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Everything posted by Tokamaps

  1. I was positive suprised when i had seen IT working in one of my maps ( the scotish Rebellion a war scenario)?
  2. No Problem Eagleprince.? IT comes like IT comes
  3. Great to haer :) IIm Im planning to make an eycandy map of marksburg in germany ;) Its a great castle?
  4. IT is possible to change the Team colour for maps which you only play in that map in that colour and this works fully without coding, with savedgames?;).
  5. Tutorial for stairs: Part 2: Step 10: Go on with the stairs/wooden walkways/or whatelse you do with this technique http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-42-16-05_zpstymynvc1.png[/img] Step 11: Here ive ended up with the Stairs themselfes. but let us add some details too. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-42-24-95_zps62fhfsan.png[/img] Step 12: Choose a one level higher level than that one on that your stairs ends up. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-42-35-05_zpsexxxeepg.png[/img] Step 13: http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-42-43-65_zpsk9apoof2.png[/img] Now we need to place a one level higher land strip, there were the stairs are beginning. the stone walls arent intersting. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-42-58-50_zpsh2hct3n1.png[/img] Step 14: narrow the terrain up, exactly at the lower end of the stair. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-43-37-10_zpsslbmrsmn.png[/img] Step 15: now you need walls, were they are placed in the picture. choose the tool we had been used for narow down buildings, but on an larger brush size. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-44-00-43_zpsa2oytevh.png[/img] Step 16: narrow down the other end of your stair. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-44-10-18_zpso7dckgdh.png[/img] Step 17: place water and remaove it again. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-45-15-43_zpssm9cypqf.png[/img] Step 18: decoration: http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-46-43-45_zpsxeiuxesx.png[/img] Step 19: testing: http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-47-35-07_zpstdxdly6k.png[/img]
  6. Tutorial for Stairs: note: by doing stairs i do not have any matter in what direction or length or height differences build your stairs. Part 1: Step 1: Place a Wooden Tower ,there were you want to have your stairs later, but one lever lower as the level you want for the Stairs. Iv'e chosen in the Picture below the lowest level. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-38-33-74_zpsncsk8iw5.png[/img] Step 2: Drop up the terrain a bit around the tower(with the first tool choosen in the nature menu). http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-38-51-34_zpsgzufw4xt.png[/img] Step 3: Place two more Wooden Platforms in that direction. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-39-00-89_zpsssbgbxvc.png[/img] Step 4: Do once aggain a drop up of the terrain. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-39-30-82_zpsakisy4a2.png[/img] Step 5: narrow up the terrain next the wooden towers. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-39-56-17_zpsynjxatpn.png[/img] Step 6: Place water over everything http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-40-15-22_zpsj3w3bnut.png[/img] ..... and delete it aggain. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-40-27-07_zps7ptaf80l.png[/img] Step 7: go on buildiing your wooden pathway. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-40-46-50_zpsyqaim2sk.png[/img] Step 8: turn the terrain to the next higher level (shouldnt be too far) and narrow it next to the wooden towers. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-41-33-50_zpszdf42o9b.png[/img] Step 9: Place water over all you had been done( river water ) remove the water and change somewhere on the map the terrain (no interest how much) http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-41-45-95_zpsrinvqnhc.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-41-52-25_zpsxmpqkspu.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-14%2016-41-59-42_zpsnhnxmrwi.png[/img]
  7. Sorry the writing is in german. Just for that you Know it: Der Falke means The Hawk in english :)
  8. Tutorial for changing the Players colour: Step 1: (optional) Build a Keep on the map, there were your castle should stand in future. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-22-09-13_zpskhoixb5f.png[/img] Step 2: Place an Village estate marker. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-22-18-29_zpstisjmmtf.png[/img] Step 3: place a mainimum of 3 several coloured estates with a minimum value of 4 tiles. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-22-37-14_zps86ldxtmi.png[/img] .....and give all a castle estate marker, except the one with the keep. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-22-40-39_zps18q08ieb.png[/img] step 4: give the castle estates to the Lord whose coulor you want, one for our enemy and one one for the player. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-23-15-40_zpsjttyqtos.png[/img] Step 5: save the map http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-25-01-91_zpskqbgq9xa.png[/img] step 6: Start the map http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-25-32-49_zpscy1t0ren.png[/img] Step 7: save the game and leave stronghold 2.(Before you save please check wether there is a estate Flag) . http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-25-57-51_zpseu0kwseu.png[/img] Step 8: Go to user/OwnDocuments/Stronhold 2/saves: Put your saved game of the estate flag on your desctop and raname its ending(.sh2) into .s2m There will come a warning ignore it, it works :) Go to user/OwnDocuments/stronghold 2/maps: drag your Test.s2m file in it. Step 9: Launch stronghold 2 again and open your "test" map in mapeditor. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-28-46-59_zps3lrkhgaq.png[/img] Step 10: Give the estate with the estate flag a castle marker. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-29-12-88_zpsdtsmvypi.png[/img] Step 11: make the Castle estate to be yours. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-29-36-40_zpsnyrktpdv.png[/img] Step 12: Place 110 units (armed peasants) from the lord you want to play as(there is needed to be aa castle estate for the lord you want to play as and ancastle estate for each of your opponents. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-31-48-27_zpsph6fafj1.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-29-36-40_zpsnyrktpdv.png[/img] I had chosen to play in cyan and have sir grey as opponent. Step 13: Set ally`s: http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-30-33-91_zpsqlikjwwr.png[/img] Step 14: Set troop retreat http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-32-50-55_zpsoimoexoe.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-32-16-67_zpsis0jptmr.png[/img] Playing: http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2014-36-30-20_zpsxv54kfvn.png[/img] Hope you Like it and its doable for everyone ;) Tokamaps :)
  9. Hey guys, i would like to tell you, that i had on tuesday this week founded out, that changing the Players colour in stronghold 2 is possible and easy in maps!! picture http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2013-34-40-39_zpskeroq2sk.png[/img] the lord: http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-29%2013-34-51-56_zpsvn6k2xlo.png[/img] Hope you like it :) this is a thing which ou do for a map and not for the entire game. it is done without coding:) i give a tutorial by request. Ahh one more thing: i had placed a Square tower in this mission while i had 51 stones :p And recruited balist a firering at will:) Iam so happy, that i had been founded that out !!
