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Everything posted by Crusader1307

  1. Impressive Mounted Defensive Forces.......................
  2. Just an update. The index IS progressing. Stay tuned. It takes a while to alphabetize over 1,700 articles. ?:)
  3. And this is what happens when your gone for awhile. Oh well, Brother G ?needs a rest.
  4. Goodman listened. ?Very well, Sir Loring. Be it as you wish. But I will take 5 of my best men with us. Your Archers are excellent, but a Sword may well be needed. Perhaps a small Force.? Looking back at their most recent ?prize? (the Conspirator) ? Goodman continued.... ?'Rescuing The Duke will no doubt be bloody work. As I stated at the beginning of our Quest, The Sword will be our true equalizer. As we have already seen, we cannot trust too many. The Prisoner is yours. Get whatever information you see fit by whatever means you deem proper.? Goodman gave instructions to his Aide-de-Camp. Having picked 5 of his best (and giving them their instructions), Goodman said to his subordinate ?To be clear, send our best Scout behind us. He is not to be seen. If we encounter problems, he can get back to The Company so they can march on our position ? should we run into problems.? The Aide-de-Camp nodded in agreement. Goodman made his way to his tent ? to prepare for yet another day of ?frolic?....................
  5. Brother Goodman made contact with his Aide-de-Camp. Making sure The Company was fine suffered no danger from the foiled ambush, he gave orders for the men to be rested and to check their equipment. Goodman pondered. "That escaping Conspirator. Something about that saddle........." Goodman though hard on the matter.
  6. HEAR YE, LORDS AND LADIES....... With the blessing of our Lord Chris, (and based on a suggestion by Tokamaps), I will be creating an "Index" for The History Thread. This will enable you to "look up" a particular "Article" from "The History Thread" and find what Page it is located on. This "daunting" task will be worthy of a "Quest", so give me some time to properly format it and decide which way I will be presenting it. Per form however - it will probably NOT be alphabetical. This is due to the additional of future articles (not sure). Check back from time to time for it's "official launching"!
  7. Well "fought" all participants! Congratulations to Tokamaps!? Good Luck to all in the next "Challenge"? :)
  8. Hi Tokamaps!? Unfortunately, you must have misread the YEAR of this entry on this Thread (2015). The series on Medieval Weapons was posted. You can find them (roughly 100 or so Articles) somewhere around Pages #8 onward on The History Thread Index. I recommend you checking out the "older" Posts. You can find just about EVERY type of Sword, Axe and whatnot from the 9th to 16th Centuries. You can also find short Articles on Medieval Battles, etc. There are even Articles on Famous Weapons used by Medieval Figures, Famous Castles, Medieval defense Systems, EVEN Military Fighting Orders (the list IS long!). If it will help, perhaps I can PM you a copy of The Index so you can go right to what you wish to read or see (be careful, there are well over 1,500 Articles!) Hope this helps!? :)
  9. Very clever! Well worth your Promotion as "Expert"!?? Keep up the excellent work!??? :)
  10. ?Very Well? said Goodman. He had just as soon run this Traitor through than ?Parley? with him. Too many of their ?Good Men? had been lost. Now it appears that they were dead due to treachery. Goodman could not tolerate that. ?You owe your life to this Good Man. Best not to come under my blade again!? Goodman cried over to a group of men. ?Guards, take charge of ?...THIS?. Goodman motioned to the Traitor on the ground. With a flourish of his cape, he turned and walked back to his position to find his Aide-de-Camp.
  11. Goodman waited until he saw the Horseman ride away. He could not quite tell who it was. No doubt a fellow Conspirator. But Goodman remembered the mount (and saddle). It would come in handy later. He noted the two men standing with their backs to him. ?Foolish tactic?, he thought. Goodman could see his Company moving forward across the field ? towards the tent. With cat-like speed, Goodman charge from the trees. His blade (at the highest he could hold it), he brought down with terrible force. His blade cleaved through the man's Barbute cleanly ? and kept slicing through! Somewhere between the poor souls upper rib cage and heart it stopped. The effusion of blood and gore was terrible. It was by not fair luck Goodman was spared from being covered it it. Withdrawing outward, the heap that was a man fell parted. The other Conspirator (now alerted), quickly turned his blade towards Goodman. He swung his sword in a wide right arch. Goodman countered with his own blade to create a mighty twang of metal upon metal. Goodman lowered his form towards the ground (to present a smaller target). Sweeping right with his blade, his enemy quickly darted back to avoid the swing (clearly aimed for his shins). Goodman rose. He grew tired of this dance. Began to swing and arch his blade in a pattern of the numeral ?eight?. Over and over (back and forth) ? creating a moving wall of cutting death with his blade. The enemy kept moving back to avoid the wild arch of Goodman's blade - and fell over a log! Goodman stopped his swinging. He instantly aimed his blade toward the throat of his foe. ?Now, wayward one! Let's us have a talk. And be mindful, if you do not answer or lie ? your corpse will rot by nightfall!?
