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Everything posted by sh4d0wknight7447

  1. Usually what I do is make a town and keep the starting eight peasants. I usually only use archers and crossbowmen from then on, so I send three peasants to an Orchard, a Cheese Farm and Hunters post and thus giving a steady +2 honor increase and another 2 peasants to sawmills. When this is done, I build a treasury and set "low taxes" with the granary rationing on "extra". Then I wait until I am promoted to knight where I am able to build weapon industries and I put a fletching station to make bows and surround my town using stone I bought from the market. Later I add towers and able to build ballistas even with one peasant by building multiple armed peasants and disbanding them immediately, leaving a number available for recruitment. Basically, the advantages of this whole scheme is that it prevents any crime, gong or rats appearing in your kingdom, which is really helpful to me because I waste so many resources trying to stop it spreading through my kingdom. In multiplayer, this works except that gong is the only thing that appears and it isn't much trouble to resolve, it only involves having one less sawmill and replacing it with a gong pit. However, unless you have another really good tactic or you think this is a good idea, I would deter you from using this method because it is militarily and economically disadvantageous due to the lack of a larger labor force and general human resource. Also, I don't really like this crime, gong and rats system, I find it a bit tedious and a waste of time. I understand firefly wanted another way to handicap you, but I find it more annoying than challenging.
  2. Did you make any progress to this in the end? I tried what you put and it makes the throwing animation replace the dagger attacking animation.
  3. To change the attacking speeches for any soldier (assuming you have the new speeches you want to implement), navigate to your stronghold directory and find this location C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefly Studios\Stronghold 2\fx\military speech Here you will be able to see all the audio files of every military unit. If you wanted to replace, say the 11th speech of an outlaw: "Are you looking at me?!" First, remember to BACKUP YOUR FILES and then replace the file "Outlaw_S11" with the new desired speech file, giving it exactly the same name. Then you can launch your game and after about 11 tries you will be able to hear it in game.
  4. I'm reopening this topic because I just realized that no-one solved it. So far, all we have deduced is that the files which determines the shading colors are located within C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefly Studios\Stronghold 2\shaders due to Lord_Chris' earlier attempt to find the shading file. By going to the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefly Studios\Stronghold 2\shaders\UI\Default.FX you will see this screen when opened up with notepad: By changing the "COLOR0" value to "COLOR1", we find that: Becomes: Furthermore, we have identified that the scripting is in C++ and coding in Hexadecimal as the orange color has the Hexadecimal code of FFBF00 This is a subject which I have been very interested in because I hate the default red color and love the bandit black color. So far what we've done is"a temporary success" :D
  5. Well at the moment I have only tested it with single player, and I haven't experienced any issues except some lords not getting to the top of their keep or awkward placement there. I swapped everything for the Large keep so I have correct meshes and there aren't many glitches (except from the million that Firefly created ;) ) EDIT: I just played a game in Great Britain with eight players and the Hawk was standing in an awkward place on his keep and some walls were not placed correctly which means I could just walk through. I have just realised I only swapped the "keep_large.bdg" and "keep_small.bdg" files around.
  6. Changing the Default Keep Type Since I know a lot of people have wanted to change their keep from the default square keep, I have found a way to do it. Remember to backup your files in case something goes wrong. First, you will want to go to the directory where Stronghold 2 is saved and then enter your meshes folder and then your buildings folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefly Studios\Stronghold 2\meshes\Buildings (Note that the directory path may be variable for some, due to different save paths) Second, you will want to scroll down and locate this file area: Notice that there are 4 types of Keeps - "wooden", "small", "medium" and "large". These represent respectively the basic wooden keep, the single tower stone keep, the square four stone tower (default) and the large 5 tower keep. The player's default tower is represented by "Keep_medium.bdg", and though it may be misleading, this can represent any of the four keeps. To change the whole keep structure, simply rename the desired keep to "Keep_medium.bdg" and rename your current keep ("keep_medium.bdg" default) to the name of which you overwrote. For example, if you want a large keep; "keep_large.bdg" becomes "keep_medium.bdg" and thus "keep _medium.bdg becomes "keep_large" For those who want a more intricate change, swap all the other files as well. For instance, one wants to change the tables as well "keep_medium_table" becomes "keep_large_table" and hence "keep_large_table" becomes "keep_medium_table" Remember NOT to do a simple file swap here, or there may be problems for other players in matches. Keep the original file in the same directory with a different name, like "keep_medium_original.bdg" so that it will be recognizable and easily accessible for troubleshooting and configuration. Finally, once you have configured this, you may launch your game and you will be able to see your desired keep in game: This image shows a Large Keep in the Great Britain map.
  7. Can someone tell me how to add pictures please? I want to use some off my local drive, or if that isn't possible, then I would like to use a private way of uploading it.
  8. so it's a go? I have no idea for a story though :D
  9. I had an idea of something like lord of the rings. One advantage is that there would be voice acting but another is that there is too much variety in lotr like rivendell to be recreated
  10. Hey all. Just wanted to let you know that Stronghold 2 ISN'T DEAD :cool: Recently, I had an idea to make a series using stronghold 2 as a "studio". I created this topic because I wanted to hear some suggestions and perhaps even some help on this as well. One aspects of this was to use the animations of the campaign during the cut scenes (Steele talking to Sir William, etc) and implement them in this.
  11. MOD EDIT: Abusive content removed. You may not re-edit this message.
  12. In this example you gave, what will changing the colorwriteenable value do?
  13. Makes sense, but how do we override this, it seems locked up tighter than a drum.
  14. Oh right. Yes that makes sense, but what does it specifically mean?
  15. If this uses Hex codes then this will be a lot more difficult I assume. I think I will have a look for what actually 'triggers' these colors in the game, and where it is triggered from. That's my mission (for now).
  16. Hmm. Very interesting. I'll take a look about it, and I may even ask a C++ expert to help me with this.
  17. okay, so I have found something (if this aids anyone), the outlaws and estate (no ownership) all appear to be black. Therefore, your castle color must be defined by something, but the outlaws don't appear black on the mini map, instead they appear green. One thing that made me wonder about the colors was that when I opened up 'TeamColours' in the shaders directory, it stated specifically TextureFactor = ; This means that 'TeamColour' is already defined somewhere, and this shader module for SH2 is reading of that and translating it so that we see different colors. This may derive from Team specifics such as the lord colour, etc. However this may not be the case as replacing your lord with say Olaf still results in a red cape. But right now, it is safe to say that the team colors are keeping bloody well hidden from us, but we will find it!
  18. Sure, let me know if there's anyway I can help :)
  19. are you hosting it or is there a team or something?
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