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Everything posted by Crusader1307

  1. Goodman returned from his repast. Walking back up to the main Camp, he was approached by one of the men he had detailed earlier. ?Sir,? said the man. ? Our count of soldiers is at 30. Each man had a sword. Every other man carries a Bow with roughly 10 arrows each. Some carry knifes, with a few other smaller hand held weapons.? The man paused. ?The horse's are cared for.....we await your orders.? Goodman paused. ?Good report, my man. Continued service of this nature will quickly earn you promotion. Take a rest for yourself. Tell the men to eat what they can and rest as well?. The man quickly thumped his chest and bowed his head. He departed quickly. ?30 men, 300 odd arrows....not much of a last defense. But defense none the less?. Goodman must keep the me alive long enough o find out where The Duke was. Goodman lowered himself down. He noticed a somewhat deep cut on his lower right calf. ?Why did I not feel this?? He took some water from his bladder and gingerly washed the wound. Cleaned, he took a piece of clean muslin and bound it up. Perhaps, he would order a longer rest period. The men needed it. He needed it.
  2. ?We need men and fast?, Goodman blurted out. ?Loring's idea is sound. We should send some men out to scout for survivors. Further, I think we need a count and assessment of our weapons and goods.? Goodman held up his hand in a ?universal signal? to stop. As the men did, Goodman spoke out. ?We shall rest here. Check your weapons and goods. A few archers should set out for some fresh meat (if any). Further, that small stream ahead may yield some fish. Care for your horses first, men?. Goodman, Lloyd and Loring dismounted, each about their own cares. Goodman spoke to Lloyd. ?We must increase out numbers quickly. We can not mount a successful rescue of his Lordship with more men. Granted we three have the skills to surmount much, but this mission has quickly dissolved into a muck!? Goodman smiled at Lloyd. ?Now Lad, I've about to answer to a ?higher Power?. Taking his Rosary from his saddle, Goodman walked off towards the stream.
  3. Exceptional Work! Never would have put that much effort. I will try your "tricks" as soon as I get some time! Very good work with the Bridge work!?? :)
  4. ?Rolling Shields, eh?. Goodman pondered this. And further, were these forces The Brigands or another? Were The Brigands in league with yet another enemy? Any further information from this man would be useless. Goodman needed force strength, other weapon types and most importantly direction. Brother Goodman stepped away from Sir Loring and the wounded man. He pondered yet again. ?I need a count of our remaining strength?, he said to himself. ?WE need more men and supplies?. Goodman pulled the map he had been given by The Duke and looked. He noticed a small village, some few leagues away. Large enough to be on a map. May supplies and help. Maybe enemies. Goodman called over to one of the men standing nearby. ?Prepare to mount the men. We will move towards this Village (pointing to the map in his hands). I want 2 men for a scouting party?. The man bowed his head and hurried off ? to carry out Goodman's orders. Several minutes later the 2 men requested, had appeared before Goodman. Having already told Sir Loring and the rest of their Troop what he had planned, Goodman spoke to the men. ?Ride 5 miles North to this Village (motioning to the map in his hands). Conceal your weapons, but be wary. Scout it and ask questions. IF, the citizenry appear friendly (and loyal) to The Duke, one of you ride toward us. We will be following as a slower gallop.? ?And Gentlemen,? - Goodman added as an afterthought - ?Do not get yourselves killed?. Bringing his right arm and hand up towards his breastplate, Goodman ?thumped? it once (the universal sign of an Order Given and expected to be carried out). The 2 men returned the gesture and departed. Goodman thought further. These last several days have been more trying than Damascus (to be sure!). But unlike that legendary fight, there were FAR more fighters than this small band. ?They? needed reinforcements ? and fast!
  5. "Very good", Brother Goodman agreed. We shall take your suggestion. Goodman turned to the troop of already tired but still alert men. "Care for your horses quickly, men. We will encircle the field we have fought on. Search for any tracks, anything which may help us. We have learned that The Duke may be captured. All haste! The intrepid Group quickly followed their instructions and mounted some 10 minuets later. Brother Goodman was impressed. What a troop to harass Saladin, THEY would have made in the desert!
  6. Goodman looked intently. Why were these men trying to kill them? Surely, The Duke would have told his Bodyguard about this advanced force (even where they were operating, for the most part). Goodman was unsure if this man was even a Guardsmen. Perhaps a spy, that just happened not to have the good grace to die in the attack. ?Loring,? Goodman spoke. ?you must keep him alive ? or at least try to get some information. We can not wait here for long. If we didn't ?stop? all of our ?friends? back there, we will have trouble. Our numbers are dwindling.
