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Everything posted by Lord_Chris

  1. I understand :) Regarding the errors, I'm honestly not sure right now what is the reason the errors are occurring, but I will try my best to find it out and fix it soon. It is a strange error. But we are currently updating the forum software anyway, so this is a chance to fix it then.
  2. I don't really see the benefit right now of immediately "rushing" into Tapatalk, I'm afraid. I just can't see it having any long-term impact on the success of the forum. Perhaps at some point in the future we will make a plugin for the forum for Tapatalk, but it's likely to be a custom thing for all forums and not just SHN. But for now we're busy focussing on the new release. As far as switching forum software goes, this is not really something I feel comfortable with. For one I don't really see any benefit of making such a move, but also because it would simply be requiring a lot of time and effort to migrate the whole website over (as that's what it would take) simply for the case of a mobile friendly style. The only forum I would consider is Invision Power, the commercial software, yet it would still need to be migrated into the site and I just don't have the time to do it. I honestly don't see the benefit, I am sorry.
  3. Unfortunately, we just don't have the funds for an app as it's too costly. I do know a developer who could do one, but it would be costing upwards of ?2,000-?4,000 and I just don't think it's worth spending; we simply don't have the kind of traffic yet to justify that money sadly. Then there's the ?100 a year fee that Apple charge just to have it on the App Store. The best way to get that traffic, though, is by writing articles etc and attracting it through the web interface first ;) Tapatalk is something which I understand you're very passionate about, but I just can't see at any point in the near future. That said, I can see the issues with the mobile friendliness of the board, but there's not really much I can do I'm afraid- I'm simply not CSS inclined at all. My skills lie almost exclusively with PHP, for the forum I have to rely on a single CSS developer to create all the styles in his own time. I could ask him to create a new gaming style but it's unlikely to match our theme currently. And he works very slowly too so it would likely be several months before it's complete even if he started now. We're also from different timezones too which makes things slower in communicating. I did go ahead just now and take another look at Tapatalk, but it sounds as if they want to host things on their servers. This brings us into all sorts of legal questions such as with (dare I mention) the new GDPR laws (..yuck) and I just don't feel comfortable with another service passing data or handling any data at all. I'm just not sure what to suggest, I'm afraid. If you want to discuss this further, though, feel free to make a topic in Site Questions/Support or PM me. :)
  4. I really like it personally. I think it looks like an exciting alternative to the other games in the series. Annnnnnnd it's good to know Firefly have been reading our site too ;) The Snow they have included was on our SH2 suggestions list so I'm really pleased and excited to see they've included that finally. Yes, I noticed this too. Very disappointing from my perspective as I was hoping they would finally ditch this engine and move onwards. It looks very much like the whole thing is going to be steam-centric again. But I suppose the benefit is that if we get our act together we can quickly become the #1 site for those players who want to seek an alternative. We need as many articles .etc. putting up beforehand as possible, particularly from the older games so when people arrive they realise we're serious. ANy help from anybody would be appreciated :) You know what, I think that hits the nail bang on the head, it does look like Age of Empire a bit now doesn't it. A much more advanced version of course. I'm quite looking forward to this new release. While it doesn't look as much like a Stronghold game, it certainly is a good one for Firefly to release. I hope they're successful with it.
  5. Hmm. Whatever the issue, we'll be refactoring CSRF tokens in the next release so it should be fixed. I can't provide a time limit folks though, I'm afraid. Probably a couple months I should think.
  6. "Big Kev" rampaged my village and burnt it down to the ground giving it the Hannibal treatment...... alas, the Welsh are more accepting of us English :D * Plot Twist * Kev is really @Mathew Steel on his fake account :lol: :lol:
  7. Seems to be a pretty common error..... I'll take a look at it.
  8. It's been happening a lot for me. I'm guessing it's something to do with the fact I'm logged in twice. Are either of you when this happens?
  9. Playing on your iPhone really does make it a lot easier. Although it's still better playing on a desktop. You can't beat a desktop PC when it comes to playing Kingdoms. That is, if you aren't totally destroyed before your village even gets set up (lol).
  10. Anyone else getting these errors lately? "Incorrect cross request forgery token".
  11. I'll put in a good word with our friend Kevin- I'm sure he'll take note of that and act accordingly :lol:
  12. Thank you for the kind words, @ds2019! We hope you have an enjoyable experience both here and playing your games :)
  13. If anyone here is interested in joining me, I've just started a new game off in World 7. I'm currently in Tyneside.
  14. Oh believe me, I know the feeling. When I first started C# I was one of the few to pick that up quite easily hah, although in fairness a lot of it was Console for the first year. Second year was much harder when we moved to OOP. See my experience with PHP did help me to move forward a bit in that area, and grasp a better than average understanding straight away. Mind saying that I don't really think the lectures were much good...... as interesting as Egyptology, the meaning of life and how to talk to people are (true stories) they're not really relevant to computing courses :lol: :lol: I think PHP is just about the only language I can do (and actually like to do) OOP styled because it's so flexible. The documentation is really quite good too especially compared with other languages. I've found lots of serious issues with the official documentation before as well on various other languages, which is incredibly frustrating. C# falls into those categories as does Java for me. Part of the reason why I hated doing it so much but we also didn't ever receive a lot of guidance, as you yourself know it's probably never going to work at first without a lot of support....
