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Everything posted by Narrikis

  1. Real sorry to hear that mate. Best wishes for everything to work out!
  2. Nice video. Pity I can't find Stronghold 2 for Mac because that was some nice advice you showed. Although at one point it sounded like someone was running a weed-whacker in the background from 1:21 :P
  3. Care to name a few? :) The only games like this with a historical setting that I can think of are 'War of the Roses' and 'Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword'. I've only played the latter (which isn't a medieval setting anyway) so I don't know how 'War of the Roses' is.
  4. Sorry to bump an old thread, but for any other Mac users I found the solution to the "Alt+comma" thing. In Stronghold on a Mac you need to press "Command+comma" and you'll be able to do everything like changing map type and size.
  5. Apparently there's a historical open-world game coming out called Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's set in Bohemia at the turn of the 15th century and is a first-person rpg. Website's here for those interested: https://www.kingdomcomerpg.com/ Trailer's a bit cheesy but it looks like it could be fun. The time setting is within my favourite period of the Middle Ages (14th-15th century) and Bohemia sounds like an unusual and interesting location. Have there been many games of this type in the past? From what I've heard most historical medieval games tend to be in the strategy genre rather than first-person action.
  6. Sorry Chris, replying give me this error:
  7. Hm, trying to send a PM from the 'Send Message' button gives me this error when I try to send it:
  8. Yep. You've got magic fingers Chris.
  9. This error appears for me whenever I try to visit a profile to send a PM.
  10. Thanks for posting that. I actually bought a game a month or so ago that turned out to be too demanding for my computers graphics. I'd heard somewhere that Steam didn't give refunds, but I'm glad to see this isn't the case. :)
  11. Sounds like an interesting idea. I don't have Stronghold Crusader 2 but depending on what kind of accents you need I'm happy to get a mic and do some dialogue for you. :)
  12. Cheers Lord Paul. Might be a few days until it's done but I'll send an email.
  13. I'm just wondering for those who use the map editor if it's possible to convert a siege map in to a freebuild. I've got a siege map I'm thinking of making and I'd like to have a freebuild version when it's completed, unfortunately the 'Alt + comma' trick to change map types doesn't seem to work in the Mac version. I remember years back when I had a copy for Windows you could convert invasion maps to economic or freebuild. Is it possible to do the same with siege maps in the Windows version if I find someone to convert it for me?
  14. Character Name: K?ilis Character Age: 29 Personality: Gregarious, tough, gluttonous, rough mannered, generous to those on his good side. Titles: None Possessions: Spiked wooden club, two short daggers. Talents & Skills: Experienced sailor, brutish hand-to-hand fighter, good eyesight, knowledge of several languages. Physical Description: Average height but notably obese, brown hair cropped very close and jaw covered in stubble, several scars on face and arms. Wears loose-fitting trousers and shirt, heavy leather boots, a padded canvas gambeson and a leather arming cap. Brief History: K?ilis was born to a Prussian fishing family in the Sambia peninsula. During his early childhood he would accompany his father in their little boat to help bring in the days catch, and was also a keen swimmer. However as he grew older he became noticeably lazier and, although not remarkably tall, he grew to an enormous width due to his ravenous appetite. K?ilis learned to use his size to intimidate other children, and this together with an outgoing personality soon made him the leader of a small gang of miscreants. He eventually became so well known for his thievery that he was exiled from the village and joined up with a band of pirates, gradually rising to become first mate. ?After twelve years pillaging the Baltic and North Sea coasts, K?ilis ended up in Britain after his vessel and most of his shipmates were lost in a violent storm. He has since wandered the countryside eking out a living as a highwayman and hired thug, using the bits of English and Norman French he picked up from years at sea to try to find a more lucrative job.
  15. Ah alright. I'll see if I can come up with something good.
  16. Was just having a read through some of the story and it looks interesting. Would I be able to post an application to be on hold for an opening in the plot? Or I could wait until the start of Adventure #02.
  17. That's great. Thanks Lord Chris.
  18. I'm getting a problem whenever I try to upload an image as my profile avatar. I click on the option under 'Personality' that says 'Upload Avatar' but whenever I do I get the following message: "Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated." I'm using the browser Firefox, and I've tried clicking the option after reloading the page and relogging in to the site, but no luck.
  19. Ahoy all. Guess I'll pop in and say a quick hello. I first played Stronghold back around 2002 in a demo that came with a copy of Tropico and remember thinking what a neat game it was. As someone who loves medieval history it was right up my street. About a week ago I heard they'd come out with a Mac version of the Stronghold HD edition and now I'm spending many happy hours with it. Look forward to talking with you all on these forums and a big thank you to Lord Chris for setting up this community and helping me with my questions about registration.
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