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Everything posted by Crusader1307

  1. Opps........Well, unpredictability was always a word used to describe me. Still I am sure you enjoyed spending your money........ Your "Bet" Tale made me laugh for several minutes...Promise to make the next installment....a "hair puller"!
  3. Well done, Strife! And remember, you still have another "wrist".....
  4. Hi and Welcome m55aspe, To Stronghold Nation... Apparently, something went wrong with your Post. Either your Font Color didn't show correctly or the way you Posted it went "off" somehow. I attempted to "color correct" for you so we can "see" your question. Although I am The Site's Resident History "Expert", I do play The Games. I don't really think you can manipulate the zoom any more than The Game's File parameters. Our Members (with many serious Experts), may know of some "trick". Give them a while to respond, You stand a better chance over The Weekend of getting an answer. My question is, did you Post directly from the Site or did you type your question on your Computer or Cellphone and Paste it? I recommend that you Post directly to the Site. If this persists, our Webmaster Lord Chris (who is FAR more the Expert than I), might be able to help. Again, Welcome to The Site. We look forward to your imput and participation,
  6. ?At Your Liege?s pleasure?, Goodman lowered his head in submission (something of a hard task for The Warrior, to be sure). ?We shall do as you Command, Sire?. With that ? Brother Goodman gave orders for his Men to remount. ?Alert The Forces that The Prince with our Contingent, here ? will go along this Route?, Goodman motioned down the front of the road. ?Remove this Wagon and imprison these Men?. The Rider wheeled and rode off immediately to carry out Goodman?s orders. ? Once Mounted, The Prince and Goodman rode on, initially in silence. The Prince chimed in ?Brother Goodman, take it not too hard of this deception. I am sure you have seen worse in The Deserts of Palestine?, The Prince laughed. Goodman managed a smile himself. His campaigns in Palestine were indeed fraught with Muslim deceptions, it seemed ? around every sand dune. It took some ?getting used to? in the ways of European battle tactics. ? The Grouping of Riders moved onward down the road. The woods seemed to grow denser and denser. The sunlight was beginning to wane.
  7. [OOC] Oh No...it's The "Baron's War". Will it be "Magna Carta" or "Hung, Drawn and Quartered":....... Careful Charles, I am The Historian....not Brother Goodman (although I heard he was reading up on The "Peasant's Revolt". Something tells me he will need a much larger Army. (Spoiler Alert.....lol)
  8. Yet ANOTHER reason that my "lazy" Self needs to buy SHC2...... Absolutely outstanding job, Chris...You and your "Design Team"
  9. Brother Goodman watched intently as the Wagon with Merchants moved down the road and away from The Town. He pondered if it was that ?easy?. Perhaps, if one wished to smuggle out a thing of value?? After all, he had used the tactic several times before. Turning to Geralt, Goodman said ?I have an idea?. Glancing over to a Courier nearby, Goodman ordered ?Bring two Horses and 3 additional Mounted men. Make sure three are armed with Bow and Arrow?. Within minutes, Goodman?s orders were obeyed, Geralt, Goodman and the four Mounted Soldiers moved out from their location. Riding slightly ahead of the Wagon, The Group waited in the nearby Woods in ambush. As the Wagon approached, Goodman said ?Cover your faces with rags. We are now Brigands?. As The Wagon approached, Goodman and Geralt rode out from The Woods and blocked the road. Two of The Horsemen flanked the Wagon, Bows drawn, with two in the Rear of The Wagon, similarly placed. ?Stand and Deliver!? Goodman cried to The Driver and apparent Guard on The Wagon. Then, suddenly, a clashing and trampling from the far Woods could be heard. ?Could it be an ambush?? Goodman thought. With that he beheld the Sun shining off fine Armor and Steel. Dozens of well Armored Warriors burst through The Woods. Goodman relaxed as he saw The Royal insignia of Spain. It was Prince Sancho. ?Well, Goodman? The Prince said. ?It seems we have a Prize?. The Prince ordered 5 Mounted Knights to surround The Wagon. Each Knight brought the points of their Lances to within several inches of The Driver and Guard on The Wagon. ?If they move?..slay them?, The Prince said matter of factly. Dismounting, The Prince approached Goodman (who also dismounted). ?Let us see what this Wagon?s treasures are, Brother Goodman?. With that the two Warriors stood at the Rear Door of the vehicle.
  10. Welcome to The Nation, Lurker! You will find many who actively play and discuss The Stronghold Series of Games and others, here. Smaller that "Stronghold Heaven" obviously, we have a more intimate relationship with Members and Staff that you will not find anywhere else. Most of your questions will be answered quite fast, as we have many Experts and very talented Map Makers here. I encourage you to visit often and participate as often as you wish in our Threads. Again, Welcome to Stronghold Nation!
  11. Much Thanks, My Lords! I am glad you enjoyed them. I normally try to do 10 but I will work on that as time permits.
  12. CLICK The Link under my Latin "Signature"........ I tried it on various Threads, no issues. If you still do let me know.
  13. HEAR YE, HEAR YE, HEAR YE......Lords and Ladies of The Realm..... The most Recent History Quiz is now available for play. Resounding Huzzahs to All!
