Have you ever wanted to enjoy having a massive castle with everything absolutely maxed out in it already built for you an ready to use? Have you ever wanted to relax by watching your peasants and workers do their daily work in your castle? Well in that case this map is made for you!
In here you take control of the Great Quanna Castle. This castle is an absolute beast in terms of Productivity, Security and Stability! everything is perfectly maxed out and balanced here and you will have the maximum amount of honour and gold easily produced from this castle. I've worked on this project for years now and made daily improvements and optimizations to make it as balanced and perfect as possible. in this castle you will have Huge Iron, Stone and Wood production, Huge Weapons production, Huge Clothes and Fetch production and basically lots and lots of everything. You can also host Exulted religious ceremonies in the Church here without even using 10% of the produced candles. the same goes for Inn and Ale Coverage. You can also enjoy watching the largest feasts with 6-7 types of food, maximum guests, dances at every single time and everything hosted in this castle. The Quanna Castle also offers maximum security against both interior and exterior treats. There are tons of Gong Pits and Falconer Posts placed spreadly all around the castle so all the Gongs and Rats will be taken care of as soon as possible. the same goes for the Criminals. There are 3 Guard Posts placed right in front of the Granary and 2 Guard Posts provided for each pair of 5 hovels so as soon as one of the peasants gets converted into a Criminal, no matter if it gets respawned in front of their hovel or attempts to steal from the granary, they will be instantly captured and delivered to the CourtHouse winch is also placed right in middle of the line of hovels. 2 Torturer Guilds are also placed right next to the courtyard aswell as 4 execution blocks to take care of the criminals as soon as possible(ignore the crime indicator always being at -3 cuz i've set the crime rate to maximum in scenario editor just for fun). The Quanna Castle is perfectly immune to exterior threats such as enemy armies/outlaws/wolves or bears as well. There are two layers of thick walls protecting the city with water pits between them. The walls are well-equippted with all sorts of Military defences such as fire-logs and stone tippers and lots of archers. The Castle has Great Towers placed in its corners with Archers and Ballistas as well and the 2-Layer Gatehouse is also secured with all sorts of traps and defences to maintain the maximum security from enemies outside.
But there are a few small steps to take to set up the castle everytime you want to use it:
1- There is a huge pair of knights in middle of the castle. those are there to provide instant idle peasants for the buildings. select all of them and disband them as soon as you've entered the game.
2(Optional)- You can also set the Food Rations to Double, Ale Coverage level to Max, Church Mass to Exulted and The Taxes Rate to Extra Cruel to gain the maximum amount of gold and honour from the castle.
Hope you all enjoy relaxing with this castle i've made! if you have any suggestions on how to improve it feel free to leave a comment down below! Also im working on The Stronghold Crusader version of this castle aswell! Be waiting for it! :)