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  1. ?Its worth further study I think. I'm sort of a newbie on the subject. From what I've read on the modding boards tampering with the old war trails for crusader is new more or less. Your maps are aces in my book. If I choose to dig into this I will for sure use them.
  2. ?After messing around with it, I found it's possible to change the trail.? The opponents are indeed hard coded like we talked about though. No way around that sadly. That said, you can change the map to whatever one would like. Also with the AIV editor I guess one could make anything interesting.? I used the 1st mission "Arrival" as a test. As long as you name any map the same as the one used in the title for the trail mission This works. "a new land" is the map used in Arrival. Once you change the name of your map to "A new land" you then put it in the "EUma" folder that comes with medieval England? then your done. Any map will do. I used the out of the box France map that came with medieval England in this case. ?Its interesting but I'm not sure how much time I have to invest in such a project alone. Plus considering the fact that you can't add or change the AI opponents it may be best to just enjoy the skirmish mode and forget about it.
  3. Thanks for info guys. I feared it was all pretty much hard coded. I'm going to mess around with it anyways and see if can't change the 1st mission "arrival" with a new map and maybe make omer's castle harder with a new AIV. If it turns out to be any good I'll share it.
  4. At first I hated it. I'm still not sure that I like the extra work. All in all though I'm still getting use to stronghold 2. I'm die hard crusader 1 more or less. There is just something about that old 2D board that I love for these games. Sometimes the maps just don't ever seem big enough in stronghold 2.
  5. Hi guys, ? ?? I found this Mod by Teutonen Ritter A few days ago and Its excellent. I was just curious if anyone knows how to add a? new war trail to the mod? I looked at the files and tried to figure how to get it back in but I came up short. I think it would be cool to make new missions for the trail that fit the mod. I asked the same question over at stronghold heaven and "Eagleprince" said I should ask over here.
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