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Everything posted by Tokamaps

  1. @ Floki, i would be really HappY if You would put your Future atachments into a. ZIP and not a .rar File. Please dont take this wrong, its only a question.
  2. so, here is finally my entry :) i dont think its a match to flokis, but okay ;) week 12 scennery.zip
  3. Total be truth, i need to say i had that Problem in my multiplayer map as well.
  4. In?Bradley0095 s map 3mans land are all villages set up to the default and they built saw pits. test.sh2 example.zip
  5. This works really great and smoothly.
  6. Eagle prince, you can make sea waves into different directions by clicking on the wave symbol in the toolbar and then hold the right mouse button and slowly push your mouse in a ring. my entry is going to come anytime today. by the way EaglePrince, how do you think about my maps?
  7. Those High Bridges are Not for 1.4.1. If You want, ill Show You. :)
  8. Congrulations to your win nigel :) I was thinking it would Be more than 20 seconds difference, but ok
  9. Here it is, i think ive lost, quite pass contract contst.zip
  10. Hi, Lord H?hnerfutter, I just recently saw your Post here and im liking it. Glad that youve made this, my friend.
  11. Warcampaign xd, the cutscenes are aplearing automatic. The Files which the cutscenes are using are visible by opening those(cutscene Files). Open them with a Text Editor. Yes its a breaktrough. Sadly the atachment didnt worked Pictures: Lets Test 2.s2m cutscenes.zip
  12. Thanks to both of You. Im still hoping to join your fight this evening.
  13. Ill See, but i cant be sure, which Time do you actually planend?
  14. now the Video has been uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXYpN7BpBuU&feature=youtu.be :)
  15. I got somthing running which attaches cutscenes to stronghold 2 maps. for that we need to use the 4 chapter of the stronghold 2 campaign and than we have a map with 3 actions like this: custom: play cutscenen. certainly one of those is an Video cutscenen (storybook 2) as well as that map offers the most sound messages :) someone could modify a cutscene file and its animations to create something quite cool for his map :) ill attached a cleared version of the map:) Lets Test 1.s2m
  16. Nothing happens to ai lords, in Kingmaker everything is allowed which the current rank provides.
  17. I think we should block mathew steel for this week XDD
  18. I feel quite sad about Not submitting an entry to Last weeks challenge too because i would had won. Im Starting as soon as possible.
  19. Hopefullyb?:D but i think its Not possible for us ?:,(
  20. In my opinion the ai in All strongholds has One issue: Their attacks are hard in early game, ?But the armies are weak in the end. They should be bigger in endgame.
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