  12. The Boy was tall and lanky. He appeared as would any Page or Steward that traveled with an Army. Leaning behind a tree, he heard the entire conversation. Brother Goodman could well use this information, he thought. Even more ? the reward would be great! He aspired to being a Knight. What better way to show others that he was a trusted asset. The boy ran fast back to where Brother Goodman was. The ?run? was short ? he ran into Goodman presently! ?My Lord!?, the boy said in a hurried tone. Goodman ?caught? the Lad square into his chest. ?Careful, Boy! You run too fast? - Goodman said. The Page spoke in a hurried pace. He told Goodman all that he had heard. Goodman paused. He knew of the boy. He was a faithful Page. He would not lie. ?Go back to my Formation and relate this to my Aid-de-Camp. Afterwards, find Sir Loring and do the same. Tell Loring to ?quietly? move his Archers to form next to my Square. If I am correct, another battle is a'brewing!? Goodman saw the boy run about his task. Goodman withdrew his Templar blade and moved towards the stand of trees where the Page had stood.
  13. Brother Goodman listened quietly to the Courier who had just brought him the news of Sir Richard. Indeed, grumbles from the men were spreading through the battlefield. Goodman assumed that the ?Wolverines? were either finished or had retreated. He did not think they would return. He looked at his men. Veterans all. But many were loyal to Richard. The question was how loyal? After the past hard won fight, Brother Goodman did not wish to become embroiled in a civil war. Goodman called over to a tall, older man from the front of ?The Square?. He was one of the last of the original questmen and survivor of ?The Battle of The Burning Grounds? (as Goodman named it). He trusted the man. Approaching Goodman, the man said....?My Lord?? ?I am placing you as my Aide-de-Camp. Have the men rest in place. Feed them, but watch and listen. ANY sounds of rebellion or discontent, send word to me IMMEDIATELY. I am going to learn some more about this ?tale? of Sir Richard. We should be careful. Sometimes ?traitors? can be ?invented?. IF Richard is indeed a ?traitor?, I myself will thrust a blade through his throat. If he is not, then the ?Teller of The Tale? will lose his head!
  14. Hi Frankel, I'm one of The Site Moderators - Crusader 1307. Sorry so late in welcoming you to the Site - Welcome!??? :) Interesting tactics you used! I might give your ideas on #8 a try sometime. Thanks for your information.
  15. Goodman looked at his men. Valiant and brave were they. ?Men, rest in place ? be mindful of another assault. This device we have taken is ours now. Guard it with your lives.? Goodman could see Sir Loring forming his men as well. He was unsure of their loses (if any). Surveying the immediate field, Goodman saw many spears (some broken, other not). He remembered another tactic. He announced in a loud voice to several of his men near by. ?Gather up as many of these spears ? broken or not. Drive them into the ground in front of you, as deep as you can. Make an outline of our ?Square?. In this, we will create a Fris to help us ? should anymore ?Wolverines? attack. The men went about and did as their Commander asked. Soon, a bristling wall of uneven spikes surrounded ?Goodman's Square?. Goodman and his men stood by at rest. And waited..........
  16. That's okay. You should Download it to our "Downloads Section" (for those of use who don't play on line). I'd like to see it "up close")? :)
  17. I agree with Nigel, nice picture!?? :)
  18. (OoC) Still not tired, Nigel....okay :) Recovering, Brother Goodman rallied his Company. Remembering an oft used tactic, he formed his Company into the shape of a Square. Goodman yelled, ?All shields to your fronts, make a wall in front of yourselves!? Doing so, Goodman furthered, ?Each man, place your swords out towards the enemy. On my command, we move one quick step at a time ? forward. Any enemy that approaches, repel with your shields and stab!? The strange sight no doubt caused The Wolverines to take pause. Here was this moving square of men ? rushing forward. Goodman stayed in the center of the shape. It was his task to ?prop up? any faltering and advance the Company. Goodman saw an undamaged Catapult to their front. That was his point of halt. Ordering his men forward, Goodman adjusted for direction. Line after line of the enemy ran haphazardly into this side and that side of Goodman's square. Each time his men slashed and thrust. Each assault was met with dead and dying Wolverines. ?Forward!? Goodman cried. On several occasions, Goodman's square ALMOST gave in. Each time, he would bolster the back of the 2 or 3 soldiers at that part of the square. He noticed a Lance (dropped by some dead Wolverine). Picking it up, he sheathed his blade. ?Much better?, though Goodman. The Lance was much better to go between his own soldiers and the enemy. Reaching the Catapult, Goodman cried ?Halt?. He ordered his men to encircle the device. Now, the enemy Catapult stood in the center of Goodman's square. Goodman also noted he had lost not one of his men. ?Deo Volente?!
