This scenario was built and tested with CivCity:Rome version 1.0. As noted below there are some issues that may be fixed with the advertised new release.
You will need flour and cash, lots of flour and cash. That's what you are there for.
Empire requests for big numbers with no icon shown are tax demands. The presentation of this may be fixed in the new release.
On occasion the first demand for a new level of supply of flour or cash is repeated several times (3-10). This is not intentional and is to do with an apparent problem with the handling of multiple events triggering off a resource level when there are many events happening, it will hopefully be fixed in the new release. For the purposes of the story I could not see a way round using this mechanism, so if it happens you will just have to cope. Imagine it is a frightful bureaucratic error or something.
Note that depending on what you are doing (e.g. off in the empire), the verbal warning about receiving new demands from the senate may be suppressed. Also only the first of multiple requests received at the same time is advertised, so it is probably worth checking the empire requests panel every now and then anyway.
To check or fulfil an empire request go to wreath/blue map, highlight the line you want then hit the cart to ship it. See the manual.
While you are at it the roads around there are disgraceful...
OK, so the scenario has a fort and is not purely civilian, but I'm sure that in a newly conquered province the legions were not idle, especially when the tax man came knocking.
I suppose Brentford had a latin name, but I don't know it. The ford over the river Brent near its junction with the Thames has been a strategic route since before the Romans. Archaeological evidence of prehistoric settlements and a Roman agricultural settlement at Brentford from the 1st to 4th century AD has been found. The main east-west Roman road from London went via the ford at Brentford to Silchester. This Roman road remained the main route west from London for over a thousand years and lies under the present High Street (the A315).
This scenario is vaguely set some time after the third (Claudian) invasion of Britain and before the Scottish border was stabilised.
Why Brentford? Because it is close to London and hence works as a fudge to get round restrictions in empire map selection. Likewise olives have to be grown locally...
There ain't no commercial fishing in the Thames, not these days anyway.
Please note this file was originally published on the old CivCity Rome forums which have since closed down. The credits for this file are retained fully by their original owners. However, we wanted to republish the file here on Stronghold Nation in the absence of any other CivCity Rome files now available elsewhere.