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Everything posted by Crusader1307

  1. It shall be good...look forward to seeing your entries!?? Thanks.....glad to be back!????? :D
  2. WOW! Gone for a Week and ?elected? CAESAR! (Ave! Ave!) or ? as Maximus would say ?Are You NOT Entertained?? Seriously, I would like to thank our Lord Chris for such an honor, bestowed upon a ?humble? Scribe. I am both proud and humble. I would also like to thank ?The Nation? as a whole. Without my ?Readers?, dare say I would still be a lowly ?Serf?. In the year that I have been a Member of ?Stronghold Nation?, I have made many friends and learned much about our beloved ?Stronghold? Series of games. I look forward to 2016 and our exciting ?52 Weeks of Stronghold? Contest. No doubt, many of your talents will shine forth. I can't wait to see some of the Entries. As for ?The Threads?, I am sure we will see (and read) much! New Articles and series planned in ?The History Thread?, More ?Monsters and Myths? to ponder and amaze and, no doubt ? some more ?Visitors? from Alien Worlds. Again Thank You Chris, Crusader1307
  3. Been there, done that Matthew! Good luck and PASS.? Come around when you can???? :)
  4. Very clever effect, I'll try this...Good Job!?? :)
  5. Hi, buddha737 - and welcome to The Nation! I'm Crusader1307 (aka Brother Goodman in this Thread). I'd love to have you join, but it's up to Charles of Tours to approve your "character". Go to the Main Section of this Thread? "Adventures in The Duchy of Riverbourne" and go into "Character Creation". Follow the instructions to create your "Alter Ego" for our story. Submit your "character" to Charles of Tours (via PM or E-Mail). Once approved, your imagination and writing abilities will be "put to the test"? :D I'd? advise that you read ALL the past entries to get caught up though. Many of our "Knights" have fallen away. If you caught up and read the other instructions Charles of Tours established - you'll do just fine. If you need any assistance, please let me know. You can find me in The History Thread (most times). I will respond to you as soon as I can.???? :)
  6. Goodman looked at Sir Loring. A good man and none better Commander in the Field he had seen.?Fine, I will rest awhile. Go and learn what you can. Your judgment will be key to our next move?. Goodman thought a moment. ?Tell the remainder of our Forces that I am well ans only slightly wounded. The good Friar Doctor has me well taken care of. We don't need deserter's now?. Goodman extended his hand and arm to Loring. They shook. Time would tell of the information Richard would convey.
  7. No biggie, I "woke" up and was treated by The Physician (as per my latest addition to the story).?? :)
  8. Goodman awoke in a haze. He looked around what appeared to be field tent. It smelled of age and by the firelight looked to be light blue in color. He reached down towards his leg. It felt numb. It was encouraging to find that it was still there. ?You are very lucky? said a soft voice from Goodman's left side. He turned his head to the direction of the voice. ?A day longer, and you would have either loss your leg or died?. Goodman tried to focus his vision. He beheld a Old Man wearing a robe. He wore a Creveche on his head and looked to have the makings of s small gray beard. ?A Physician?? Goodman asked. The Old Man shook his head in the affirmative. ?How long until I can move about?? The Physician looked at Goodman ? waiting to speak as if to ?dramatize? the effect of his response. ?It will take several day of rest to recover your senses, but several weeks to heal well, Brother.? Goodman focused yet again upin the Old Man's clothing. He was able to make out a faded white Cross stitched to this front robe. A Brother of St. John. ?Deo Volente, Friar Healer....Deo Volente?.
  9. Chris, Goodman is passed out as a result of blood loss....he can't answer right now???? :lol:
  10. Goodman watched as Sir Loring spoke to The Surgeon. He felt hot. He felt weak. He felt....ill. Perhaps he had waited too long in attending the wound he received. ?Deo Volente? ?God Wills It?. Doe he? Why did Goodman just not stay in The Middle East. A slight smile crept onto his face. ?Because of the loss of Jerusalem, dolt!? Goodman chided himself. The Order was in shambles. With Baldwin dead on the throne, only bad things were to happen. Goodman took one step then seized. He hardly felt the ground as the blackness came upon him, or the sleep he was now forced to take!
  11. Goodman looked at Loring. "Well, Sir Loring", Goodman said with a smile, "We should know all presently if we are among friends or foe, eh?"
