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Everything posted by Tokamaps

  1. Here's my gameranger ID : 6817322 Just add me if you want ;)
  2. i only have to say one thing: During the week I cant surely say if i can ply at 20:00. on week its ok.
  3. That would be really great. For example in Stronghold legends an Stronghold ;)
  4. I could imagine joining this fight, though i dont have a team member :)
  5. Hey Eagle Prince, ist it already too late for you to play?
  6. Hmm, so im Not allowed to modifie the game in case of the contest, ok.
  7. I would like to ask, wehter we are allowed to add mods to our map, e.g. changes on unit stats? Please reply fast, i do have only today time for doing this.
  8. I really hope, Firefly is going to add at least some of those. Those ideas are relly nice.
  9. Iam able to view Attachments. That Test is for showing You that Invasions that need to cross a wooden platformbridge will Not Start sieging. Thats it. And i think its, sorry but, a Bit unfair to rate my entry down because of a Bug on it.? I would have told You this per pm, but theres a Problem with that: when i click on the pm Link ob the Main side, that it says: error 404, You dont have permission to Access this Page. Thanks in advance.
  10. Congrulations to your win floki. The Problem which occurrs by sieging barclays castle is: the wooden Plattform Bridge causes the Bug that any Siege invasions will Not Start sieging the castle, none of the Siege equip would work. Its just realistic that a trebuchet is slow in destroying a castle because in medieval its function was to weaken down the defence before the charge on the castle. And what You said about that viking Boat just standing there for 2 months is just because the troops need to get on the boat. I had really big Problems getting that castle just attacked, because an Invasion will Not Start to Siege because of the wooden Plattform Bridge. i understood this week as to have the player just watching the happenings. My issues were mainly caused by bugs. If you dont trust me, than just test this the invasion is not going to siege the astle through the wooden bridge, hope fully the atachment on this Post is going to show that this bug is unfixable, right now. This map wasnt Made for function just for Design. Test for Lord_Chris.zip
  11. Maybe other people will aggree to judge. I did thought it would be better if maybe 3 - 4 people are judging for the reason to have several opinions.
  12. There should be at least 9 or 10 Persons judging that. If 2 people just Like the Design of a map personally than maybe someone Else might has Labor Another opinion. This should only be for the creative and not for those with Gaming objectives.
  13. I would really like to mention, that its quite unfar to say that e.g. a map wins the weeks contest because of the opinion of two persons. I would like it more if more people would be able to decide ehos best.
  14. whats with the .exe in a zip? do that works?
  15. Heres my entry For this week. The raid on Rocksspring Castle. This is an installer exe and if it is being blocked by your antivirus, than simply turn the antivirus of or ask me for the map as file. just updated and added the file as well :) week 15.zip week 15.zip
  16. My Problem is just that a Trebuchet Or any other Siege equipment will Not be Used BY the Invasion because theres no suitable way for e.g. Trebuchet's. So i would Like to ask wether its allowed to use a Pre-Bild Trebuchet for that?
  17. Really, i can use ladderman, But they need to destroy it right?^^ And for the ship, its just Builded from a Viking boat + a trade ship. I think it would be the best if i let the Screenshots doing the work. But Not this evening. Im Too Tired to turn on my Computer aggain.
  18. I have a Problem as well: on my map catalults wont attack the castle because of that wooden Bridge. I would Like to Know how free Iam using ships?
  19. But i can use my own One from week 12? It Not i have a Problem, because my scripting is ready finished.
  20. One question: what is with those people who hadnt made a map in week 12? im sure that im supposed to take my own.
  21. Congrulations Folki, i need to belive what Lord_chris said ;)
  22. Sorry guys, i had an unexpected Thing to Do.
  23. Can i still join? i would like to record that match as well.
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