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I NEVER (if ever), get involved with "these" Subjects, BUT......your "Religious Education" Teacher is an a***e. As the "Resident" History "Expert" here... (lol, lol), I have a hard piece of truth for her to digest. All Cultures are Racist. Conversely, so are all Religions. Maybe they don't mean to be, but that is a truth in our "developmental" and shared History. As an American "Southern White" (no, really) - I have been called a "Racist and White Supremacist" on more than one occasion, simply because I "honor" The memory of fallen Southern Soldiers of the "late" War for Southern Independence. I honor Northern Soldiers, too. Would I be a "Nazi" to show respect for fallen Wehrmacht Soldiers, while at the same time lamenting the "Noble Red Man?" Yes, The Quran is a great Book of Religious Peace and tolerance. But it is also taken our of context by Zealots. News flash, so has The Holy Bible......alot. some would call a Terrorist a "Freedom Fighter".? Your "Teacher" has obviously spent her time on the Protest Line and not The Battle Line. And I suppose, that is her Right, even in Wales. In America, we are repleat with such peopke, proudly waving "The Flag" in one hand, and a copy of The Constitution in the other (my Countries extremely over used 1st Amendment). Whether or not, you have an opinion, ?right or wrong. If you want to stand against the terror and loss of life that The Extremists cause, fine. Then don't complaint when that Tomahawk Missile come knocking at your door. In my School Debating Day, (and it was close to the time of The Lincoln-Douglas Debates, look it up....lol), I would often be tasked with defending the Bad Guy. Thus made me better understand The Good Guys. Rather than label you "anti Muslim", she missed an opportunity to show contrasting viewpoints more articulately.? And regardless, many US Teachers have lost your jobs for injecting their views into an established curriculum. If you were my Son, me and Teach and your Head Master would be having a very long talk.?
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Goodman saw to it that Geralt was taken to the Baggage Train, which trailed Goodman?s Forces. Thus was fortunate for Goodman, for his Tunic and trusty Sword was present as well. After a good and thorough ?cleaning? (and a mouthful of food), Goodman sat astride his Horse. His Tunic moved with the slight breeze even now blowing gently across the sizable Force. Goodman called for his Courier. ?Give the order to Advance by soft word, only. I have no doubt our movements are known by now to Renault. But if are lucky, he will be unaware of the true movements of the orhers. Be about.? The Courier wheeled his Horse around and rode off. Several minutes later, Goodman raised his blade. The Sun glinting off the polished steel. Bringing it down, he advanced into the Woods. The Army followed. -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
As Goodman completed giving orders to his Courier, he turned to notice his new Companion was injured. "You are injured, Sir". Goodman spoke aloud "Send for a Surgeon immediately". Within minutes, The Healer arrived and began to go about his skills. Goodman waited patiently for word of the severity of Geralt's injuries. Within a few for minutes, more Couriers rode up. Goodman was busy giving order for the move. -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Goodman peered out if the Cave, just as a volleyball of Arrows sailed past . The sounds of a Skirmish was in play. Leading Geralt low, the two moved towards a better vantage point. Best not to reveal to much of their presence just yet. Besides, they were weaponless. Goodman saw several dead men on the ground nearby. Several carried Swords. Pointing silently, he and Geralt crawled to ?were they lay. Recovering the blades, Goodman heard a cry. ?My Lord!?. Quickly Goodman rise, Sword at the low guard, he noticed it was one of his own Lieutenants. Muddied and bloodied, he stood before him. ?What is the status of your Force?? Goodman asked. Geralt listened on, obviously confused with the exchange of conversion. Thus was no Merchant he determined. ?Sire, we have gained the advantage. We have swept these woods of Renault?s Guards. I know not of the other detachments as of yet?. Goodman listened and said ?Secure me a mount and bring some Rations to my new Companion here?. Turning to Geralt, Goodman smiled. ?It appears that I have not been forthcoming as to my true identity?. -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Goodman spoke after the last crackle of thunder. "Well my Friend, perhaps I can be of some help in your Quest. If you can help me to reach some fellow Merchants nearby in these Barrens, we could achieve both out ends". Goodman was aware that even now his Forces were preparing to converge. At some point, "they" would run into either Renault or he and his new Companion. Meanwhile, the last of The Couriers rode from the Spanish Prince and his Forces in The North. The Prince gave several orders and instantly his Knights arrayed themselves in precise Formation. With the cry of "Alalante!", The Formation moved into the woods. The same was happening at all other points with Goodman?s Forces. His nervous Aide showed no anxiety to the fact that he had no ideal as you his Masters fate. Regardless, he followed orders. Raising his Sword, he cried "Forward!" The Force moved into the dark and unsure Woods. -
The Independent: Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel
Crusader1307 replied to Mathew Steel's topic in The Open Castle Inn
