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Everything posted by Andreas9541

  1. @Nigel ? Me too, I just logged out and the file jusr magically appeared but when I logged in back again I couldn't see it.
  2. Honestly, I can only see it when I click on the 'edit' option on my post, but other than that, I cannot spot it anywhere else. Where exactly do you see the file? Can you post a screenshot?
  3. I made a few cosmetic changes and added the siege invasions in a way that they won't spawn inside the castle.? Now I will just have to wait for feedback?:D P.S I don't know if I successfully uploaded the map on this post (I'm either blind or I have to change my settings). Prehistoric Prank.shmap
  4. Damn I just looked it up and it is expensive. How did you put the tracking code in the code of your pages? Basically what is the simplest way of editing the code?
  5. It's better if the current one in queue is not uploaded since I'm still trying to work around the problem. Sorry for the hassle.?
  6. I have no idea. How do I check that? Basically I want to do whatever this guy does: He has a bar on the upper hand of his browser that allows him to edit the code of his website and I want to do that too.
  7. I don't know how to find the submission number. But if the map is uploaded I will just edit the file with an updated version.
  8. Chris I don't know if you are the only person who approves files but if you do please cancel the upload of this map if you are reviewing it. I made a very stupid mistake which I forgot to test before submitting the map. After testing another smaller map for invasions I noticed that no matter what I do the siege equipment will spawn to the target marker (aka inside my castle ) :(. I will need to revise my invasions completely because of that. This glitch doesn't happen when there is no siege equipment.? If it's possible I will need someone to tell me how to access the learning campaigns because some of them have siege invasions and I will need to open those files to learn how to properly do them.
  9. So I have this website for about a month and I want to put a tracking code in the source code of the pages on my website. The problem is I don't know how to edit the damn source code. Google analytics says I have to copy and paste the following snippet in the source code of the page that I want to track; Ok fine but how the f*** do I edit the code? I have been searching on google how to do this on google chrome but I still have't found a way. I stopped before throwing my laptop on the wall. My computer skills are primitive so I would appreciate a little help on this.
  10. I tried to set it as a post attachment but somehow it was not uploaded. But that's ok because I made a significant update to it. I will send it to you by e-mail and I will upload on the website and provide a link here since it can't be uploaded by post without approval.
  11. So after playing Eskania and finally figuring out how to make invasions to work properly I decided to create my own mission map. This map is labelled as 'mission' so it's not for multiplayer. You are on your own here. I want someone to play the map and give me opinions on the following: 1) Difficulty of the mission. Was it a total breeze for you or did you find it impossible to beat? Ideally I want the player to struggle in this mission and have a bit of a learning curve to it. 2) Technicalities: Does the pathing work ok? Is there anything strange with the invasions or buildings not being destroyed? I have tested those things multiple times but it is possible to have some not so obvious errors. 3) What was the most interesting part of the mission? The scenery, the invasions etc For the players who want to test the map I would ask you to first play it and then open it in the map editor in order to dissect it. Let's say it has a few surprises which I don't want to spoil for you?:P The mission objective is also listed once you view the mission in the game (Yeah that is a bit of a surprise too :P?) If you have any questions send me a PM. Prehistoric Prank.shmap Prehistoric Prank.zip
  12. I managed to make it work finally. Everything just clicked in its right place after giving it one more time. Now I'm going to study the map and finally make proper missions.?
  13. I can see both .ed and .txt just I have shown in the picture above and I'm doing the same procedure as you.
  14. I like this narration style a lot. I wish I took more screenshots throughout the mission as well - especially the macemen tactic which could have saves us a tower or two had we implemented it earlier.? The pics are loading just fine for me, so more pictures please.? I genuinely believe that this could have been a mission from Firefly studios. There is a lot of strategy to it.
  15. I 'cut' and pasted the file on the desktop then I made the change that I needed to do but once I pasted it back to the archive the extension remained .ed.txt
  16. This is what I did but the format of the file still didn't change.
  17. When I change it back to .ed the format of the file still remains as .txt. For example, it was showing editor.ed.txt
  18. I found the map but I was confused as to how to find the .ed file inside the .shmap file. I found the .ed file by opening the zip file. The only problem is once I changed the extension of the file to .txt in order to unlock the map, I can't change it back to its original format.
  19. I just read the article. How do you find the file that you are supposed to edit and change to .txt ?
  20. Nigel this is great. Now someone who has the maps for missions in the game can finally unlock them and find out whatever the f**k Firefly studios was doing on the map maker to make those damn invasions work
  21. @ Chris It has to do with hard drive space. One day it says 55 GB free and the next it's 53 GB and so on. For now it just fluctuates somewhere around 55 GB.? As for the lag, to be honest in the past whenever I was playing single player the game would sometimes crash or get laggy in the middle of a session but I'm sure that my MSI is much more capable, hence it probably has to do with the game. Multiplayer is just plain annoying because my connection sucks... ?
  22. So currently I'm experiencing a few problems with my laptop lately and I was wondering if anyone has suggestions on improving a few areas such as: A) Getting a new anti-virus: I have finally managed to uninstall AVG and I'm looking for a new program that doesn't act dictatorial by blocking every useful program or game. So far I have MalwarbytesPro and Bitdefender on my sight but I'm still not sure which one to choose. B) My computer memory on disc C at some point was supposedly full and then somehow magically it jumped to 53 GB of free memory. Now it seems like its decreasing again for no apparent reason. I have made the mistake of installing most of my programs on that disc and I think that is the reason for it. What can I do about that? C) Whenever I try to play SHC2 online it gets very laggy for me and other players. What can I do to maximise speed assuming that I have already turned off google chrome? This thread is not limited to the above subjects only, but general performance improvement and other useful things that makes our lives more convinient. For example I would suggest windows 8 users to use classic shell in order to replace the annoying windows 8 start menu with the windows 7 start menu. There is the obvious adblock for youtube of course... Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  23. At this point it would be fine for me if I was just spectating or had my own squad of knights scouting and giving you heads up on the opponents moves. I'm not sure exactly when I will be able to play on January
  24. What time will you be available on the 17th? (Post the time in your country so I can make easy comparison. I get confused with time zones)
  25. Saves can be found in the folder C:\Users\\Documents\stronghold crusader 2\saved games. You can upload via this link: http://www.stronghold-nation.com/downloads/submit/ Thanks! :) That sounds like it's a very hard mission - thanks for the detailed guide, I'm sure it will help many other people. :) I uploaded the file. I hope the .zip works.? Good luck for the guys who want to beat the challenge from the beginning. And don't try to cheat by skipping ahead to skirmish 10 on that DLC. Go through the 9th and then breeze through the last one as a reward for kicking a**. :)?:P This are some screen shots of the final form of my economy:
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