  14. SING to The Congregation, Charles. I shop at "Second Hand" too. In some Countries , these Stores might be considered "First Class". They gave changed greatly since "The Day". In California, you can find a lot of stuff from your Youth, you might not otherwise find. In particular Graphic T-Shirts, which are my favorites (especially Old Bands). Oh, and you don't have to be a "Yankee".... (oh that "word"....lol!)
  15. Goodman looked at Geralt , pondering his question. ?No matter now?, he mused. Goodman stood, ?I am Brother John Goodman, late of The Order of The Knights of The Temple of Solomon, or Templar ? should you prefer. I am Lord of a Shire seconded to Duke Christopher of Riverbourne.? With Goodman?s official introduction, he proceeded to tell Geralt of the Good Duke and the many battles and intrigues of the past year. Goodman chose not to tell Geralt of The Dukes recent capture, only expanding on a Military Mission of The Duke ? given to Goodman. He told Geralt of his raising his Shireman as a Force, and of recruiting sizable from nearby Villages . Finally, he explained The Spanish Prince Sancho of Aragon, fighting with Duke Christopher against The ?Pretender? Renault. He stated that The Duke?s future betrothed was Sister to that Noble Knight. Goodman paused to await Giralt?s questions. Meanwhile, as determined ? The Prince and Goodman?s Aide had joined up. Both The Aide and Prince surveyed The Walls of The Town, unawares that to The South, Goodman was doing the same.
  16. (OoC) Your correct, Nigel. Chris placed Goodman and Geralt near The Town. I was going into epic "battle mode", so I just fleshed out The Prince and The Aide. I have an idea..........wait and see. The Prince and Aide are close to Goodman.
  17. The Arrow clanged off the the of Young Prince Sancho, in a glancing blow. ?Onward!?, he cried to his Knights as they met the first Salvo of Renault?s soldiers. Advancing forward, they moved directly into the first Rank of Archers. Toledo Steel?..none finer. The Prince was well trained in The ?Art of War?. His Father had seen to it. His Countrymen had perfected their ?craft? from Centuries of fighting the accursed Moor. Sanchez arranged his dismounted Knights on groups of 4. Moving forward as ?Walls of Steel?, as Men at Arms supported them from the Rear with a combination of different Heavy Pole Arms. As Renault?s Guards moved forward to meet the Enemy, they were met with stabbing Sword and thrusting Spear.? The young Prince had swept much of the Field to his front. Prudently, his few mounted Horse as Rear Guard, finishing off any wounded and dying. ?Besides?.? As Sancho thought, ?The quality of Mercy should not be laid aside?. The Spanish Force continued forwards into the Woods. They would no doubt soon make contact with The Temple and his Forces. Meanwhile, Goodman?s Senior Aide (who was Commanding ?The Crows?), was finding out that Irregulars can be difficult to command. Upon their contact with Renault?s Soldiers, The Aides Troops broke Ranks and charged carelessly into them. He list a fair amount before he was able to maintain his Command. Remembering his first foray into battle with Goodman and The Wolverines, he formed a Square. This kept him from losing his Force. In this Formation, they were finally able to break Renault?s resistance. Battle worn they rested. The Aide knew that they could not do so for long. They had to keep moving forward and make contact with The Prince.
  18. Sorry I missed this Young Knight, but I was,"sleeping" (Yes, I do that on occasion.....lol). Well deserved and earned, Matthew. Your insight into Social issues show that perhaps there is hope for the future. Congrats again!
  19. Well said, Chris. And I understand, Matthew. Nonetheless, a good choice with The RAF.
  20. Oh and Eagle, you are quite right on all counts. Religion often divides and not unites as it is supposed to. God is God regardless of how you believe, worship or whatever. Unfortunately, Politics meshes with Religion to some very disastrous and tragic ends.? I very much remember "The Troubles" in your Homeland (even remembering how America became involved to a small degree). I always thought it was a ridiculous War to fight over a Religion that is essentially the same.?
  21. Tad over thinking it Matthew, regardless of if your a "Cook" or Whatever, you will still go through some "rudiments" of Combat Training. A "Soldier is a Soldier is A Soldier". To clarify the other Statement, I sometimes forget not everyone has a Constitution as in my Country (very similar, but different), English Law is VERY similar with most comparisons. In America, The Rights that all Citizens have are guaranteed by the blood of her Soldiers who have fought to defend the same, for generations. In a "recent" trend since 9/11, many now "Thank" American Servicemen for their Service. That is what I was trying to impart with "Your Welcome". Soldiers defending The Constitution give the average law abiding Citizen, Radical and Leftist alike - this "1st Amendment" Right, to say whatever they wish in Public (regardless of they admit it or not). Although I giggle when a Person decides to Enlist, regardless of what Country, I am proud that a Free Citizen serves their Countries interests by making the sacrifice of their freedom and sadly even lives. Even if the Political viewpoint is different.
  22. Your School System sounds very much like Berkley (University of California Campus, there are many). Long a Bastion of Uber Leftists ?in training. Still, I swore an Oath to protect them as well. As for your serving in The RAF as a War Correspondant, "Wheels Up". At best you will become an Expert in the "Real World". As a Veteran, as this is shared by "my kind" from all Armies, everywhere - we sit back, let people spew their "opinion", and silently say to ourselves with a snicker......"You're Welcome".
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