Well thought through, Matthew. Good job of making your opinions known. As a Descendant of British, Irish, German and of course, Southern Confederate, I was constantly considered a "Leftist, Racist, ad nauseum".? Logical People but have to open a History Book to see that we are all simply reliving The Past. It appears to me that The "Crusades" are very much in full sway again. By "Sword or Ploughshare", we shall resolve our issues, eventually. Sadly, The History Books of the Future will cause our Children's Children to wonder, just "what the Hell" was our problem was. Keep Soldiering On........... -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Goodman pondered the Stranger. His name was Welsh. ?Good Fighters, The Welsh?, Goodman though to himself. Still, he would keep his true goal to himself for now. ?How is it you are acquainted with Renault?? Goodman push the bag of Gold away gently, so as not to give offense. Goodman continued. ?You saved my life. Consider that payment enough. You stated Renault has something of yours. He also has something of mine now, namely my friend Sir Loring?.? Goodman again paused to let his words draw any hint of emotion or ?tell?.? -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Goodman though to himself as he eyed this Stranger. Unsure of his intentions, it was clear he was an Ally ?(least he would well be in custody of Renault?s Guards).? Goodman had no idea of his location. He did know that within 40-odd minutes, his ?Armies? would follow Orders and begin their advance. And another thing bothered Goodman. ?Where? was Sir Loring and ?what m? was his condition? Goodman spoke. ?Much thanks, Stranger. I and my fellow Merchants were accosted by Duke Renault?s Guards. We were trying to procure business and they thought us Brigands or worse?. Goodman prudently with else the true purpose of his ?chase? until he was sure of his Rescuer. Time was foremost in Goodman?s mind right now. -
A Call to Arms: Character Creation
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Your Character is approved. You can add your Narrative when you like. -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Brother Goodman surveyed the faces of The Conmanders. ?Well Gentleman, let?s be about it. But first, my Plan".Goodman placed a cloth on the table. Being White, it would be perfect. Reaching for a cooled piece of burned wood with which to draw, he traced a rudimentary set of Woods with a primary Road thru it. In the center of the ?Road?, a Letter ?S? (for Sentry). ?I wish to send an equal portion of Soldiers back along The Road, 2-miles. They will be concealed. An equal contingent will March East and West, occupying similar positions there. Finally?.? Goodman glanced over at The Spanish Prince, ?If Your Highness will position your Knights thus..? Goodman drew a long sweeping Line on The Map West, then North. ?You and your Knights will move West then North. Thus positioned, we will create cover on all sides of the Woods. If you do not hear from me for 3 days hence, all Forces will converge to the Center, driving all before you?. Goodman turned to Sir Loring. ?You and I, Old Friend will take 10 of our best. We will ?costume up? again, as we did so long ago?. Goodman chuckled as he remembered the day. ?We will either be accepted as Merchants or taken Prisoner. Either way, we will make entry into Renault?s Keep. Should all fail, our Forces will begin their movements. Renault will have to deal with them, or ??..? Goodman paused, ?Spain, should anything befall our young Prince?. -
A Call to Arms: Character Creation
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
By all means, come on in Matthew! -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
The Staging Area near the Northern portion of The Shire was filled with a collage of colors. Sunlight glinted off Armor, Pole Arm and Blade alike, giving an almost surreal look to the Woods of The Shire. Goodman stared at The Santiago Knights. The King's Son Commanded them. Each Man looked well equipped and trained. They all no doubt earned their place in their Order. Goodman remembered his experience in his ?Order?. In fact, the Tailors of The Shire had done an excellent job in ?tatting? his battle worn Templar Tunic, making is almost new. The Santiago Knights too stared with respect at the one-time "Order of Solomon" Knight. Goodman surveyed his own Men. Battle tested and tried, he had no allusion that they would do him proud in battle. A slight glance to the right, and Goodman saw Sir Loring and his Archers. If they were half as trained as Loring himself, then Duke Renault would rule the day he had abducted Duke Christopher. Goodman was less than at ease with his Conscripts from Baron Harkonan. Goodman had suppressed a "spurt" of Banditry several months back for The Baron. Grateful, he owed him this ?favor?. Goodman nicknamed them ?The Crows?. Goodman put his trusted Senior Aide in direct Command. Goodman turned to see all of his Commanders gathered in front of his Tent. It was time. ?My Lords, Our Mission is simple. We march on The Keep of Duke Renault through hostile Territory. We will rescue Duke Christopher and bring Renault to The Kings justice?. Goodman paused. ?As I speak, Sir Loring?s Rangers are Scouting a path for us. And remember? ? Goodman said in after thought, ?Try NOT to get killed?. All laughed. ?Within the hour then. God Save Duke Christopher!? All cheered loudly. A Messenger standing next to Goodman heard the whispered response from his Lord. ?And God Save us as well!? -
Again, Welcome to Stronghold Nation! Hope you will Post your completed "Robin Hood" Map in The Download Section when you're finished. You will find many useful Articles and Tutorials here. Our Members are very knowledgeable in their Areas of Expertise and would love to help you with your questions. I have to agree with our esteemed Eagle Prince. I am unaware of any way to manipulate The AI Files. But please wait, other Members may respond. Again, Welcome!
