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Everything posted by Isaiah

  1. "Well, it seems we have a solid plan... shall we march out and act upon it now? Or is there more business to cover? " Isaiah asks as he grows slightly impatient, "I'll follow your lead, Brother Goodman, as thou art the one who formulated the plan."
  2. "Ah, a good plan, but what do we do if caught; we should always have a back-up plan if the worst happens, " Isaiah suggests as Goodman stops talking. "In addition to the aforementioned plan, we should stay alert. Look around, see if anything looks, moves, or seems suspicious. Also, trust ABSOLUTELY NO ONE once inside the castle besides us. Warriors or not, the bandits were smart enough to enter the gates unapprehended. Furthermore, they were stealthy enough to butcher the Duke's fine men. Therefore, they are atleast cunning, so we shoud not underestimate them. I'm quite certain one of them will try to befriend us and tap us. Don't fall for it, be strong my comrades, danger lurks near, " Isaiah explains as he watches his cmrades slowly. "Also, I would prefer not to fight as fighting solves nothing and at best sheds the blood of those who train to fight, and at worst sheds the blood of defenseless innocents. Therefore, I recommend we avoid combat at all costs, " Isaiah suggests as he prepares himself mentally for the task that lies ahead.
  3. Sorry for double posting, but I didn't want to make the main rules post to cluttered; this is my evaluation of myself; you may now post. 1. Knowledge - 2 ----------------- I give myself a two out of three for knowledge because I know a lot about how things work and the advantages and disadvantages of each one. For instance, ballistae are pinpoint accurate and have a fairly long range whereas mongerels spew out five rocks very inaccurately, but the rocks can one-hit most troops. Another example would be the pros and cons of pikemen versus macemen. Macemen are fast, can climb ladders, and do great damage. The disadvantages are they require leather armor (which is vital for crossbows), and they get killed easily. Pikemen move fast considering their armor, have the 2nd highest health value in game (second to the Lord), and dig moats quickly. Their drawback is they have low attack power causing them to lose to any troop "higher" than them (those that have better armor). I get a two because one of the questions was asking if I can predict the ai. Unfortunately this is not the case in my case. 2. Completion - 2 ----------------- I have completed about 6 or 7 of the regular skirmish trail, 3 of the Warchest Trail, and 1 of the Extreme Trail in Stronghold Crusader Extreme. Overall, I have not gotten far into the skirmishes. As far as the historical campaign goes, I've completed all of the first one, 4 of the second one, 1 of the third one, and 1 of the last one. Therefore, I feel it is safe to give myself a two in Completion out of 5. 3. Economy I - 7 ----------------- I gave myself a moderate score here because it takes me awhile to get my economy going, but once it is setup, I can basically sit-back and relax. I normally use the market to sell extra leather armor and bread. I am able to maintain double rations with a population of about 40 to 50. Normally I build 1 quarry, 2 ox-tethers, 1 or 2 iron mines, a few woodcutters in the early game, 3 fletchers, 2 pole turns, 1 or 2 blacksmiths, 1 or 2 tanners, and 1 or 2 armorers alongside my food chains and a water pot for good measure. I play as a neutral or evil lord since the combat bonus in my opinion is not worth the food (and gold) lost from having decreased efficiency. 4. Defensive / Castle Design - 6 -------------------------------- I tend to do square castles with lookout towers and square towers with mounted ballista. I rarely defend my walls with melee troops, but focus on defending with tons and tons of archery units. Whilst I'm sure I'll die easily from other players, my castle tends to stand strong against the ai. I always try to a dig a moat as I have problems maintaing my economy. The Caliph and other pyrorushers are rather annoying as my castle is slow to build, and they keep setting fire to my economic buildings. Overall, I would measure my skills at below par in his area. 5. Attacking / Sieging - 3 ------------------------- I have never been great at attacking; it takes me forever to destroy any of the ais except the rat and the sultan who are super easy. My general attack method is to send 100% melee troops (mainly pikemen, monks, and swordsmen) and hope they do not get killed, as archery troops require a ton of micromanaging. It is rare for me to use siege equipment because its hard for me to picture the range of the enemy versus my siege equipment. Nonetheless, if I have a large enough army, I'll eventually break through, so I guess that has to count for something. 