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Everything posted by Crusader1307

  1. I have no idea what Model Wellington Bomber it is either, but it is very GOOD. Like to see this in color without the lines, though. Excellent drawing of a German Fighter. Good eye! Keep up with your talent.? :D UPDATE: ?Stuff like this drives me crazy. I found out that the aircraft is a British Wellington-Vickers Mark I.? They were developed in 1936 as a Medium Range Anti-Submarine Bomber.
  2. Glad your back. Hope you enjoyed such a great Fortress!??? :D
  3. I honestly can't either! BUT....if you know how to do "stone", try it with your walkways. If it does (and I realize it IS time consuming) then you can "paint" the surrounding location with Swamp.
  4. Due to the issue with Swamps not being able to work with any higher elevations, I don't think you can. You might try the old "Lower Walls" trick and then the Swamp effect. We may have a Tutorial. If not I can try to put something together for you this weekend.
  5. I didn't read this till way late (my time). I had a similar ?problem back in the day. You figured it out though. It is a great effect but can't really be added to.
  6. My Prayers are with you Matthew,? whatever it is...hang tough!? :)
  7. Yet again, The "Chair" recognizes "The Gentleman" from California.......................... Another of The US Constitutional Amendments (1st), that gives all Citizens the right to say what they wish, when they wish. Again, as a Veteran, I served to give ALL Americans this right (regards of the fact if I agree with it or not). That being said, Persons in disagreement with National Government or Policy also have the same right. However, when one advocates Sedition or the violent overthrow of Government, I take issue. I know in some Countries, such "speech and action" can warrant imprisonment and death. I don't advocate that. Exile maybe.........(Ha). I have always applied the rule that one should "Let Them Rant On, So that Men Shall Know Them Mad". Rational and cool headed Persons (regardless of Country) cannot be harmed by this. As for "Radical Groups", as a "Southerner", I never paid The Klan any attention anyway. I do the same for the other "Pointy Head" Groups. They have only the power that our fear and ignorance gives them........... Keep It Up, Matthew!
  8. Why not just submit them to The Downloads Section as "Misc". I am sure someone will tweek them if they wish.
  9. American too has a VERY similar "Reasonable Force" Code in force. Although the momentary "insanity" or "not in your right mind" clause is NOT a "defense". You can only use that force necessary to stop your attacker (even if it is deadly force in specific situations). Some States have very lax laws governing self-defense, others VERY tough (and sometimes they are written as if if provided more protection for the criminal than the victim!) Trespass Laws are VERY different with regards to "deadly force" here. I have always admired the English System. I would unfortunately never work here. But much of "our" system is based off yours anyway. Again VERY interesting topic Matthew....good job at spurring debate!?? :D
  10. Interesting question, Matthew. I suppose I can speak with some ?authority? on the matter (Ha). In The US, Firearms always have been a ?part? of our Culture (for bad and good). We here grew up (in my day), idolizing the ?Cowboy? and ?Soldier? and how they ?shot and killed? (for whatever cause). A common error for most Americans is that they do not quite understand HOW the 2nd Amendment to The US Constitution works. The 2nd Amendment states that all Americans have the right to ?bear Arms?. Our Founding Fathers were well aware of what this meant. Of course all Americans then HAD to own a firearm (whereas it was one's survival with regards to hunting food). The Amendment was designed to form a Militia System (in lieu of a standing Army at the time). All ?men? were expected to participate in (and fight) against Great Britain (The Revolution). I really don't think The Founding Fathers envisioned just how firearms would alter America. Crime unfortunately will develop in any Society (as does the means with which criminals function). The average American (although very much aware of guns, massacres and such) ? does not own a firearm. The over zealous few who do are normally the ones who make ?The Press?. Many times they suffer from mental or emotional issues that should preclude them from gun ownership. However, EACH State has it's own regulations (due the the very few enforced Federally). Having served in Public Safety (and a Military Veteran) ? for over 30 years, I have seen both sides of this problem. Most law abiding Citizens who get firearms are woefully untrained to use them for defense. A 1-week course in shooting is not the same as full tactical training. If your going to own a gun (I often say), realize what it is REALLY used for. If you do not wish to take the weapon (or proper training) seriously, why spend thousands of dollars to own one? Another issue is assault rifles. MANY ?hunters? and the like own Military-type weapons and rifles. These were designed for one purpose ? killing other humans in combat (not bears and deer). Further, IF an intruder breaks into your home, IF you cannot defend yourself with a handgun, WHAT will an AK-47 do? I believe that every American has the right to defend his or her property and family with a firearm IF THEY CHOOSE to. I further think that guns should be extremely regulated with regards to who can or can't own them (as well as stiff and harsh punishments for illegal ownership or their use in commission of a crime). AN American Comedian once said that the problem is not the gun.....it's the bullets. IF all bullets cost $5,000 to $10,000 (USD) EACH ? people would either stop using guns (or think twice about firing a bullet!)
  11. So glad you're back Young Lord! ?(Ha). Spending time with Family ?is infinitely more important.?
  12. I agree also, but for me "To Whom ....." is impersonal. ?A name would really help.?
  13. Tough one. It depends on what Country. The protocol list is long. Are you writing to a Professor in your Country (and in English? ) - or to one in another Country. If you can narrow it a bit........ True, even in America we are taught "Dear" 90% of the time. However when addressing certain Offices, the rules change (even more so with The UK System)
  14. Are they purchased items from a Marketplace? Maybe the AI does this on purpose? Good question, though.
  15. Excellent "wood work" on your Port Dock!
  16. Welcome to Stronghold Nation, Lord Hunerfutter! I've done the "Ship thing" in the past as well. Some interesting techniques! Thanks for sharing! I am sure many of the Members can use this as well!??? :)
  17. Attention My Lords and Ladies.......... Just an announcement for Fans of LOTR and Game of Thrones....Look for a New series of Articles on both The Armor and Weapons of LOTR and Game of Thrones in the coming weeks (and Months!). For you Heraldry Fans, also look forward to a series of Articles on The Coats of Arms of The Game of Thrones. You won't be disappointed. As Fantasy, look for them both in The Monsters & Myths Thread!
  18. Hi, Wynette - and welcome to The Site! I am sure some other Members will play (be patient), someone is ALWAYS around. :)
  19. Welcome to The Nation!? If you have any questions please ask. Someone is always around to answer them! Please look around The Forums and different Threads. I am sure you will find something to interest you! :)
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