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Everything posted by Tokamaps

  1. Yap i Like william Most because hes Actually the best offence Player. I think your Not playing on the highest resulution?
  2. Very cool youve fixed that :) and cool too that youve used my map in Parts ;)
  3. Im working on a map :D MY entry is sure.
  4. The two Versions of the match (german ad English) are taking a quite long time for uploading. The good message is im going to do that and the seconf good message is ive gotten the skip marks running. Tokamaps :)
  5. Im sure i can upload that, simply it would take a while. I tell you when it is sofar!
  6. This Sounds great, the Sad thing is that i cant watch the Video because stupid GEMA blocked It.
  7. This Sounds great, the Sad thing is that i cant watch the Video because stupid GEMA blocked It.
  8. I Know it works, im watching pixalatedapollo XD He often do this hahaha
  9. The very big Problem BY cutting the video are the neverending skirmishes and intriques.? But eagle prince, your saying it is possible to add skip to battle Buttons. I still dont Know how those work or where i can Access that. Please help me!
  10. By the way, you totally skiped the time were hundreds of your knights had fallen. im going to upload that match. im still thinking, that it is a shame for me, im thinling too, that the position you had is the best one! lots of space and well defendable and iron as well :)
  11. Youre rigt eagle, there are only 3 iron mining estates, but one of them supports enough iron for two mines :)
  12. I think Mine is great balanced, i would Like to play together with a friend against You :) It it is ok.
  13. That sounds great!? I hope You submit a couple maps :)
  14. Im very happy to Know that there are coming more sh2 chalanges. You have the Same interrests as me floki. I find it really great to See You here.
  15. The stone estate is building One quarry. My best economic good was the pitch^^
  16. My Problem Do was that i didnt got my usually economy Up which would include church and stuff + beer and stuff. The estate in the mountains is quite uneconomically. Two estates can have more than One Iron Mine.
  17. Hey cool that You are heRe floki i Love this contest too. Eagle prince: i have understimated You haha But sadly some people are thinking im really good in stronghold 2 But im worse when im having got an uneconomically Position aggainst two players. I hope that You thougt i had a good fight :D
  18. i got on :) i would be interested in when the your going to host?
  19. Are Not members allowed to join? Maybe ill get One.
  20. Its a good time for me, i hope nothing will cross the plans :P Ps im very happy about this Situation :)
  21. I dont think its gonna work. I have unlocked Mission 5 of the path of war and had been loose while i had no castle.
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