6. Economy II - 2 ------------------ The very firs things I build are the market, he mercenary post, and a water pot (for fire). I always do bread for food, so besides the quarry and woodcutters, wheat farms and bakeries are the next priority. I always have atleast 1 dairy farm as I need the leather for crossbowmen. My next priority is Fletchers, Tanners, Poleturners, Iron Mine, then Armourer. After that, I'll probably build a blacksmith and a cathedral for swordsmen and monks respectively. The main problem I have here is tha I struggle a lot to maintain my economy against the seemingly endless waves of the Caliph's slaves. The market is built first obviously for resources (wood), and weapon production is towards the end as I'm using my gold to hire mercenaries in-between. There is not a lot of micromanagement aside from repairing burnt buildings, and I generally do not have to buy extra resources except when my buildings endlessly get destroyed. 7. Defending - 2 ---------------- Once again, my main problem here is the Caliph's infernal slaves burning my buildings to the ground. I never use low walls and depending on the map and my opponent, I may build individual towers (example - Rat), but most of the time I strive to enclose my entire keep especially against the pyrolords. 8. Attack Composition - 5 -------------------------- My favorite non-archery troop aside from mounted siege equipment are actually pikemen because they move at a moderate pace, have high health, and can dig moats. Part f the reason why I don't use macemen is because I need a higher population which is more trouble to feed. As it is right now, I send about 10% monks, 50% pikemen, 35% swordsmen, and the rest miscellaneous troops (which admittedly, does not tend to work). This composition works against the weaker ais, but is a no go against the stronger ones like Saladin. 9. Attack Strategy - 3 ---------------------- My main strategy is to simply attack the nearest wall/gatehouse, and try to rush the Lord. Quite obviously, this works about a tenth of the time depending on the ai. Normally, I'm able to win because of a teammate or the fact the enemy cannot repair quickly enough (that's why this doesn't work against Saladin, he has too much gold). That gives me the following: 1. Knowledge - 2 2. Completion - 2 (4) 3. Economy I - 7 (11) 4. Defensive / Castle Design - 6 (17) 5. Attacking / Sieging - 3 (20) 6. Economy II - 2 (22) 7. Defending - 2 (24) 8. Attack Composition - 5 (29) 9. Attack Strategy - 3 (32) ======================== 32 + x Where x is the value of your evaluation of my skills based off my post and the evidence I provided. As I stated in the initial post, you are not to post such ratings directly in this thread. Either create a discussion thread or private message the author (me in this case). Remember - Evaluation evaluates both the post and the author's abilities both of which are equally important.
  4. Stronghold Crusader, while an old game, has almost unlimited replayability. Several of you have most certainly played it before, and this thread is going to try to spark new interest in the game. Here's how the threads works: you are going to self-evaluate your overall skill in Stronghold Crusader offline and judged yourself on the following categories with a description to follow: [ins]EDIT: You can apply the same rubric for online skirmishes if you prefer.[/ins] These first two categories are more [em]objective[/em], so try to use facts to support your claim: 1. Knowledge - 1 to 3: How often can you predict the ai's moves? Do you know what everything does? Do you know the advantages and drawbacks of each troop and defensive building? 2. Completion - 1 to 5: How far in the skirmish trails have you gotten without cheating? Have you finished all the historical campaigns? The next 3 category are very [em]subjective[/em], so do not be afraid to state your opinion, but try to back yourself up with evidence. These deal with your overall skills: 3. Economy I - 1 to 12: This category deals with the way you set-up your economy and whether or not you constantly buy goods. 