SHL AI Castle Editor

31st Aug 2024
Stronghold Legends
No of Estates:
Very Easy
Map Type:
No of Players:
File Size:
32.34 MB
Made With:
v1.3 Steam
27th Sep 2024 21:36
Updated by:

By Asophix

Stronghold Legends AI Castle Editor

This file is a community program that can be used to view and alter the castle designs for Stronghold Legends.

How to install

Simply unpack the .zip file to a desired location on your file system, then launch SHL AI Castle Editor v0.7.exe. The archive includes Java and the necessary binaries, running out of the box.

How to use

Stronghold Legends uses .aic files to tell the AI how to build its castle (the center is defined by a keep flag in the Map Editor). This is a collection of buildings and troop markers, which can be replaced and moved in the editor, freely on a canvas.

To access the castles for the game, locate the "castles" folder and open a certain .aic from there, in the Editor. The Editor can take note of this directory, as well as the last 10 designs used. The working directory can be placed anywhere, but remember to save the desired designs back to "castles".

On the right side, a few tabs can be interacted with. You can add/remove buildings and markers, obtain detailed information from a selected building, or filter the building view.

How does the AI actually build?

Much like with a recipe, the AI loops through a list of buildings in the design and tries to build them each where defined. The AI also knows what buildings to build (e.g. stone quarries), so not every building must be included.

Building order is based on priority, where the building with Priority 1 will be attempted to be built first. It is possible that the AI will skip a building and re-visit it later, if it doesn't have the resources. You can add extra buildings for the AI that are normally not built by it.

Troop markers tell the AI where to send certain defenders, like ranged defense, troops standing guard, and patrol groups. These posts are randomly filled and the AI spreads a certain number of troops among all available posts, per group type. Patrols will try to move between patrol points, while other troops will wait around.

Can I edit how the AI behaves?

Sadly not. The .aic only tells the AI how to build a castle with a proper defense; the AI still decides on its own, what troops to recruit, and how to attack and trade.

Leaving feedback

If you got any feedback, or a bug to report, please open a forum post or send a Direct Message to my profile on Stronghold Nations! (Asophix).

This editor is a beta version and may receive updates & improvements in the future.

Happy editing!