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Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
"I intend you to be an honored Guest at my table Sir Loring. Send word ahead to your own Shire that you will be spending several days with me at my humble home". Goodman intended to introduce as many of his most worthy Allies to The Aragon Royalty. These were honorable and battle tested friends who may benefit from such a meeting in the long run. The long line of Troops moved forward towards Goodman's Shire. A protective Shield of Aragonese Soldiers flanked the Royal Litters. A small detachment of Goodman and his Guards led the way, with the bulk of his Force in "Rear Guard". Onward they trodded. Soon, they would be home. A Rider galloped up to Goodman from the front road. He wore the colors of The Duke. "My Lord", the rider bade. "The Duke will meet you at your Shire when you arrive". -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Bowing at the head, Goodman turned and exited the Royal Tent. He knew of The Order of Santiago. Good and loyal Fighters. He mounted his steed and galloped off towards his Battle Camp. Arriving, he ordered several of his Aides to ride back to The Shire and make preparations for their Guests. Goodman ordered a small detachment to ride to The Duke and advise him of the days "adventures". Moving to the ovetlook, he saw his Detachment already in Marching Order. He trotted down among them to the head of the Column. Raising his arm, he gave the command to go forward. Goodman began his trek back towards the Kings Tent. He would escort the Royal Entourage and his Troops back to the Shire himself. -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Brother Goodman surveyed the scene as he entered the Royal Tent. "A fine setting indeed", he thought to himself. He spoke. Chiding his words carefully. "My Liege, This Land is fair and good. Our Lord The Duke, is a just Ruler who is plagued with treachery. Although we have had a period of Peace and prosperity of late, "foul winds" have again blown in." Goodman went through a brief description regarding the battles The Duke and his Armies had fought. Goodman knew The Spanish would enjoy this. Goodman saw The King (although feasting), listening intently - as was his Son. Goodman continued with speaking of The Shire under his Stewardship. "Although a poor table Sire, ?I invite you and your Entourage to move and encamp within my Shire. Your Armies can readily quarter there and you will be within a days ride of My Lord, The Duke." Goodman knew this to be a prudent move. The closer The Duke and The King were to each other, the easier it was to mass their Armies. This new string of Bandit "encounters" were in no doubt related to the implied threat to The Duke's intended. -
Great, Matthew, glad to see you back. Hope all is well.
Hi Timballisto, and welcome to The Nation! I am sure you will find willing Participants here. And your quite right. This is a great Site to post your Maps as well as make some new friends. Welcome Again!
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
"Much thanks, my friend". Goodman shook the hand of his old comrade. Taking the towel, he washed off the dirt and gore.? "I am not sure of this meeting" Goodman said. He remembered he had little "luck" with his previous "meetings". Still, this Lord was Father to The Dukes intended. Politeness (and prudence), was called for. Chatting with Loring, Goodman changed his clothing. Doning a shined breastplate bearing The Duke's Cypher, he strapped on his leather Sword belt, and sheathed his Templar blade.Sir Loring helped him with his Red Cloak (another gift from The Duke). The two exited the tent. "Well, away I go, Good Loring". With a thump on his breastplate with this right hand, he extended it outward towards Loring ?(an ancient salute between Knights). With that, Brother Goodman rode off toward King Alfonso and his camp. -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
"Alfonso, eh?", Goodman mused. He had heard of this Lord (more so of his Knights exploits against The Moors). His Christian Knights were fighting for the re-establishment of Christianity within his Realm. Goodman was no Diplomat. He was a Warrior. Still, he thought it prudent to accept the invitation. "Tell His Highness, that I will accept his invitation in the Name of Duke Christopher". I must first "wash off" this day's "events". With that, The Royal Aide bowed and said he would wait. Goodman turned and spoke to his Aide, as he turned to return to a Command Tent (set up nearby for his use). "Send a Rider back to Duke Christopher and relate this meeting to him. I will go alone to meet His Highness. But first, bring me some water and send a Page to clean my equipment". -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
(OoC) Couldn't resist, lol lol lol I will relax now, promise Charles! -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Goodman surveyed the field before him for his position on a low level hill, completely concealed by forest. He could no longer see his Horse Troop on the Left Flank of the enemy. They awaited his signal. The Wolverines were encamped in a clearing, and going about their daily routine. Goodman raised his sword to eye level, twisting the blade so it reflected The Sun. The glint of steel flashing was well seen by his Archers. The two lines of Bowmen advanced in quick order. Forming lines that were several hundred feet apart, the first line aimed at a 45 degree angle. Setting loose their arrows, they arched high in the air...coming down in the middle of The Wolverines Camp.? Just as quickly ?