4. Defensive / Castle Design - 1 to 10: This category focuses on your overall defense throughout the entire game. How often do you die? What do you arm the towers with? What troops do you use (besides archery and shields which by the way do NOT count when scoring this category) to defend the castle? Do you use moats? Do you station troops on towers and gatehouses or set them on patrols? How often are economy buildings destroyed? Are you constantly repairing walls? What does the castle look like? 5. Atacking / Sieging - 1 to 12: This category focuses on your ability to harass and destroy your opponens. What troops do you use to attack (besides horse archers -- thy don't count for the scoring of this category as they are overpowered)? Do you use siege equipment; if so, what types for what purposes? Do you attempt to rush the keep (early game rushing also does not count in scoring this category) with your troops, or do you try to eliminate all opposing troops first? How often does your attacking strategy work? How many attacks are needed to siege a castle? Do you try to disrupt your opponent's economy first before sieging? The next two categories apply to Early Game: 6. Economy II - 1 to 4: How long does it take to get the economy started? Is it hard to maintain the economy? How much micromanaging is required? Do you find yourself lacking resources? What buildings do you prioritise and why? 7. Defending - 1 to 4: Do you have problems with the Caliph's slaves? How do you deal with destroyed buildings? Is it a struggle to keep the econmy running and protected? Do you enclose the keep or build individual towers and gatehouses? Do you use tall or short walls? The next two categories deal with your attack metjod and are a large part of your score, while this is very subjective, tried to be as objective here as possible: 8. Attack Composition - 1 to 15: This category focuses on your attacking force. Do not count horse archers as part of your score as they are overpowered. What troops do you use? What's your troop proportions? Do you use different troops for different ai's? What's your favorite non-archery troop and why? Does the combination work most of the time? 9. Attack Strategy - 1 to 15: Do you use siege equipment first? Do you disrupt the opponent's economy first and "starve" them to death? Do you use a huge attack force all at once, or constantly send small forces? This is a VERY important category, so [em] give as much detail [/em] as possible. Also, be truthful and creative -- If your strategy is 95% horse archers, you can go ahead and give yourself a 2 in this category (it works is why it gets a two). Also, early game rushing as your strategy should score a 1 in this category (not even guaranteed to work and lame). This final category is NOT evauluated by you, but determined by your peers based on your post (this is by far the most subjective category there is): 10. Evaluation - 1 to 20: Overall, how would you rate their skills based on the information presented? Things to consider: your impression of their skill, their explanations, how factual they are, the detail they go in, and their organization (if it is jammed all into one paragraph, then they deserve about a 5 at best regardless of everything else -- it must be readable!) That gives us the following: 1. Knowlege - 3 2. Completion - 5 (8) 3. Economy I - 12 (20) 4. Defensive / Castle Design - 10 (30) 5. Attacking / Sieging - 12 (42) 6. Economy II - 4 (46) 7. Defending - 4 (50) 8. Attack Composition - 15 (65) 9. Attack Strategy - 15 (80) 10. Evaluation - 20 (100) This means the minimum score you can get is a 10 and the maximum is 100 (80 without evaluation). Rules ----- 1. Score according to the above rubric 2. Be honest in your scoring 3. While subjectiveness is inevitable, try to stay as factual and objective as possible. 4. Give good, DETAILED descriptions and explanations for your scoring. 5. Do not use this thread as a discussion thread; use private messaging to communicate your opinion on things and give the evaluation score (or if Lord Chris allows, create a new thread for discussing this thread). The threads going to be long enough as it is, so please avoid making it unneccessarily longer. 6. Do your best to follow the rules of grammar and spelling. English isn't everyone's first language, but that's not an excuse for run-on sentences, lack of punctation, and improper capitalization! 7. Use BBCode to format your answer and be consistent about it. 8. No flaming / trolling allowed in any shape, form, or fashion whether it is in this thread, in a discussion thread, or via private messages. 9. Scores for each category should be posted IN the post. Grading Rubric: ---------------- After tallying your final score (after finding your evaluation score), determine your skill in Crusader according to the following rubric: 100 - Godly - Your skills are unmatched and extremely effective. You know how to win and strategize in skirmishes while avoiding the use of cliche troops to attack or defend with (ie - Horse Archers and Portable Shields). You also show great effectiveness in writing posts and are able to follow the rules of grammar and spelling most of the time. 94-99 - Master - You show great competecy in many areas and are highly regarded by your peers. You know how, when, and where to attack, and you are always planning your strategy. You also know how to write effective posts and elaborate in detail about your opinion. 