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
?With much thanks, Your Highness? Goodman said as he and Sir Loring Bowed deeply. ?We will endeavor to rescue The Duke and bring his Captors to your good justice?. With that, the two departed the King?s Chamber. One of Goodman?s Aides stood by in the Hallway. ?Detail 50 Men to remain in The Shire. I will take 150 well armed lads and mounts. With the 200 given by The King, we will have 350. I know of a Baron in the nearby Town of Stropshire who owes me a favor. I can count on another 200. With 550, what can you muster Loring?? -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Of course, Old Friend ? come. Perhaps you will make a far better Diplomat than I?. With that they departed for The Kings impromptu ?Chamber?.? The two noted the somewhat formidable Santiago Guards stationed at the door leading to The Kings Room. They instantly cane to attention ?and ?saluted? in The Spanish fashion. As they were expected, the two Knights opened the door. Goodman and Loring entered the inner Chamber. Bowing suitably in fashion, Goodman said, ?Thank you for seeing us Your Highness. We come to you to grant us favor?. Goodman paused and glanced at Loring. ?We have a?.problem.? -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Serviceable Villain, eh?? Goodman murmured as he took several large steps towards the would be Assassin. Bringing up his Sword to the throat of The Knave, Goodman stopped short. The Man immediately dropped to the ground through no blow on Goodman?s account. Goodman looked down to see a white foam gurgling from The Assassin?s mouth. He was dead. Goodman noticed a Dart in the Man?s hand and a fresh, blood red puncture. The Assassin had obviously decided to kill himself with his own poison rather than be captured. There would be no interrogations. A commotion ?at Goodman?s door revealed a detail of Guards, alerted to the shattering of the mirror. ?Take this Knave to The Shires Physician. See if he can recognize the poison used?. Goodman recalled his Aide and gave him instructions. ?Double all interior Guards, especially around The King.? Soon after, Goodman was advised by his earlier Messenger, that The King would see him immediately. No doubt the fate of The Duke was known to him. Goodman departed his Rooms for The King. Again, he would have to play that most ?detested? game (for him, at least) ? diplomacy. -
Adventure #02 - Foreign Fancies
Crusader1307 replied to Charles of Tours's topic in Adventures in the Duchy of Riverbourne
Goodman was surely vexed. Peace had been a welcome relief to the Past engagements both he and his Liege had come to know. Goodman said nothing to the entourage he was escorting. His primary goal was to keep The King safe. They rode on. Upon arrival at The Shire, Goodman had his Manor Servants ready his Guests food and prepare for the much anticipated feast. Calling his trusting Senior Aide, he ordered the 200-man strong Shire Force to Arms. Goodman sent a Messenger to The Kings Quarters, requesting an immediate audience. He would have to disclose the unfortunate news of the fate of his potential Son-in-Law. He also would beg his Highness the use of his splendid Knights, to add to his own Battle-tested Warriors.? Opening his nearby wardrobe, Goodman placed his hand on the tattered and we?ll worn Templar tunic. ?Well, old friend ? I have use of you yet again?. -
"Carry On"..............
Thank you, Charles!
I may download it myself later and play around with it too........bit curious.
An "Editor Glitch" perhaps? I used to get weird "Bermuda Triangle" effects (what I call them) when I used to improperly erase or use Large Rocks over a Keep that was surrounded by Medium Mountains. I used to use this to hide my Keeps when I made Historical Battlefield Maps. A "friendly" Bug? Do or did you still use The Map with this issue? If so, how did it play? Regardless, it's an interesting issue. I may try replicating it to see exactly what happens.?
Welcome to Stronghold Nation, Azibeel! The Community is NOT dead. We have many talented and dedicated Mapmakers and Players here. I am sure you will easily find some to Play and discuss Tactics.? You will also find many interesting Forums for you to enjoy and please....feel free to join in! Again, welcome to The Nation!
For the first time in what, 2 years and over 5,000 Articles.....I am at a loss for words! It has been my great pleasure to bring to you all as much Superior Articles and the "occasional" Game advise.? Obviously, most of you are Supreme Masters of Stronghold, and I am but a passible Map Maker. But I feel quite privileged to count all of you my Friends. I thank our esteemed Webmaster and "Sovereign" ?Lord Chris for his patience with allowing me to Post my many Articles for your emjoyment.....and I look forward to many more years of entertaining all of you and to the continued growth of our great "Nation". Much Affection All.
Knew you would.....watch out World...... (Ha).? Got mine in 1976 (oops)..... Congrats, again!
Don't drive on the Right Side..... (Ha). Don't sweat it, it is a normal "Right of Passage". Good Luck!