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Everything posted by LordBanshee

  1. Anyway I will look my stream on my 2nd monitor =) There is no option for observer in game. Only way to add +1 neutral player on map who will stream the game.
  2. Good! Do you planing that only we two will playing or somebody will play with us?
  3. I am ill right now and feel better. I believe that I will be a healthy at weekend.
  4. Myabe you right. But sometimes I was needed only to move siege tower to a near wall zone and only after this attack walls by tower. Anyway, thank you for recommendation.
  5. Playing without throwing cows was more interesting, becuase cows are too powerfull weapon and can destroy your half of your army. EaglePrince built castle with 4 mangonels and they are crushed my siege equipment so fast. More usefull was a siege towers and ram, but I hadn`t big army and they dies before my siege towers and ram was crushed =) And siege towers not wanted to throw the bridge on his walls and it lost my time. I would think how to change balance on this map (Infinity Island). If someone wanting to see the map, I can upload to him and l listen his proposal about this map. And, EaglePrince, I can play today if you want.
  6. I told with EaglePrince and we agreed for tomorrow to test stream on twitch and some maps. We will begin at 20:00 at Moscow time.
  7. I have an account on twitch and have OBS program, and I tested them, it works normal. If we want to streaming by steam there is a small problem - we need to start game from steam without gameranger and this game may be seen only by steam users. Audience on twitch will be more than on steam, I think. But on steam we can do a limited amount of audience by friends or people are invited. Also there more simple to configure it. Other aspect is - will it be lagged or not while playing more than 1 player. It needs be tested too.
  8. Yes, I have already configered steam on twitch. I hear that steam allow to do this, but I dont know how it works. Ping on twitch is near 15-20 sec on my computer. What I think about rules. Special rules are needed, but not "alpha-rules", for example, because they limited by 1 map and some settings. I don`t want to limit possibilityes of the game, but it`s possible to make game more tactical. There are some aspects: - Map needs to be balanced and not allowed to build very strong castle which exist by inner economy, which can not be destryed. Map should not allowed an "apple-war" or "mangonel-war". In this case I thought up the borders on map (made in editor), which not allowed to build fortification in out from it. - Tactics. Any RTS assumes tactical acpect, including destroying and guard the economy too, not only siege on castle. There is a regularity: lower trading -> higher realism and tactics, becuase player needs to fight for resourses and not sit in their castles. That needs a special maps with big amount of resourses. - No Rush Time. There is no game-timer, but there is a calendar and we can to set up amount of years for no rush, which assumes not build a barracks for this time or build barracks and not build army and engeneers (balistas, mangonels). - I`m not sure we need to limit number of siege equipment.
  9. Nice review! I have some screens from this battle -->
  10. My GR nickname: Lord Banshee ID: 3891787
  11. It was a great battle. I vs EaglePrince, Charles of Tours and I died with honor. Also we tested some of my 1v1 maps, which I want to upload to StrongholdHeaven and StrongholdNation after I introduce some amendments.
  12. Hello to all, I am ready. My nickname in GR - Lord Banshee.
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