88-93 - Expert - You have mastered some skills and are competent in others. You can erform well in any enviroment though you can lose sometimes. You are constantly planning and quick to respond and resolve problems. You are a gifted writer who can write good persuasive posts and support one's arguments. 80-87 - Pheneominal - Your skill is way beyond average as you perform well in most skills though you may struggle some in others. You are a cunning foe who is hard to beat, but not impossible to beat if your opponent is just as skilled as you. 65-79 - Above Average - Your skill excels that of most and is strong in several areas, but weak in others. While you aren't guaranteed to win, you win fairly often by a strong strategy and great thinking. 53-64 - Good - Your skill is excellent in some areas while extremely weak in others OR you do okay in several areas with few weaknesses, yet few strengths. 41-52 - Fair - You do okay in some areas and poor in other areas. Your performance varies, but you find you can win if you work hard. You are likely to have many weaknesses, yet at the same time, you are likely to have a few tricks up your sleeves. 32-40 - Poor - You are weak in many areas despite being competent in a few. You may also lack good writing skills, but can win against a few enemies. While you cannot do much worse, you have a large room for improvement. Keep on trying and you'll eventually win! 22-31 - Terrible - You struggle in almost every area and have no strengths. Possibly, you may be newer to the game. You'll improve the more you play. 10-21 - New Player - You are new to Stronghold Crusader, so ou dp not grasp many of the concepts. The more you play, the better you'll get, and several people (though not me as I'm not very good) will try to lend you advice and aid.
  5. "A mystery to solve! Quite exciting if thou ask me; I'm all for it, " Isaiah proclaims loudly before remembering that this would be a top secret mission. "What's our plan -- Once we infilitrate the Duke's castle, what do we do next. The last thing we want to do is walk in without a strategy and a back-up plan if things go wrong as that will leave us vulnerable. Furthermore, if some bandits can manage to enter with ease, then these bandits probably have their own plans and will be ready for us, " Isaiah whispers in an urgent voice, "We need to determine a way to sneak into the castle unnoticed, figure out who the culprits are, and find a way to get rid of them." "Also, I'm very nearsighted and unable to perform very well in battle. My strength lies in the tactics and resources I use, " Isaiah states in a calmer whisper.
  6. Still looks a bit rough, but huge improvement.
  7. What about a very light blue, say #0000FF?
  8. @Lord_Chris, yes I've considered that but deemed that not good enough of a reason to play. To be truthful, since I don't focus on landscaping too much, finishing the creation of a map takes about 1-2 days. Perhaps you could help me in making good landscapes somewhat quickly (about 2-4 hours maximum for landscaping if you oblige). @EaglePrince, Yes, I can make scenarios without it, but the map editor is overly complex especially compared to the originals. Furthermore, free-build maps have it turned on which is quite a damper. Aside - By the way, if we want to discuss the things I stated in my post in further detail, can we please create a new thread for it, as this thread is for introductions, and extended discussions would be off-topic in this thread. Edit: I'm fine in the criminals & punishment aspect as I find it somewhat fun and doesn't pose as such a nuisance.
  9. Isaiah, who was running a bit late, soon finds the area where the other knights had stopped. He listens carefully to the nearby underbrush and enters in on the conversing knights somewhat unexpectly. "My apologies sire, I was running a bit late because my master made sure my armor was in tip-top shape. Hopefully I wasn't interrupting anything important my liege. My name is Isaiah, and I am eager to serve you." Isaiah states as he rushes in on the scene and bows humbly at the Duke's feet.
  10. Can you please brighten the "members" group color a bit. It is very hard to actually see usernames in that color because its so dark.
  11. For Lord Chris, I just realized we have a slight problem: as many people do not know about this, you don't have a section in your downloads for SCE invasion maps or free-build map. As I realize it would be difficult in the current time to make a new section, where should such maps go? At Stronghold Heaven, the policy is they are placed with the SCE skirmishes and clearly state if they are not skirmish maps, but as this is your website, you might want to handle it differently. What doth art thou suggest? (Sorry for the old English, I couldn't help myself :) ).
