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Everything posted by Tokamaps

  1. I had a Problem by opening the custom Music pack, because my pc had been blocked it!? But it would be nice if i would have a install tool. Tokamaps?
  2. I think it was a good idea of firefly studios to add those estates!
  3. Im quite sorry! But ahem Why dont you knowed about that? ^^
  4. Sorry, i was thinking the challange would be abbout stronghold 2!? Or is crusader 2 countet as stronghold 2 too?
  5. I had Problems by getting ai troops attacking over that bridge, while it belonged to me. By making it neutral it works fine. No they arent going to destroy them! But ai is destroying wooden walls, which arent yours, if they want to reach you!
  6. Here is my entry for this week: The war for Indepent! The story and stuff like modifications. But enough for chitter chatter, the zip is in the attachment :) Story: The Castle which is on the quite small Island Umanda Imunda which belongs since generations to the Family of the Maligalds has been realy often the the target of mighty warlords. Now its one of this times again and the Maligalds need to be strong. For luck the oldest son of the newly died Lord Maligald, Sir Iligant (the name is from his wife: Lady Iligant) who is a great strategist and a Charismatic man who now had been taken the command over the castle garrison... ... Sir Iligant: "Order me a couple fanatist, the help from Lord Tarikas fleet is our only help in this fight, they need to build up the Signals!" Capt'n Briggs: "My Liege, now we know who the Mysterious Invaders are." Sir Iligant: "Go on!" Capt'n Briggs: "One of the two is clearly a General of the Emperor and the other one is Lord Balduins older Brother." Sir Iligant in mind while walking to the Keep: "I was thinking Lord Balduin would be on our side!?" Lady Iligant (the Beautiful): "What is troubleling you?" Sir Iligant: "Our Friends seeme to be our Enemies. Everithing is so strange." Lady Iligant (the Beautiful): "Come to the Bedchamber, maybe something else can make you a bt more happy." The two were going to the Bedchamber and closed the door after them while the six Fanatists Order Knights were talking together... Knight 1: "I think some Counter-Attacks should be a great Idea!" Knight 2: "It is very dangerous." Knight 3: "But it's our Job 'Sir I do nothing good'!" Knight 4: "We schould do it, because if we die a better life is waiting for us!" Knight 2: "Iv'e just told you that it is dangerous!" Knight 1: "We should do a Voting!" Knight 5 and 6 Approaching: ? Knight 5 (The Divisions Priest): "What is on here?" Knight 4: "Sir Rubblewood is against Counter attacks, i think he isnt real beliving the holy-endless-Life !" Knight 6 (Coomander of the Knight division): "We Vote wether we do Counter Attacks" While the Voting a Scout is Talking to Capt'n Briggs: Scout: "It seems like the Emperors General and Lord Balduins Brother don't like each other too much.Maybe we Can use this aggainst them?" Capt'n Briggs: "I hope, because we are going to need it! So this it is ;)! The war for Independent.zip
  7. The next Tutorial is here, and it is simply about building bridges with wooden Platforms. Before i do the Tutorial, i need to announce i have get to know a lot more tricks, too-with-the-save-to-map-trick :) Tutorial: Step 1: Design the area arround the future bridge (the canyon should be at least have a depth of one height... ... And fill the area of your future bridge with terrain which should be one level deeper than the ending area of your bridge... ...and press the back button in the terrain menu. Step 2: Place your Wooden bridge in the air and place water over the closest tiles of the bridge all arround it... Note: Before you do the next step just do something unnessesery (i hope i had spelled right) with the terrain. ... and delete it again. Have fun and enjoy ??????????????????????????????????? Your Tokamaps
  8. This Campaign (the Alliance) is going to be a little modifikation :)
  9. Here is the warning i get after i put the File in the folder of the Stronghold 2 Maps (the changed ending has nothing to mean, because i has given this errir with the ending .shmap too. http://www.file-upload.net/download-11193357/Unbenannt.PNG.html
  10. Hi Fail Session?I have seen, that your file is .shmap And i know that this file type is going to block the game! This is just a hint from me, because i had already one map with that ending and it was terminated. Tokamaps?
  11. My map will be a simple defensive ecovasion map with some little Features.?
  12. And one more Question: I would like to know how i can attach a zip file to this topic?
  13. Hi Lord Chris, I would like to know wether a simple Invasion can have economic goals? Because im making one at the Moment.?
