"The Tower of Ice v4" is an edited version of the original map The tower of Ice 1.2 from Heavengames. This map has given some polish in order to allow for low economy games with moderate peace time.
Key changes:
The people of the north are used to harsh weather and are no strangers to war. They have fought for their land and people against the strongest enemys but nothing prepared them for this.
For years the dark lord has been mustering a dark alliance of men and monsters while the people of the north, the closest to his lands thought themselves safe. How wrong they were. How wrong...
The tower of Ice
News of a great host had reached our ears. There were whispers around that it was the dark master. The lord of all evil , but that couldn't be true. He had been skulking around inside his own lands for decades. But why? said a dark voice inside my head. Why. What was he doing? I looked around me and saw men murmering to themselves and there was women holding a baby. Of course Because of this news men were being called to arms. I saw a man come over and hug the women with a quick kiss on the cheek. He started to walk away but she grabbed his arm and tearfully begged him to stay, but he shook her off and stalked away. I could see tears in his eyes. A baby started crying and i looked back at the women who's husband had been called to the army. I looked around again in the other direction. Only one person i could see was not crying.
A girl about my age was sat on a rock with her head down. She looked up at me and smiled when she saw that i was staring at her. I blushed a deep crimson and stared at my feet. She came over to me and much to my embaressment and asked why i had been staring at her. "Erm because... Never mind... erm... I noticed you weren't crying and i wondered why". I blushed again. she noticed and laughed. Aww bless ive embaressed you now. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked off. Weird, I thought. Suddenly there was a large trumpet. The warning call.i looked around in panic and saw men scrablling for their swords. i grabbed oneand soon found a sheild. being 15 i was just egligble for the army and if you were you had to fight.
I ran onto the wall and my heart sank. Not becuase there were thousands of soldiers. No. My heart sank becuase of the flag the enemy were carrying.
Great map for those who want to play Stronghold Legends multiplayer online!