  12. Well, I've already posted on this forum before, but a proper introduction won't hurt. Hi, my username is Isaiah here. On Stronghold Heavens, I am under the name of Ircher (please don't ask why), and have contributed a few maps there. I am (at the time of posting), 15 years old and I got the Stronghold Complete Collection as a Christmas gift in 2012 (yes, compared to most of you, I'm new to the games). I have tried Stronghold, Crusader (and Extreme), Stronghold 2, and Stronghold Legends, but I decided I do not like Stronghold 2 and Stronghold Legends for a few reasns. One, (and remember my opinion is my opinion), I [em]hate[/em] the graphical changes they made; especially the inability to flatten the view like in Stronghold 1. Furthermore, the gameplay is more complicated and even more annoying at times (:glares: at Stronghold 2 for its rats and gong). Finally, whereas the map editor in Stronghold and Crusader were simple to use, not very cryptic, and user-friendly, Stronghold 2 (and Legends)'s map editor is an unneccesary amount more complex than I feel it should be. Despite my rants about Stronghold 2 and Legends, I have to admit some of the new features are interesting (you can't just complain about something without stating atleast one plus, right? ;) ). I like the idea of estates and honour for instance as those add a new degree of play to the game whilst not making the game overly complex. Furthermore, the autobuy and autosell abilities in Legends is a very nice addition as it decreases the amount of micromanaging. Kingmaker mode is lsingle-player/multiplayer is nice, though I prefer Crusader play. Finally, I really wish you could sleep a single building in Stronghold 1 as you can in Legends. If any of you give me a [em]VERY GOOD[/em] reason to play Stronghold Legends (Stronghold 2 will never get a second chance due to rats and gong) again and give it another chance, I'd be very interested in hearing it (but please, don't waste my time. If it deals with anything I posted above, I don't want to hear it... except the map editor). With that aside, let me explain my experience in Stronghold/Crusader. I have, for the most part, finished Stronghold 1's military campaign (on easy). I say for the most part because I skippe Carving a Path and the End of the Pig completely, and used cheats to complete the final mission (Final Vengeance). Whilst most of you would disapprove of such actions, sieging is obviously not my forte and cheats are there for when you want to continue without losing too many times. To be truthful, I have not played too many maps by others, but rather, I create my own. I know a lot of you will probably bash me for this, but when I create missions, landscaping is [em] SO, SO, SO [/em] BORING. Therefore, I spend only as much time as needed for a playable level as far as map design/landscaping goes. In my opinion, the castle building and defence are much more fun, but many people disagree with me on this; that's okay, this is my introduction post, so I can be as subjective as I want. ;) In Crusader, I have not gotten far in the Skirmish trail because like I said above, I am awful at sieging castles. Like Stronghold, I spend most of my time in the map editor making missions (once again doing as little landscaping as possible), and playtesting them. While I should try other people's maps, I just cannot bring myself to do it. I'm not sure if I'll like the style or not. Nonetheless, if there are any maps (must be invasion) that are extremely great, then feel free to recommend it to me (whether your recommendation is considered or played is another story -- I'll atleast take a look though). On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate my Crusader abilities as a 4.67 -- 7 defending, 4 Economics, and 3 Sieging/Attacking. I have only finished the Call to Arms historical campaign. I hope this introduction has revealed a lot more about me (mind you, I don't mean personal info), so you know what to expect from me.
  13. Character Name: Isaiah Character Age: 15 Personality: Fierce yet resourceful and tactical Titles: None Possessions: An old rusty sword Talents & Skills: Agile, Basic Foraging Skills, Literacy Physical Description: A small, slender man with orange hair. (About 5 feet tall and 100 lbs); [em]VERY[/em] nearsighted. Brief History: A young adventurer who seeks fame and gold. His master used to work for the Duke, so he wants to follow in his master's footsteps (and maybe become greater than his master?]
