I have the tool for 1.4.1 and I have version 1.4.1. It crashes just like Kian stated. I'd like to know from Kian how he got it to work? What did you do exactly? Thank you.
Hello, I'm a new member to the forum and I'm a huge fan of Stronghold 2. I would love to know if there's a way to change your Lord for multiplayer purposes. I use version 1.4.1 and through "GameRanger" I play with my friends. However I was wondering if there's a way to change my Lord to another Lord, for example The.Hawk. Lady Seren, etc... Is that possible? ?(I know it's possible for single player). Would it work in multiplayer? Will other players see me as "The.Hawk" or any other Lord I change mine into? Thank you.