(as they had been taught and practiced), the second line repeated the action. Again, the first and again the sevond. Goodman counted 4 such volleys. The Wolverines, in disarray, attempted to mount a defense. At this time, Goodman again raised his sword to catch The Sun's glare.? The lines of Infantry spilled our of the forest woodline. Breaking into 3 small Squares, the Formation moved forward. "Goodman'split Square" times three! As the Infantry using the Ancient tactic smashed into The Wolverines, Goodman motioned for his Trumpeter to sound the first tone. With the blare, the Left Troop of Horse came crashing through the woods and into the confused flank of the enemy. Goodman raised his sword on high. "For Duke Christopher.....CHARGE!" Goodman and his Troop galloped full into the remaining exposed right flank of The Wolverines. Clanging metal, blood and gore were the order of the day. The pitched battle went on for a mere 20 minutes before the enemy "survivors", threw down their weapons. A cheer arose from Brother Goodman's valiant band. "Adjutant", Goodman yelled. "A proper count of our dead and wounded....And send our Physician to aid the enemy. A Guard will be mounted to take the survivors to The Duke's good judgment". Goodman lowered himself from his Mount to the earth. Taking a knee, he placed his blade tip into the ground. The upturned Sword resembled a Cross.? Goodman prayed aloud...."God in Heaven, We are victorious!" With that his Troops resounded with "Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!" -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Goodman had assembled his 200 odd man Guards. Archers, Horsemen and Men-at-Arms, they began the "forced" March toward The Dukes Gardens.? Goodman had a brief War Council with his Subordinate Commanders prior to the move. On theory, the Archers (2 deep in twin lines), would open the Battle with a "cloud of arrows".? Next, Infantry would push up through the Center, keeping The Wolverines busy. Finally, two Flanks of Cavalry would converge on both The enemies Flanks simultaneously. In theory, that is. One thing that Brother Goodman had learned these many years, "Theory" is NOT always "practicality". Reaching the pre-arranged location, Goodman split his Cavalry. One going towards the enemies right. Goodman took the remainder and wheeled left.? Time would tell, soon enough....... -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
"The Wolverines, my old adversaries", Goodman recalled the battles that he and his men had fought with them. He had heard of their activity in The Realm, but without The Dukes concern, he did not seem it necessary to mount amy offenses againstill them.....till now. He thought it strange not to advise his trusted companions at the gathering at The Great Hall, but no matter. The Duke had his reasons. "I will leave for my Shire immediately, My Lord. I will be prepared to March against them with 3 hours". With that, Goodman genuflected in respect to his Leige, and headed off down the tunnel. Exiting from a side entrance, a Squire brought him his Mount. Goodman rode off to his Village, all the while formulating his attack against The Gardens. Coming to his Village, Goodman dismounted and called to his Aide. "Assemble The Guard in full battle gear. We March today in defense of The Dukes Garden!" With that, Brother Goodman looked to his own preparations. "The Wolverine's", Goodman mused - "Time for some good old fashioned "hunting".......... -
InterestIng time lapse map. I like your design style.
Although I am strickly a Landscaper (if you'be seen some of my SH 1 & SHC 1 Maps), I do understand the "mechanics" of Multiplayer. I really like your idea of using Flags (captured or taken) in exchange for Gold resources. It forces one to chose either the immediate building of a military force or an economy in a funner way. Good use of landscaping in a "small area". IF I was an avid Multiplayer, I would definately play your map! Keep them coming and please submit them to The Downloads Section. Other Members will want to give them a try!
Good job as always, Toka! Keep up with the maps.
G.M.B. mod v.4.3.1
Crusader1307 replied to LORD_VALROY's topic in Stronghold Crusader & Crusader Extreme
Exceptional work, M'Lord! -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Brother Goodman glanced up after reading. The Duke's Hall was full of familiar faces. Some he saw regularly, others not so. It had been some time since he had been awarded his Lands by his Grace, The Duke Christopher. In that time, he had turned the acres into a thriving Shire (complete with several hundred hard working Peasants). His "Company" of (by now very skilled) fighters, made up a loyal Contingent for The Duke. Goodman cleared his voice. "Well, my friends, it appears our lot is yet cast again into service". Briefly he thought of The Duke's present of a fine Great Sword for his service. His hand reached down to the handle of his beloved Templar blade. "Shall we pledge our loyalties again with a drink?" Goodman said as he mused the mysterious reference to "S" in the note given to The Duke. -
Congrats, on your Exams!
An absolute tragedy to pass so young, Matthew. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on your loss and that of his Family. Please PM me his name and I will have my Parish Priest include his name in a Memorial Mass. And remember, it is not how one dies, but how they lived and are remembered by loved ones and friends.
Adventure #02 - Conversation
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Goodman gasps............... -
No, it's actually due to the fact is I slept way too long today (Ha). Thanks, ?Nigel. Careful, I might hire you as my Associate! It ("The Phuck") was a battlefield legend associated with Agincourt (1415). Captured English Archers (who were simply devastating with their Longbows), had their "firing fingers" or "phucks" cut off (when captured by The French). When released, they would return to their Armies supposedly crippled.) Learning to draw with alternative digits, a common ?insult to The French was to hold up the combination of missing fingers and healthy ones up in the air and yell "Phuck You". This is just ONE "Genesis" for the "Word".
They are Medieval Archers ?(wait for it), preparing to "phuck" their bow (middle ?finger). I am NOT doing an Article on that one!
Very well explained, My Lord. I will try this out sometime!
Interesting Strife, thanks for sharing!
"Ya'll" is actually a Southern slang. It is in the dictionary - despite much fighting against having it there. "Burnt" is a matter of poor usage. I never use it impropetly, but it is done in America -a lot! Having served in several Countries, as most Soldiers do, we learn just enough to embarrass ourselves in polite company!
The problem with ?American English is that is was somewhat bastardized from "The Kings English" ( or Queens). Coupled with regional and National slang, It can be very tough for a Foreigner. I often admire other Nations who can learn languages very quickly (due to their exposure to multiple other Nations). I used to be somewhat good at German, Japanese and a smattering of Korean. I flunked French and Spanish in School! Classical Latin has helped me understand a great bit when I "see" another language. This exception is of course Russian and any Oriental tongues.