  14. Okay thats great i only had Asked for a reason ;)
  15. Finally IT was the Work of Around 12 hours. Just for Saying: IT contains Around 30 Scripts.?
  16. The series Im making has at this point just a prologue chatper, but i need playtester(s) for that map. Story is in the file Im going to sent the one who agrees to playtest. Here are some screenies: http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/beach%20dunes%20with%20Sir%20Olludans%20men%20and%20a%20scout%20of%20Sir%20Iligant_zpsioyx3y0m.jpg[/img] The coast where the Player(Sir Olludan) starts the travel to Lord Tarikas Fort (Player, Cyan) and a scout of Sir Iligant (red) on the left. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/grave%20of%20Sir%20%20Olludans%20father_zpsfro2cdze.jpg[/img] Grave of Sir Olludans Father http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/overview_zpsu8aywqzz.jpg[/img] An overview of the Center of the island http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Lord%20Tarikas%20fort%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20belongs%20to%20player_zps78fljlhc.jpg[/img] Lord Tarikas Fort (Player) http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/The%20switcher%20with%20that%20the%20dificult%20can%20be%20changed%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20closer%20instuctions%20on%20the%20map%20itself._zpsm1wykwh6.jpg[/img] The Dificult-switcher with that you can make stronger invasion (or weaker) By some interrest of more screens and some other information Please write me an pm or just email me. In hope for someone is going to playtest this Tokamaps??? :rolleyes:
  17. Im here to announce tutorials (one or two maybe more) will come this weekend. Sorry that it takes that long time, but I had to learn for some classtests last week and now ive time aggain. Await the tutorials tomorow. @lord chris:I had been thinking that you were going to submit any tutorial I write in this thread is going to be made as an article.I hadnt found more than 2 and I'am interested in the cause.
  18. @lord chris: Yesterday I had been played multiplayer on gameranger with a modded knight(lords helmet, knights visor, lords coat, shield, lords sword and knight body) and there wasnt any issues and the Knight was looking like in the decription above.
  19. At First thanks for the ?comment and next is that i Do think that Not everything which can be done with the editor is already discovert :) Await another tutorial the next days. ?
  20. What i mean is that you can have 2 or maybe more lords, Like in Mission 1 of the warcampaign Or Mission 8 of the warcampaign!? ? some Pics: http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2012-17-48-08_zpspknxtwdq.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2012-17-22-54_zpsmxxbfogu.png[/img] I think now its understandable ;)
  21. Thanks! Await New tutorials today / tomorow?
  22. Hello guys here is my Tutorial For Rockdefences note: it works with every sort of stones. Step 1: ? place water (no matter if river or sea) in the area were you want to have your "Rockdefences". http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-23-23-82_zpsrj791v4f.png[/img] Step 2: Place iron recources ( stone works too ) where you want to have your Rockdefences. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-23-38-34_zps2r29536k.png[/img] Step 3: Place the Wooden Platforms on the iron ( the ladders must end in the next platform ) You have Previously placed. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-23-44-37_zpsmt0j4ssr.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-24-12-34_zpstyqn58bo.png[/img] Step 4: Delete the Water. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-24-32-57_zpswssqpm1f.png[/img] Step 5: Raise the Terrain ( must be at least as high as the one ive been using ). http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-24-42-79_zpspzmycvgl.png[/img] Step 6: Adjust the terrain next to the Platforms. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-24-47-91_zpsgmsbsvfy.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-25-00-31_zpsxjlhxgh0.png[/img] Step 7: Place water over the whole complex. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-25-06-27_zps9tpnoii1.png[/img] Step 8: removing the water and the Stones. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-25-11-79_zpsh12cu9wt.png[/img] http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-25-21-62_zpshupbcph0.png[/img] Step 9: Place the rocks over the wooden Platforms. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-38-58-25_zpswb0nmsdh.png[/img] Step 10: Place water over the whole thing. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-39-11-18_zpsqspnwikl.png[/img] Step 11: testing. http://i1060.photobucket.com/albums/t452/tobikanne01/Stronghold2%202015-11-28%2011-41-54-61_zps2t6lgiwf.png[/img]
  23. We as Players actually can have 2 or maybe more lords in war/peace scenario!?
  24. Hello guys,? By modyfing the Players colour and to have e.G. Startingtroops in green, the movement of them is full of Bugs, but theres a way to have other coloured staeting troops. You will hear from aggain, today or tomorow.? Some other tutorials will come the next days too, Because in the last weeks i hadnt been posted anything.
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