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Everything posted by Narrikis

  1. Thanks for the offer! The face I'd want most would be the Rat from original Stronghold. If you had time for extras then maybe Pig from Stronghold and Khan from Crusader 2, but Rat would definitely be my first choice. :) And I managed to find the faces.bmp file. I had to do 'show package contents' on the game's app and then search for it in Finder.
  2. Has anyone here made (or is able to make) some player portraits for Crusader that would feature some of the AI faces from Crusader or Crusader 2? I just find the idea of having the Rat, the Pig, or the Khan as my player-portrait in game pretty fun, but I'm not good at image editing myself so I'm not really sure how I could do it. Also if anyone knows where the faces.bmp version is located on the Mac version (off gog.com) I'd really appreciate that. Can't find the thing on my computer...
  3. Yeah Mac can't easily open .exe files unfortunately. If I hear about some solution I'll post it.
  4. Ah ok thanks I'll have a look for that.
  5. Thanks. Actually I don't know if I could enable other buildings, because I don't think the Mac version has the map editor :P
  6. I think there is a modding tool that lets you do it, but again I think it's a .exe file so I wouldn't be able to use it... :(
  7. Great! Thanks EaglePrince!
  8. Thanks. Yeah the Teal template map seems to be gone from the downloads section. I'll have a look for your map and maybe just erase the landscape like you said. As far as Map Unlockers I'm not sure if there are any that work on Mac? I remember I tried downloading one but it came as a .exe file, so my computer couldn't open it.
  9. Would anyone be able to upload some large size (400x400) blank invasion maps for Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader where the player colour has been switched to teal? I tried downloading the map pack by Jalis from Stronghold Heaven but all the maps were tiny size, and when I tried to resize them I can't place any buildings outside the original tiny borders. Not sure if that's a bug with the Mac version or what, but in any case it would be great if someone could help me with getting those maps so I could create some scenarios with teal player colour. :)
  10. Thanks EaglePrince. Both of those maps sound interesting, if you do find them it would be great if you could upload the two!
  11. Ah thanks I'll have a look. That site wasn't working for me yesterday but it seems ok now.
  12. Has anyone around here made any freebuild maps for Stronghold 3? If so it'd be great if some could be added to the downloads section on this site. I just had a browse through and it looks like there are none here currently. I'm a fan of freebuild but was getting a bit tired of the original 4 in the game, and let's be honest some of the landscapes on those 4 maps don't look very natural... I know there's plenty of talented map-makers in the Stronghold community so I'm sure someone out there has made one or two. :)
  13. Has anyone been to Israel or neighbouring countries in the Levant and seen what the wetlands are like there? I was curious when playing through some of the Stronghold Crusader maps like 'Caesarea Swampland'. Google hasn't turned up much for images for the kind of wetlands portrayed in the game; I read that a lot of it was drained for farming during recent 20th century settlement so maybe the swamps in that area don't exist anymore? If anyone's been there or has some images of wetlands/swamp from the coastal regions of the Levant it would be interesting to see. I've always been interested in wetland environments, and I also think it would be useful to have some images or descriptions for map-making reference in the game.
  14. Damn if that's the case then best of luck with it! Is this ad problem happening on any other websites now, or still just this one? Have you noticed your computer running slower or any other signs? I don't know much about computer viruses and whatnot, but I'm sure if you give some details there are people here who could help.
  15. I dunno, I use Firefox and I've never been spammed with ads here, either as a guest or as a signed in user.
  16. Great explanation Strife! Very much appreciated! I've encountered that glitch with the half-visible towers or towers that look like they're there but aren't. I always wondered what was causing that. Well I'll have to go experiment with it a bit. Looks like a tiresome process like you said, but could give some neat results. Cheers! :)
  17. That sounds like a good idea. I'll give it a try when I've got some time to kill.
  18. Thanks! I'm not really sure how the 'lower walls trick' works. I've seen images of maps that had it, but they were all with stone walls so I wasn't sure if wood can work too.
  19. Yeah these kind of tricks take a bit of getting used to. Do you know by any chance if there's a way to lower the height of flat wooden walls? Or does it only work on stone? I was thinking of trying to make a wooden walkway through a swamp map but I can't figure out how I could do it.
  20. Ah sorry, I managed to figure it out. I had to place a normal wooden wall just next to a part of the flat wooden wall so that the tower could have something to connect to, then after I placed the wooden tower it connected on to part of the flat wood wall and my troops could have access to the walkways.
  21. Thanks EaglePrince! Looks like that trick doesn't work for wooden walls though. Ah well, still useful. Thanks also for the info on screenshots! I've another quick question on map editing if you don't mind. I've made a castle with some flat wooden walls in it (using the trick with damaging stone stairs and then replacing them with wooden walls to make walkways for archers) but now the game is not letting me attach a wooden staircase to those flat wooden walls. :( Do you have any idea how I could make the wooden walkways accessible to my troops? I've connected them to a wood gatehouse but it seems the stairs on the gate don't allow troops to access the walls around it, only the platforms that come with gatehouse.
  22. Hi lads can anyone tell me how you can increase the height of walls above the default in the map editor? For example in the Haut-Koenigsbourg siege map the inner walls around the keep are much higher on one side. I've an image here (I don't know how to take screenshots in-game so I just grabbed this off a Youtube video. Sorry if the quality's not great).
  23. Yeah I agree, those guys building massive castles that look like factories ringed with ballista towers may be a way to win, but it seems to take the fun out of it. I don't really do multiplayer because I'm not sure how it works in Stronghold or Stronghold Crusader. :P? I heard you need to have the IP of whoever is hosting the game or something. Singleplayer tutorials would be nice. My siege "tactics" in that game tend to be terrible (maybe on par with the Rat :D) whenever I'm up against a fully built castle because I can never quite figure out how to build a stable economy that will provide me with more firepower. So maybe if you showed some basic tips on how to build an economy that can support a decent attacking army? I like Macemen a lot so if your video included how to use them properly that'd be nice. Also anything that deals with the damn Caliph from Crusader would be a big help. That guy is a serious problem for me in that game. :D
  24. Yeah, it seems not many games come out for Mac computers. I was happy to see they at least did the HD versions of Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader for Mac, so I can have some nostalgic fun with them. :) If you ever decide to make some tutorial videos for either of those games I'll keep an eye out.
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