  10. Saturday 20.00 would be great. At sunday i should ?Not Do it Because school Starts on monday aggain. Tomorow iam going to edit that map :) Or maybe i make my own better one multiplayer map? ?
  11. I have played since ive gotten stronghold 2 ever on 1.4.1
  12. it is an standard one. i have stopped hosting half an hour ago :( Please tell me when you do have time :)
  13. Would like to play river Don at this Moment :) 2 vs 2
  14. Hello iam at gameranger and would like to know if anyone do have the time to play a game with me? would be great if someone would have time :)? At saturday at 20.00 of central eurpean timezone. My Name on gameranger is simply tokamaps. At 20.00 i will host a game,? But please tell me, shall I make IT with or without password? Map: river Don?
  15. Just hosted stronghold 2 multiplayer game Someone want to join?
  16. Thanks for this Eagleprince :) I hope someone is planning an eycandy map for stronghold 2 :) I ?Do!!?
  17. Tutorial for Tunnels: Step 1: Place your line of wooden Towers you want for the tunnel.( you can do the tunnel on every level but it isnt a real tunnel if the spears and other weapons look out of it :). ) http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-33-20-50_zpsd9we3w4x.png[/img] Step 2: place a one-level-higher-plateu from the terrain you have builded the wooden towers on! http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-33-42-93_zps7yjeomcc.png[/img] Step 3:? (OPTIONAL) adjust the terain to get lowered ways http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-33-53-30_zpsburw2pyb.png[/img] Step 4: place a Plateu (3 levels higher than towers placed on) http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-34-37-47_zps3gvwm5kq.png[/img] Step 5: go to the birds view and choose the adjust tool on its smallest brush size http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-34-48-62_zps0jbh83qc.png[/img] Step 6: adjust the terrain http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-35-09-78_zpsxzfadde5.png[/img] Step 7: place river water over everything http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-35-15-98_zpsxcsz5c7c.png[/img] Step 8: delete the water and edit anywhere on the map the terrain http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-35-24-53_zpsflwzktox.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-35-33-78_zpsoeyu0anz.png[/img] Step 9: testing :) http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-36-08-26_zpsb7odqyoc.png[/img]
  18. Be prepared in the next Minutes will come another tutorial
  19. Tutorial for Single campfires: Step 1: Choose a large map make it to a small one, for to know were you can place your campfire! Note:if you want your campfire as deco please make the area you want for the campfire in a estate colour which hadnt been used for another estate, then will peasants spawn out of the map which will look weird! http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-10-18-89_zps5wpz9tl1.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-10-30-32_zpsbltazmii.png[/img] Step 2: (optional just needed for placing campfires on higher heights than ground level) relarge the map and place our wanted height. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-10-39-85_zpsznxfkoih.png[/img] Step 3: make the map small and place your Keep (any will do) http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-11-12-57_zpsv4lfeorp.png[/img] Step 4: your campfire is ready :) http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-24%2012-11-14-82_zpsmvoj1mpx.png[/img]
  20. That's great to hear :) In my opinion the mistake lies in the Main Page i can visit this forum throw the link But going to Main site Do an error ?
  21. @ lordchris i hope IT wasnt much work too fix that picture Because its the wrong step something in the middle but the others will come in the next days :) Aotumn holidays :) Means much time! ?hm the link does Not work i get an error than... Error which is the following...? Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration, we've been unable to display the page you requested. We apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused, use the link below to try again, alternatively you can return to the board index. Errno [ 8 ]: Undefined variable: sidebar in * on line 174 Back to the indexTry again
  22. Be sure its the Same thing for me with english speaking people just that i understand a Bit, surely Because the 4 english lessons in school every week and Because of me watching ebglish youtubers :)? i would like to know wether my channel is good or worce from the Videos :) Actually german is a very Hard language And many germans has Problems with IT too! The Most pupils Do have Bad Grades in german dictations :/
  23. Thanks Eagleprince for your reply. I have submitted 4 maps under my username!? The tutorials ?for all that stuff :) And it would be great if anyone here could Support my YouTube channel (tokamaps)? Videos in german, but the soon ? maded tutorials will have english Texts :)?
  24. Tutorial farms without farmhouses Step 1: Choose a small map and look for the area were the large map would begin. enlarge the map. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-18%2014-43-53-48_zpsd5ktc7ln.png[/img] Step 2: Place a platou there were you want your farms( will only work at the large area of the map close to the small map during the map is small).:P http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-18%2014-44-06-76_zps73bw5gva.png[/img] Step 3: place our farms on the in last step dropped area (i works fine to on low height but just on exactly these two and not between or above) whatever farm you want :) http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-18%2014-44-36-13_zpsjl6fa66c.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-18%2014-44-45-08_zpsdm76iagr.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-18%2014-44-51-95_zpsje3hrg8i.png[/img] its really cool to us the fish ponds and than place water over them its like the farmers are fishing :) Step 4: relarge the map and make the area to the height you want (on others heigts than up there /\ the plants will not appear :( http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-10-18%2014-45-05-25_zps3xaxnnty.png[/img] enyoy this :)
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