SH2 Map unlocker

9th Nov 2013
Stronghold 2
No of Estates:
Map Type:
No of Players:
File Size:
23.30 KB
Made With:

By Lord_Chris

The stronghold 2 map unlocker, along with the toolkit, will allow you to edit pre-made game campaign maps.

You must have java runtime environment (JRE) installed for this to work - download it below if you don't have it installed. Once you open the file, it should automatically go to the


folder (unless you changed the installation path, in which case you will have to navigate yourself there)

All maps you wish to unlock must be copied to the:



Any problems, please comment below. Good luck :)

You will also need to download the Custom Messaging & briefings toolkit, here

1st Sep 2016

Thanks for creating this! I cannot seem to unlock "Kill Barkley" or "Great Britain". I copied the map into the C:\My Documents\Stronghold 2\Maps from C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefly Studios\Stronghold 2\maps. I get the message on the unlocker reading: Load or unlock failed; check file is not in use or is read-only. I do not have any programs or games open at the time. Any help would be appreciated.

1st Sep 2016

Hi @t_plunger101,

Sometimes this is a random error that can occur on Windows. When this has happened to me before with other files, once restarting my computer it was fine.

For some reason Windows thinks it's still transferring the file from one location to another and locks it in that way until you restart.

If that is not the problem, you can find out how to remove the read-only attribute of a file here:

Let me know how it goes.

[Edited by Lord_Chris on 1st Sep 2016 08:27:03]

22nd Sep 2018

How do I get the Jar file to run? I have the latest JRE downloaded but I can't seem to get it to work.. help please!

24th Sep 2018

Is it as simple as downloading this file, and copying the maps from the Drive to the documents maps folder? I already did that after downloading the file and JRE and I still could not find them in the editor or custom.

24th Sep 2018

Yes, that should work. But you need to use the map unlocker on the files once you've copied them.

25th Sep 2018

How do I use the unlocker on the map files? Every time I open the jar file windows asks me what app i want to use to open it and I can't find JRE. Help :)

25th Sep 2018

Nevermind my brother helped me out with that. Could you possibly help me with an endeavor over on the SH2 forum page? I am needing help from experts like you guys :P

29th Sep 2018
4th Mar 2023

Hi. The JAVA for the map unlocker is no longer appears to be available. Is there a way to make it work?

4th Mar 2023

Hi Cortez,

Thanks for letting us know and sorry you're experiencing this - we're aware of this problems and some of the team are currently trying to create a workaround.

In short - unfortunately the map unlocker no longer works on the latest versions of Java which means the entire program needs to be completely rewritten.

We're trying our best but it will take a little bit of time to get things in order again. In the meantime, I do have one computer which has a working version on.

If you'd like, feel free to PM me and attach the castle you'd like unlocking and as a short term measure I don't mind doing this for you.