  12. Exceptional! I will definitely try this tunnel trick.....REALLY good!? :)
  13. Interesting effect, Tokamaps. Never would have thought of this.???? :D
  14. Personally, "Going Down In A Blaze of Glory"? (sorry Bon Jovi)?? :D
  15. OoC: Not really, you could have still bushwhacked us! But sorry, if I jumped the gun........?? :p
  16. The long line of mounted men rode onward. Their horse's twisted and stumbled over the ever shrinking path. Goodman wondered just when this trek would end. He hoped his own Troops were able to keep up and avoid detection. They could ill afford to lose even one. After what seemed liked hours, the path began to open up. What was once barely enough space for one horseman, grew to two, then three and finally and downward sloping trail. The troop of horsemen eventually worked themselves into a forested clearing with tall unusually green grass. Goodman could hear rushing water nearby. The air was sweet and mossy. Goodman leaned forward to the Guard at his front. ?Is this the place?? he said in a low tone.
  17. ?Strange lands and dangerous ways, Lloyd? Goodman said in a muse. ?If this Sir Richard is a friend, he will be a powerful Ally, if not...... ? Goodman's horse stumbled a bit, it's hoof's loosing traction. Small clumps of dirt ran down the sides of the cliff path. ?If these men meant us harm, I do not think they would have wasted their time with this journey. Best to have killed us back at the clearing.? Gooman paid attention to his front, lest he tumble to his early death.
  18. ?We were tasked by The Duke to regain his Kingdom from a group of Brigands?, Goodman said. Deciding to take a different ?tack? that that of The Guards Commander. After all, Goodman was somewhat injured and didn't feel like fighting much for now. Besides, this Officer could tell Goodman was leading as force of obviously well-trained men. He didn't feel this man wished a fight, only information. Perhaps he not aware of Sir Lloyd and the 10 men ?stalking? them from well to their rear. ?Good man, that Lloyd.? ?I am actively recruiting men to join our Quest and rescue his Lordship. I am sure he will reward handsomely those who help him.? Goodman paused, waiting for some reaction.
  19. "Aye," said Goodman. We are and we shall speak with your Lord Richard - post haste. Goodman turned to Sir Loring, managing a blink.
  20. Goodman twisted off his cloak to reveal his two swords (his Templar blade and the blade given to him by The Guards Commander). Flourishing them both at the same time in a clockwise motion, they both came to a rest firmly back in his palms. Goodman spoke. ?We are about The business of The Duke of Riverbourne. We wish no breach of peace in your Kingdom, nor will we tolerate assault.....Goodman stepped forward into the light of the campfire so the man could see his Templar Cross on his tunic. Often, fighters though twice about engaging one of ?God's Knights?.
  21. Goodman looked over as Sir Loring and his charges, approached. Goodman chuckled, ?Well Loring, it appears you are as good a ?Farmer? as you are an Archer. You've harvested quite a crop!? (motioning towards the 10 men). Goodman shouted over to a nearby man, milling about. ?You there! Quarter these fellows and see that they have something to eat and drink.? Goodman motioned for Loring to join him and Sir. Lloyd. ?The fact of the matter is this. When now have 40 men. Good men all, but 40 nonetheless. We need an additional 20 just to bring our numbers back to strength. And further, (Goodman was speaking lower so that only the three of them could hear)...We need to discuss the continuing of our mission?. Goodman let the though sink in. Continuing, Goodman said - ?I do not feel that The Brigands are are problem anymore. The attack at The Peat Bogs, required more of a ?strategic? flair. We are not even sure if The Duke still lives.? While speaking, Goodman saw the 2 horsemen he had dispatched to the Village arrive. One of them dismounted and hurried to the campfire. ?Sir,? the man responded. ?We have found the Village to be on out side! At least 20 men their will join our cause. I have told them that we shall arrive directly?. Goodman pondered this report. ?Good. You and your man go and eat and rest. We will stay they night. You have done very well.? Dismissed, Goodman turned back to Loring and Lloyd. ?Tomorrow, I will ride with 10 men. Lloyd, you will follow (respectively at a distance) ? behind me. Array yourself as Pickets. Watch and wait. Loring, you will follow behind Lloyd with the other 20 men ? a kind of rearguard, if you will. If I am not back within a time, assume we are dead?. Goodman pulled the prized map from his tunic. He handed it to Loring. ?In case, you need it?. ?At best?, Goodman continued ?we will have 20 new recruits and fresh food. At worst, well ?God Wills It?. What say we all? Agreed?
  22. Goodman looked up. ?Tis but a scratch.? ?I have the information regarding our status. Go and gather Loring, if he is not busy. The 3 of us need to talk?. Goodman watched as the Lad walked away. Truth be told, his leg was much worse than he told Lloyd. ?God Wills It?. Goodman rose and walked gingerly to a small stand of trees. Selecting a sturdy branch, he pulled it free. ?Ample for a crutch or walking stick?. He took it back to the Campfire and began to whittle it with his knife. ?This will serve well indeed!?
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