  14. According to the Stronghold Knights archive, there used to be a bug that let you add invasions to non-invasion maps via the [ALT]+[COMMA] trick. This bug (or perhaps you could consider it a feature ;) ) has since been fixed, however, it is still possible to add preplanned events and objectives to a free-build map (messages too!) This post will show you how to create an economic mission that can use the [F1] Free-build editor to change the course of the mission. Creating a Free-build Economic Mission: ----------------------------------------- 1. Open up Stronghold's map editor and choose to create an economic map. 2. Create your map and add the events you want to add as you would for a normal economic map (lose events are discouraged besides lord killed as this is a free-build map). 3. Press the key combination [ALT]+[COMMA]. It should bring up the menu to change the map type and size. 4. Under the single-player tab, select the free-build option. 5. Press [ESC] and save your new free-build economic mission. Purposes: ----------- Some of you might be thinking why is this useful? This is useful because who lets you give the player some goal to achieve and also gives the player a higher-degree of freedom. If the pkayer thinks the mission is too easy, they can press [F1] and send in an invasion. On the other hand, the player could hire good bandits or a travelling fair if they feel the mission is too difficult. The best part is, that like economic missions, the player can continue playing even after they win. Unlike normal economic missions, the player is still able to summon invaders or conjure the random events whenever they please causing the player to continue to have interest in the level. * Note to moderators and admins -- you are more than welcome to post this as a tutorial at your discretion.
  15. Wow, thank you very much for both. Permission granted to post the tutorial on the main site!
  16. First of all, I'm new o this site; I guess this site will act as Stronghold Knight's replacement. If you have been at Stronghold Heavens, I go by the username 'Ircher'; I only recently learnt about this site. Anyway, I've posted this at SH, but I don't think it got much attention there, so here goes: It is very possible to make custom scenarios and free build maps directly in Stronghold Crusader Extreme; this post will teach you how to both play and create scenarios for Stronghold Crusader Extreme (henceforth SCE or Extreme).* * - This tutorial will focus on custom scenarios, but similiar instructions can be followed for Crusade Extreme. Part I - Accessing the Custom Scenario Menu in SCE: ------------------------------------------------------- If you've already prepared your save file, you can skip to step 13. 1. Open up Stronghold Crusader (not Extreme) and open the map editor. 2. Create an invasion map and save it under the name "SCE_Custom". 3. Place the keep and the granary on the map (anywhere's fine). 4. Add the win event as having no objectives and put it to basically launch when the level starts (actually, there is a delay). 5. Save your map. 6. Load the map in Crusader and save it as soon as it loads as "autowin" then exit Crusader? ? - Save your castle builder save as "autobuild" to differentiate between the two These steps apply to Windows (not sure for other OS's): 7. Open your documents folder. 8. Find Stronghold Crusader or something along those lines. 9. Open the folder where your Crusader save files are stored. 10. Right-cluck and press copy on the save you saved early (cut works too). 11. Go up 1 folder and find the ExtremeSaves folder (or something along those lines). 12. Paste the save into that folder. Your save file is now prepared (in other words, you don't have to do any of the steps from 1-10 again on your computer) 13. Open SCE and load the "autowin" save. 14. To speed things up for future times, keep saving the file under the name of "autowin" until you win. 15. Wahoo! You are now in the SCE custom scenario selection area. ^ Note - I am not nor do I claim to be the original author of the above content. These instructions I found from Stronghold Haven by a forummer of the name of Heroesflorian. The next part I am the author of. Part 2 - Creating Extreme Scenarios Directly in SCE: ----------------------------------------------------- If you try to skip ahead, you are BOUND to MESS up. 1. Open up the SCE map editor [em](DO NOT PRESS CREATE MAP YET)[/em] 2. Now, READ STEP 3 CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU DO STEP 3. 3. Create a new map then press [ESC] on your keyboard. If you already selected the map size before pressing [ESC], you should really follow directions and start back at step 2. 4. Now, you can choose the type of map just like in Crusader! 5. Then choose your map size. Now some of you are going to think I'm lying, as it the top will read multiplayer. I promise you, I'm not. 6. Go ahead and type your description. 7. Press the key combination [ALT]+[,] (ALT + Comma). 8. Press the single player tab. 9. Hit escape. 10. The top should read Untitled - Invasion or something along those lines, if it doesn't, start from step 2 again. 11. The SCE scenario editor works like the Stronghold Crusader editor. Notes ------- 1. The tatical aid bar is disabled in free-build and invasion scenarios in SCE as those would be just op. 2. Outposts work as normal. 3. When playing free build maps, your save should be a Crusader free build map, NOT an invasion map. Edits: ------ February 3, 2015 5:38 PM Added in a little thing about the free-build prepared save. Improved formatting.
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