. No, if it was Firewall or Router related issues, they wouldn't start halfway through the game. Those kind of issues would be there right from the start, maybe not even letting you connect with each other at all.
  13. Yes! This is exactly the kind of thing I have in mind. I don't know whether you played the Settlers, Heritage of Kings back in the day, but especially things like frozen water happened in Winter seasons. I'd love to see something like this done. I'd try to include it myself if the SH2 code were open source. The thing that I imagine for randomly generated maps is that you'd have the choice. So you'd still have all your maps as normal, but there would be an additional option of "randomly generated" in the Skirmish screen. You'd click on this, it would open a new window to select a specific map type, e.g. Continental, Hilly, Plains, Mediterranean etc.. you'd select one type from that, and it would randomly generate a terrain for you based on that map type for the number of lords playing. It's a pretty advanced technique but it was used incredibly well in Empires, Dawn of the Modern World by Activision- right back in 2003. Things have massively moved forward since then, so it should be a lot easier now.
  14. As long as there are no estate buildings such as a Keep or estate marker, or there's enough space for those buildings to be placed into an estate, or any production buildings (e.g. an outlaw camp which will spew out Outlaws) that are placed before you play the game to create the ruins, then yes, it should work. But it does pose a problem the more that you add as in buildings, especially units .etc., before you create the ruins. Like I said in the tutorial, Stronghold 2 doesn't like this trick as much as games earlier in the series does, and it can become unpredictable with buildings that are placed then go through this process. I haven't seen your map so I'm not aware of what you have placed, but if you feel that strongly that buildings/units need to be placed in certain locations, why not try marking their boundaries out in a different shade of terrain colour? Once you've gone through the whole process you can change the terrain colour again back to normal, and then place your units/buildings. Terrain is ok, but I honestly would recommend you keep everything placed to an absolute minimal, only to what you need, because it can seriously cause instability and unpredictability if things are left. I've even opened maps where in the editor, the Keeps were placed and Peasants .etc. were spawning in the editor, as an example of how messed up things can get.
  15. That would be interesting, @EaglePrince. The two things which I've like to see and have personally been calling for a very long time now, are seasons in the game, where the map reflects a specific season at a time, and buildings .etc. do as well, and also, the ability to use randomly generated terrain maps for Skirmish along with other user-made ones. That would take the game to a whole new level.
  16. That isn't possible in Stronghold Legends, as it's all automatic connection. Are you all on the latest disk version of the patch (1.2)? I've noticed that GameRanger doesn't really care what version of the game you use at all, so this could well be the cause of your problems. Assuming all copies of the game are genuine, that it the most likely reason. See this article for more information on the Stronghold Legends patches.
  17. Yes, unfortunately this is the issue. I'm not sure whether it was our tutorial which you used to create your ruins, but it does touch slightly on that issue. I perhaps should edit it, and add in a more specific note not to allow estates to be formed. Unfortunately there's no remedy for this that I have found, other than entirely starting from scratch or reverting to an earlier version of the map. I'm sorry.
  18. I've posted several CivCity Rome screenshots I've found to our Gallery, here are one or two below. You can grab the map here from the first one underneath. Enjoy!
  19. If you're booted to the main menu then that (at least from what I have gathered) means there's a serious connection/multiplayer synchronicity issue of some kind where multiplayer can't continue, so to avoid the whole game just crashing it boots you to the main menu. Could be that certain people have modified the game, or down to internet speed, lag ...... What you could do to try and see whether this is the problem, and I know this is only a trial by error, but try having a play about with who is joining the game. Notice if there's any patterns, e.g. that when one or two specific people join the game it crashes. Unfortunately there's no real "fix" for this issue, but you could try playing around to see what the problem is. The most common cause I'd say is that it's the connection between two specific people that causes some kind of tension. If even one of those didn't join it may change.
  20. Hi @kian, it's been a while! Welcome back! :) From my experience, when the game crashes it tends to be because of instability somehow in the game files. First of all, is everyone using the non-Steam version of the game? And also, can you confirm everyone is using the 1.4.1 version of the game as well?
  21. Thanks. I'll try and get some templates to you today or tomorrow. :)
  22. I've restructured the site navigation menu and I've corrected all the links on the site from http to https (secure). I'm going to look into the editor next and try to fix the mess when posting sometimes. You could definitely help to make a better template if you like, but the problem with that is that at the moment this template is still slightly outdated when you compare it to the version of the forum this is running. I'll try and find some time to get a proper template to you soon that you can modify- is your email still the same?
  23. The page on the site only shows the current day (for now) because the facts are randomly chosen from a database for each day. They're replaced again the following day. I'll look for some way of maybe allowing people to see previous facts, but for now the priority is getting all the information in there, I think. Yeah I removed the other forum template because it was too old and too buggy, I will be replacing it eventually (though as we all know, big things like that turn slowly here ;) ) so it could be a while yet. ** Edit ** Forgot about your last point. The navigation menu will be rewritten soon, until then I won't be adding it in.
  24. I've recently re-coded the main site, and although there aren't any design changes, you should notice it's running faster. I've added a new menu item when you're logged in which is a link to submit to the gallery. I've also removed and combined several redundant pages. I'm also excited to announce that there is a new feature on the site: from now on we have a page here which will show historical events and facts for whatever the current day is. As our expert historian, @Crusader1307 will be posting awesome facts which will be available here for everyone! We have a new "Castle of the Week" feature coming soon as well! Make sure you keep checking guys!
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