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Everything posted by Crusader1307

  1. Great snippet articles about tech. Enjoyed some of them! :D
  2. I agree with Sir David, I love Firefox. IE crashed my system (both lap top and home systems, twice). I have never had a problem with Firefox. :D
  3. "I wonder Sire," Goodman muses as his sight drifts over towards the distant merchant camp - "What a small force of men, suitably disguised - could do once infiltrated inside your Castle?" Goodman ponders a trick used once in Damascus, when members of The Order dressed as merchants with wares to sell. "I would take a little planning, but it could work". And Brother Goodman said in hushed tones, "If you chose Sire, only myself and my companions would serve. Since none of us know anything of your Kingdom - there's no fear of treason. A map of the castle interior should serve, drawn by you only." Brother Goodman made a finer point to the Duke, "Tell NO one. Not even your surviving Knights. my Liege".
  4. Welcome to the Realm, New Lord... I completely forgot your "trick"...thanks! :D
  5. "Sire," Brother Goodman motions towards a stand of trees..."Will this serve?" Goodman followed behind the Duke. Soon they were partially obscured behind the trees and bushes he had mentioned. In a whispered tone Brother Goodman asks, "What of your concerns, Excellency?"
  6. Upon hearing title "Duke", Goodman paused. This was perhaps the Liege that Sir Loring mentioned. In honored Templar fashion, Brother Goodman lowered his sword - bringing it down (point first), into the dirt in front of him. Lowering onto one knee, (head bowed but eyes still fixed) he says "Much apologies. My Lord. I am Brother Goodman - late of The Order and of Syria. I and my companions have heard of your need (remembering what Sir Loring said) and, unfamiliar with these lands.....well,...I have learned from the desert that "friends" often wear the robes of enemies!" After several seconds Goodman (wishing to put this man at ease) states, "My companions say that you have distress in your Kingdom, I thought it best to be "on my feet" and not "on my back".
  7. [OoC:] This sounds suspiciously like "Henry V"......... Brother Goodman (having been relieved prior), alerts. Removing his sword, he assumes "The High Guard". "Stand and name yourselves as friend or enemy!" His eyes narrow on the personage of The Duke. Goodman (although a "goodly and god fearing man", has learned from his years in the desert that this could well be a trick). Better to air on caution and live, than be lions food!
  8. "Aye, Sir Loring. I am much interested in hearing just what this Lord is requiring AND if his payment is just. Shall I take first watch?" Brother Goodman asked, offering the first watch with respect to Loring. Loring yawns. Brother Goodman takes this as positive acknowledgement, and moves closer to the fire, settling in for his watch. His two fellows nestle down for sleep.
  9. Brother Goodman considers his two new companions. "Gentle Sirs, whereas we all appear to have similar needs - let us cross this stream and make camp. I have several rabbits caught earlier and will be glad to share them."
  10. [OoC:] Don't feel bad, Brother Goodman sounds a little like Sean Connery. Brother Goodman turns cautiously. Slowly his hand falls to grasp his swordbelt - casually (it would seem). His hand now closer to his blade handle. "Truly, Sir - I have been here a mere quarter hour, and good Sir Loring, just minutes. Goodman tilts his head slightly to the right, more to clear his vision from the sun (and focus on his target, if need be). "And WHO, good Sir - are you?"
  11. Brother Goodman stared at the fellow. Distrust was something he was used to. Trust could mean death in the Desert. But....something about this gentleman spoke of trust. "Surely, I take your hand in peace"....."My name is Brother James Goodman, late of The Order". You appear Saxon by dress, meaning no disrespect to you, good Sir." After an exchange of "manly grips", Brother Goodman asks "I too seek to offer my services to a well-deserving Lord."
  12. Brother Goodman raises his head to the air. "I have smelled that before".....his gaze moves toward what appears to be an encampment across the river. "Arabs", he mutters - slowly squeezing the handle of his blade.......
  13. Character Name: Brother James Goodwin Age: 25 Personality: Calm and pensive. Can be reactionary if provoked. Will give and take advise. Cannot abide cowardice. Titles: Templar Novice Possessions: Still retains his Templar Tunic and Cloak. Owns a worn but still strong undercoat of chain mail. Owns a Straight Sword and personal Dagger. Talents/Skill: Well versed in European battlefield tactics. Knows the way of the Desert Fighter from experience. Physical Description: 6 foot, 185 lbs. Brown Hair and Hazel eyes. A 4 inch scar graces his right cheek from a Saracen blade. History: Brother Goodman was young and idealistic when he took up his Cross and joined The Templar Order. After 3 years in the Syrian Desert he has soured somewhat as to the idea of God is on the side of The Right. He has been wandering around Europe for the past year.
  14. For all fans looking for Medieval Weapons.....By his Lord Chris' grace, I will be adding this topic to my History thread soon! Look for it!
  15. Having been born in the early 60s, I can say I have seen technology JUMP from sci-fi to sci-fact. I really miss my old typewriter! Technology is good until Man surpasses his need to use his hands!
  16. How would anyone feel about articles (short I promise), spotlighting different Medieval weapons? Perhaps a new weapons article weekly? Debates on which ones are your favorites? Discussions about the ones used in the Stronghold series? With Lord Chris' permission of course......
  17. Thanks. Lord Chris..will pay attention to forum posting in future. Thanks for answer!
  18. Possibly a dumb question to ask everyone. IF I upload a map (say to this site), again from SH2, will any self-modified troops transfer as well? Or is it just the map? I'm sorry upfront....lol :D
  19. Just stunning work Eagle Prince! Downloaded your files and will "play" with them later today. YOUR THE BEST! :D
  20. Your 100% correct. I've changed WAV too. Just convert. But be aware, there are some that just won't work. (Don't know why). :blush:
  21. Oh no, I am so sorry I misunderstood you! If your speaking of THOSE 2 re-modded churches (paint style different), THOSE are also on Stronghold Heaven, under UTILITY MAPS - titled NEW CHURCH SKINS. I thought they were cool too. The modder did not change the Cathedral, though. VERY interested on how he did it.
  22. The highest sentencing possible, leveled by a King or Ruler. Eventually evolving down to the "power" of the people and centering around the "eye for an eye" theory. Granted our game peasants stealing apples doesnt warrant this but...... :D
  23. The other structures, hovels, churches and the "Cathedral" were in that mysterious update. I thought is strange that I can't locate it again. I've been using Stronghold Heaven for downloads for years, so it weird. I'll look further into it and naturally will advise you via Post if found!
  24. It appears the other update is no longer there?!?......Oh, well... you took it (and me) further. I still have these new options (which I would not have had otherwise). Your the first person I will advise should I find or see anything else. Thanks for ALL your attention! :D :D
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