  15. I've gone ahead and briefly tried myself what @Charles of Tours suggested. Though this was on a campaign map which I had already written, because I didn't actually load the game up. I can't find any hex codes in the map relating the player colours, which to me makes sense. Speaking from a programming point of view it wouldn't make sense to store these codes in the individual saved game files, there are just too many possibilities. What id you later wanted to update the whole game and change the colours? How would you make the old maps compatible? How would you ensure new maps played on older versions? .etc. etc. I've gone ahead and looked at the shaders folder again and I'm convinced we're onto something here. The problem is that I feel what's happening is that the game .exe file is somehow "injecting" into the relevant shader files what share colours to do. Again, this kind of makes sense to me. Let's not forget that the players in multiplayer change colours dynamically. This would be a lot of code for these shader files and I've yet to find any evidence of this (or anything similar) in the shaders files and in my opinion it doesn't really make sense putting these colours in the shaders files either; shaders should simply be rendering things, not actively telling themelves what to do. It's just basic code separation. My money is on the .exe file. My belief is that it's somehow injecting the colour codes into the shaders, telling the shaders what to render on each unit. This makes it almost impossible to change the player colours if this theory is correct unless you start hacking the exe file, something which we cannot condone. Unless Firefly were to release the source code, I doubt we will get very far on this one.
  16. Since this is a duplicate of your existing topic, I will close it so all discussion is in one place.
  17. You can use any image, yes. To make the Armour shine you'd need some kind of metallic effect. It honestly depends on your knowledge of image editing and colours themselves rather than editing itself. My knowledge is rather restricted when it comes to that area so the best advice I can offer is to try to brush up on your painting skills I'm afraid. If there's anything else I can do to help you with the actual game itself, I could probably be of more help there. We do however have several units skins in our downloads section. You may find those of interest. You will probably notice that when you try to make a pattern too complicated, it may not be shown at all. Best of luck.
  18. Welcome back again @ImTheFrostbite- we've missed you! I'm honestly not sure is the truth as I just haven't been able to find anything. Hex codes, colour codes, C++ is totally not my "thing" at all. I'm much more of a PHP guy than a C++ one. However I do know that @Charles of Tours is studying C++. He may be able to find something about this and how easy it is.
  19. Welcome back Charles! Great to see you around again, it seems to have been ages since we last spoke properly! Having studied Computing myself at University I know all too well how awful it is sitting endlessly away writing code for hours on end..... although, to be fair with my recent Company I'm doing virtually the same thing for that now too with creating that website....... :rolleyes: I just can't help but just be addicted to work and "greater good" causes I guess :lol: :lol: :lol: Astrology sure was right when it said I was a "workaholic"..... :rolleyes: I've never studied C++, but I'd always like to. It seems difficult though. My code has always been much more PHP oriented (as some of you know) but I have touched on Java (yuck) and C#. I know Tom likes his Java. What's it like using C++?
  20. What is it you're trying to modify? Every file is different.
  21. Please do not duplicate postings on the forum. The Castle Courthouse is for reporting serious issues to Moderators, not for game related help. I have merged your topic with the one in the Stronghold 2 forum.
  22. Thank you for the very kind words :) We will of course keep going, and I'm pleased to hear you have your problem solved. :)
  23. Hi @ds2019, welcome to StrongholdNation! It's a pleasure to hear such positive feedback! Thank you so much for continuing to use the site. Lots of questions today so let me try to answer each one as best as I can. I noticed this too when I first started out. The DDS converter doesn't really work that well. That's why I use a program called paint.net: link here. Using this program you can directly open & save the DDS files without any need for conversion. This not only saves a lot of edit time but also makes sure the file is a cleaner save. I strongly recommend you use this if trying to modify a DDS file. Just make sure you have a backup file first. If I'm correct, I used Sony Vegs Pro to edit my own front end menu. Unfortunately it's commercial software, but with a bit of searching I'm confident something will come up. You just put in the various video files, combine them, then save it as a bik file. As soon as it's saved, you just replace the bik file with your own. You can download the Granny Viewer software from our download section here. Hope this helps! @@Mathew Steel: Shhhhhhh-hhhhhh! How else am I supposed to remain so popular? ;)
  24. Please give a huge round of applause to our latest Head Admin, @Crusader1307! Dave has done a fantastic job in running the site in my extended absence for health reasons, and we really need to give him more gratitude for everything he has done in keeping this place alive and going. No matter wind, rain or shine, he is always here and has remained very loyal to us right from the start! Likewise, please welcome our latest Administrator, @Mathew Steel! Tom has been doing an outstanding job and we really wanted to bring him on board to play more of a role in any decision making processes which happen with the site.... he has been one of the longest standing and loyal members we've had on the site, ever since his arrival from HG he has actively worked his socks off for the site.... so please give a round of applause for both our latest promotions! :)
  25. Post approval has now been turned off for new members.
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