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Everything posted by Tokamaps

  1. Before i forget: good luck for your Exam : What is it about? Thanks for the tip with the Kamera ;) Ill try ;) I have posted some stronghold 2 timelapse mapping Videos on YouTube, look at the gate of the castle;): Timelapse of chapter 11 of my stronghold 2 campaign the Alliance. Tokamaps :)
  2. Okay, Do anyone Know how to get a beter camera view??
  3. Im starting? now! I have Already a few ideas :)
  4. I only wnted to tell you that im on maddb with this mod. Link: http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-alliance Tokamaps
  5. Yea i have ?won Week #1? Was it pass Or clear? Great idea with that dynamic result Board. Tokamaps
  6. Ok i simply hope more people are joining in Future. Im quite Interresred in seeing the results of Week 1.
  7. YeAr great! I Wanted to say my opinion of the fact so few people joining the competition. I was surprised that only in the First week some had been joined.
  8. sended. By the way, do you know the series "Outlander" ? it's great, ive just watched the next follow :)
  9. Ill only need to have translated the changed stuff in the "de" file below? into english. note: the names are the most important things which are needed to be changed. the triggers and the unit names should be changed as well :)
  10. I aimply need someone to translate a couple texts which are changing building names, unit names and so on, as well as other short stuff. the Person should speek german as the motherlanguage, cause it might cause troubles elseway. But everyone who is able to translate it is making me quite happy. Here is the link to the thread where i had been started telling about that modification: http://forums.stronghold-nation.com/topic/661-playtesters-needed-for-islaza-te-a-murtus-a-prologue-of-a-series/ If someone has queestions, please feel free to ask me?:)
  11. Tokamaps

    Units Stat

    Its simple to make rapid fire crossbowmen: go to your this computer/programmfiles x86/ firefly studios/stronghold 2/meshes/units then you look for the file: hunter.uni copy and paste to desctop (or whereever you want) renanme it crossbowman.uni and make a backup of the crossbowman.uni file which is normaly in the folder and than copy and paste your new file into the dirctory. done Tokamaps
  12. Tokamaps

    Units Stat

    I have no Idea how to change hit points or arrow damage, but ive found a way making units shooting way more faster e.g. a crossbowman who just shoots as fast as a machinegun and every arrow is doing the same damage as before :)
  13. It would be great if you tell me how i shouuld send you the files ;)
  14. I had buyed me a new Computer with windows 8.1? 3 weeksago, i had been installed it and everything was fine.
  15. The exact message was that the antivirus didnt know who had made that file and that there few users. But i had gotten it working by allowing it ;) But here comes an trailer video for my campaign :) https://youtu.be/GhROuVgRn68 EDIT: And Volume one is nearly finished too. But i need a little help: I need someone to translate the german texts which come with the modification for me, or simply i tell it in english and this person than writes it into a better english :) EDIT: And it would be great if you could convert a .mp4 for me into a .bik file because ive already made a new intro Video :)
  16. But I'll trie it aggain. elseway the mod is finished in Percents: 35 and this number depends on its german version. I hope you can make such a file for me ;)
  17. I had read it twice :/ But still no matter how to practice it in the graphics Programm. I will try. ? ? ?;)
  18. Dont understand me wrong, I just want to tell you guys about a just in developing process being game which needs your Support.? You can Support them on patreon. The games name is AEgrotum imperium and the indie team working on it are named hackish Codes and they are german. Dont worry, they have already a translator for english stuff ;) If questions are appearing, or you want to get more info at, try their YouTube channel or visit their website, or ask me, i know everthing which they had been informed about. Because some stuff is only german at this time ;)
  19. I have been tried modifying scins earlier, but i had failed. And i still dont understand how to edit the skin (Windows 8.1 is able to open and edit dds files) Without getting the whole unit white.
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