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  • Your Account: Individual members are held entirely responsible for their own account security and activity. It is recommended that you make use of a secure password, for instance using NordPass, and you also have the extra option of Two-Factor Authentication. You may not share your account details without prior written permission from an Administrator, and no duplicate accounts are permitted.
  • Ad Hominem: No abusive message or post regarding another user or individual will be tolerated under any circumstance.
  • Advertising: Advertising is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Creating entire threads or posts purely for purposes intended to gain publicity.
    • Constant off topic posts or threads which contain links to your own website, blog or social media, or are for the purposes of derailing the topic.
    • Posting links to completely irrelevant websites.
    • Donation links, payment links or other links which are used for commercial purposes.
    • Unenforceable offers or scams (e.g. "Earn £15,000 a year selling chocolate to Pandas").
    • Any post or topic made for a commercial purpose or intent without the prior permission from an Administrator.
  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism is forbidden on this Community. If you wish to use the words of another user, author or organisation, quote them in your post using the correct formatting. Persistent abuse of the quote system i.e. by quoting every previous reply above your own post may result in warnings and/or bans.
  • Spamming: You may not spam under any circumstance. This includes, but it not limited to:
    • Pointless single line posts or thread bumping.
    • Constant off-topic posts or threads.
    • Typing gibberish or nonsensical messages.
    • Posts in any language other than English.
    • Posting messages without relevant content.
    • Copying existing content into new or existing threads on the forum as if it is your own.
    • Incinating a forum war or riot.
    • Flooding the forum with similar meaning messages or duplicate posting..
    • Post count farming.
    • Links to your own websites, services or free "__" links.
    • Fraudulent activity (Pyramid schemes, chain letters, etc.)
    • Necro posting.
  • Edit Abuse: You may not edit your post and remove all the content or topic title, or replace them with nonsensical words, phrases or other meaningless terms intended to delete or remove the content you posted or bypass post deletion measures. This website operates an edit timelimit on user posts in an attempt to preserve information and prevent abuse. Users who attempt to circumvent this, or delete all content from a post or thread will have their ability to edit future posts removed.
  • Staff decisions are final: Stronghold Nation trusts the appointed staff members to use their discernment in assessing the intention of members in this community. If the staff member feels that any portion of content, including the signature or avatar, is intended to be disruptive, insulting or inappropriate, they are empowered to remove or alter the content and in worst case, ban the member. If a staff member asks you to stop doing something you must answer their request. You may not argue with our staff members, nor may you publicly complain about staff decisions on this website. If you have any issues with a staff member, please personal message an Administrator, or an Administrator one user group higher than the said staff member.
  • Username Conditions: Usernames are subject to the same conditions as content and images in posts. In addition to these, usernames must also not contain or represent, directly or indirectly:
    • A domain name, website title or company/organisational name.
    • Including a TLD as part of your username.
    • An email address.
    • Impersonating other community members, companies or websites.
    • 'Donate to me' styled messages.
    • Anything for a commercial product or service.
    • Anything with a commercial connotation (e.g. "CASH", "gambling", "finance")
    • Any form of religious, racial or sexual connotation.
    • Services, products, organisations or other technologies (such as e.g. "Crypto", eCommerce products or business names).
    • Non-latin characters (e.g. usernames may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and characters such as underscores or spaces)
    • Similar username to Stronghold Nation staff members, for example Lord Chris instead of Lord_Chris (Webmaster)
  • Signature Posts: Signature posts are intended for users to personalise their accounts, not as an excuse to advertise, spam or be inappropriate. Content and images in signatures are subject to the same conditions as posts. Additional rules are as follows:
    • Your signature must be setup from your profile, not manually added to every post.
    • Graphic images must not exceed 400x80 pixels (total width of entire signature).
    • Your signature may not contain any pricing, sales or product information.
    • You may not use slogans in your signature (e.g. "Top quality websites starting at ...").
    • You may not include affiliate links or links which contain affiliate IDs.
    • You may not include donation links.
    • You may not include scams or unenforceable offers (e.g. "Earn £15,000 a year selling chocolate to Pandas").
    • Signatures must not contain more than 4 hyperlinks.
    • Signatures must not be all uppercase.
    • Signatures must not contain more than 3 font colours.
  • Please post in Standard English: We fully respect the diversity of languages, however we need to ensure these forums remain readable and in uniform. The single exception to this rule is in your signature post, where a quote (e.g. in Latin) can be used.
  • Reputation usage: Stronghold Nation utilises a reputation or "like" system on our community. You may not abuse this via any means. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Attempting to circumvent daily quotas of reputation usage.
    • Repeatedly adding or removing reputation from specific members.
    • Trying to "game" the system, or playing the reputation of yourself or other members.
    • Registering duplicate or multiple accounts to boost/remove your own reputation or that of other members.
    • Utilising the reputation system for retribution or personal dislike.
  • Abbreviations: No excessive use of abbreviations or instant messaging shorthand will be accepted. Stronghold Nation is a global community and members come from all countries around the world. If we cannot read your posts, we cannot be sure whether they follow the rules. The single exception to this rule is for abbreviations such as ITV, BBC, SHN (Stronghold Nation) because they are widely understood.
  • No Minors: No individual under the age of 13 is permitted to register an account on this website, or to knowingly provide any personal information to us in any way, including with the express approval of a parent or guardian. Any user found to be under the age of 13 will be subject to immediate account deletion. If you are under the age of 13 and wish to use this website your parent or guardian must use an account on your behalf.
  • Keep things PG rated at all times: You may not post or link to sexual content in any way. Users of all ages use this website and we do not wish for guests or members to have to view this while accessing the site.
  • Piracy, Trainers, Cracks, Key Generators: Piracy, or the illegal copying of programs, software, films or other forms of media, is strictly prohibited under any circumstance. Trainers are third-party programs which attempt to alter the game memory whilst a player is playing the game, allowing the player to cheat or unlock other abilities, which are also strictly prohibited. The modification of software to remove or disable protection methods or copyright (Cracks) and  programs that attempt to generate serial numbers or other information required for software registration or other means of validation (Key Generators) are all prohibited and will not be tolerated.
  • Software Modifications: No software modification which directly impacts or influences the compiled files of games (i.e. .exe, .dll) will be tolerated under any circumstance. This mainly relates to a new form of modification which is a separate application "injecting" modifications into the game while it is playing. If you are unsure about whether your application falls into this category, please contact a Moderator to discuss it further.
  • Personal messaging: Personal messaging may not be used to aid in the assistance of Piracy, Cracks, Key Generators, Software Modifications or any form of activity which is either illegal, offensive, harmful or against these rules or website Terms and Conditions. Any attempt to gain support over the personal messaging system for such topics will result in an immediate account suspension and permanent removal of your ability to use the personal messaging system in future.
  • AI Systems/Crawlers: You may not use AI Web Crawlers or systems to harvest our content, visit our webpages or collect data from our website via any means or for any purpose. Users who abuse this rule will have their account permanently suspended in perpetuity, without any appeal and with no ability to register again in future.
  • Use of AI Systems: You agree not to use Artifical Intelligence systems in relation to this website under any circumstance, including for purposes of creating your messages, forum threads or other content. Artificial Intelligence is a dangerous, highly unstable and experimental technology, and not welcome at Stronghold Nation.
