Build a new colonia for Veterans of the Legions near a crossing of the river Colne.
This scenario was built and tested with CivCity:Rome version 1.1.
This is a free build scenario.
For lack of an appropriate empire map, there isn't one, you will just have to be self sufficient. FYI you are in East Anglia.
You can always torch warehouses full of wood...
Camulodunum (present day Colchester) was founded by the Romans in AD49 and was the first colonia in Britain (a town built for legionary veterans with legal and commercial privilages). For a while it was the effective capital of the new province of Britannia until supplanted by London around AD60. It was destroyed by fire during the Boudiccan revolt and rebuilt on a grander scale. There is evidence of another extensive fire in the mid second century. Throughout the Roman period it was the Roman administrative captial for the tribal lands of the Trinovantes.
Camulodunum was located on level ground in a loop of the river Colne near a pre-existing British settlement and an old legionary fort. The Roman Stane Street ran through the site and on to the crossing of the Thames at London.
Please note this file was originally published on the old CivCity Rome forums which have since closed down. The credits for this file are retained fully by their original owners. However, we wanted to republish the file here on Stronghold Nation in the absence of any other CivCity Rome files now available elsewhere.