  7. OoC: Naturally, Nigel. Computers can only "emote" so much emotion (Ha). That's fine.
  8. OoC Well, Nigel (Sir Loring) was upset that I killed his intel subject (ha ha). He can go back now and rewrite the story from that point I guess.
  9. OoC: Watch this, Kiddies! Goodman looked forward toward the advancing mass of ?shadow men?. What demons were these, he wondered. Leaving his attention from the now dead man at his feet, he said - ?Loring, pull the men back into the tree line quickly! Prepare for battle!? Turning to go back to his own small command, Goodman tripped and fell. ?Clumsy clod?, he thought. ?Fleet of foot you are not?. Goodman glance down at the blackish muck that stained his tunic. ?What is this mess I have fallen on?? Taking his hand and smearing some of the black goo on his palm, he sniffed. ?Wait..... I know this.? Goodman quickly surveyed the surrounding grounds. ?Peat. The earth that burns......Wait, something I read once?. The flash of remembrance hit Goodman like a bolt of lighting. ?Of course!? ?Loring!? Goodman yelled. ?Get your flints. Start fires and torches quickly! All men charge their arrow a'flame!? Within the next few minutes, all of Goodman's men (as well as Loring's), held glowing tips of flame before them. Goodman spoke. ?Lads, when the ?shadows? come out of the woods ? all arrows are to be fired...into the ground before them! We are in a Peat Bog! It will burn quickly. After the flames ignite, all to horse and retreat back?. Goodman waited. ?On my command......unleash Hell!?
  10. Thanks Charles! Again this is what happens when I don't read our own Forums. :rolleyes:
  11. ?Gracious Lord!? Brother Goodman blurted out, taken aback at the carnage before his eyes. He turns to Sir Loring and the others. ?Some of you men (Goodman points to the left and right) ? set up a loose perimeter around us! Be prepared to fire first and ask questions later!? Dismounting with Loring they approach the mortally wounded man. Goodman took his water bladder from his horse. Kneeling down, he gives the dying man some water. ?What happened here, good fellow? Who attacked you? Where did they go? Is our Lord of Riverbourne among the dead?? Goodman waited in response.
  12. Good Stuff, Isaiah. Thanks for the info and your research. I'll try it out later.? :D
  13. Goodman spoke. "We ride to the East, we will see if we can see this larger Camp. If possible, we will attack - at best get more information for our Lord. We must conclude this little "ride" of ours." Goodman looked at Loring, both bouncing to and fro on the fast galloping mounts. OoC: We need a story boost (Oh, Chris, Oh, Charles!)
  14. Ever heared of Open Office? It's free and is a cloned copy of Microsoft Office (Excell, Presentation, Spreadsheet, etc.) I lost mine in a similar fashion sometime ago. AT $145.00 to replace it new, I said "no way". I've been using Open Office (my Articles, etc.) for several years. NEVER had a problem.? You can find it anywhere in The World (don't have the direct link). Maybe that will help?
  15. Goodman went back to the stand of trees here he had left his ?advance party?. He ordered each man to slowly move back to Sir Loring's position (taking their horse's with them as they went). Goodman took out an arrow from his quiver and placed it (at the ready in the bow). He would provide any cover to his men IF The Bandits started their fire again. After several minutes, all of the men withdrew. Goodman glanced up at Sir Loring. Seeing him nod, Brother Goodman began to move from his position. Gathering his horse and mounting he galloped up to the overhead position. Now all together, the Group began to quietly move down the small, rocky path ? down to ground level. ?A fast trot, Lads...until we are safe. Then back to the full gallop, we head East?.
  16. Good stuff (as always Chris). And congrats to you Matthew for your well earned Promotion (Purple, how Imperial :D )
  17. Really, Great Pictures, Chris! and really good Articles too! I enjoy reading them!
  18. Thanks, Nigel - glad to be back (in some form HA!). Look forward to our Riverbourne Quests real soon!
  19. UPDATE: Not wishing to muck up the History Thread with the announcement, I have returned! (bad pun to Gen. Douglas MacArthur!) I have advised Lord Chris (via PM). Seeing that I have placed Articles up to Sept. 8th, I will be available for questions and comments (should you have any). Look forward to some VERY interesting future articles on History - coming soon! :D
  20. Me Thinks the gauntlet has been thrown? :lol: Good stuff, My Lord! Look forward to your Articles.
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