  19. (OoC) AND Here we go!............ Goodman removed his cloak. Withdrawing his Swords, he held them at waist level. ?Company, Follow!? The range of men was 20. Not much of a force, but (as Goodman always said) ?Deo Volente?. The Company rushed out of their camp and towards a stand of fairly dense trees. The smoke and debris was thick and it was hard for Goodman to see. Suddenly several men rushed him, both with spears. The first man (somewhat younger), thrust his weapon straight for Goodman's chest. With a feign left, Goodman dodged the thrust and spun ? right. Coming out of this move, he thrust his Sword squarely into the soldiers chest!. Withdrawing his blade,? the man fell. The 2nd? soldier (a bit older), brought his spear parallel to his chest (in a ?Port Position?) and charged. Brother Goodman recovered from his thrust and brought his blade up into the ?High Guard? position. He brought it down in a left arch ? and took the man's head! The Company inched forward. Smoke and cries echoed throughout. This man and that fought and died. Some fell quickly, others were found horribly mutilated (missing arms and legs). Goodman kept yelling at his Company, ?Forward Men!? forward. He was proud, they fought like Lions. A large ?beast of a Man? charged Goodman, sword on high. In the smoke, Goodman saw a sight that he did not understand. Glancing at the soldier's tunic, he saw a Red Cross.....just as his! The man stopped as well. In the fury of the battle, here were two warriors ? standing in the midst of battle, united by a sign. ?Brother?? Said Goodman. ?Go another way. I do not wish to kill another of The Order?. The soldier replied. ?You go another way. Your blood or mine will stain this field today!? With that he flew forward. Swipe after swipe. Thrust after thrust. The two ?Lions? fought ? totally unaware of their surroundings. Being trained the same, it was like seeing a ?mirror image? of Goodman. Finally, seeing an opening in the soldier's defense, Goodman exploited it. Removing his Arming Sword, Goodman thrusted low ? into the Orderman's belly (and up through his Mail Skirt). He let out a scream of pain and fell. Goodman could not stop and mourn his enemy. He remembered were he lay. He pushed onward. Goodman saw that most of his Company was STILL alive. He continued to hack his way through the enemy ?Wolverines?. Then suddenly, Goodman saw a cloud of flaming arrows fly over. It was Sir Nigel and his Archers. They had taken aim at the Catapult. Hearing the thud of his arrows, Goodman saw the device begin to catch fire and burn. ?Deo Volente? indeed.
  20. Goodman checked the 30 odd Horsemen. Tall in their saddles, every one was a seasoned rider. Each had seen some form of combat. Several in the ?War of The Cross?. That was good. The coming onslaught would be great (and tragic). Some would go to God, other.......Brother Goodman sighed. It was always the same. Good men die. And Bad men thrive. They must coordinate their movements well if they were to surprise and take the location of The Duke's imprisonment. One this for sure, they WOULD get The Duke this time. Goodman sopke loud and clear. ?Men, check your equipment one last time. We will ride in a quarter hour.? Turning, he went over to Sir Loring to see how his preparations went. Goodman said ?How goes it, Sir Loring? Glory or Failure??
  21. Don't have time to Playtest, but I wanted to say VERY good job! (based on your Pictures). Very impressed!? :)
  22. Brother Goodman weighed the choices. ?Fine, let us form up into two groups. Yours will consist of only Archer's and Spearmen. You will be able to form a ?Melee? of sorts. With multiple lines of Archers to create many ?clouds? - as it were ? we should be able to keep the enemies head down. I will take riders and good Swordsmen to exploit your ?breach?. We should take a North and South approach. This way,? the enemies Front and Rear can be attacked at the same time. Will God's Grace, they won't know WHICH way to defend.? Goodman paused. ?What do you think??
  23. Yes, Welcome MisterEast! Glad you joined! We have a great Community here an I am sure you will enjoy our Site! We have "something for everyone" here.
  24. Brother Goodman slowly inhaled. The air was crisp. Although stiff from several days of resting his injured leg ? it felt good to be up.....and soon in battle! To his front was a line of 15 Archers arranged in 2 Rows. He looked forward from the second rank, seeing Sir Loring and his men in their ?scramble?. He spoke loudly. ?Aim high and over men. Wait until my command and let loose!? Goodman timed the distance in his head. Seeing that Sir Loring and his men were at a safe distance, Goodman shouted, ?LOOSE!? Suddenly, a cloud of arrows sailed up and over Loring and his band ? and straight into the oncoming Pack.
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